Full Text / Transcription of BNA-DIG-ARUBATODAY-2014-08-08 (2024)

authorizes renewed airstrikes in Iraq
President Barack Obama arrives to speak about the situation in Iraq in the State Dining Room at the White House in Washington, Thursday, Aug. 7, 2014. Associated Press
ROBERT BURNS Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama announced Thursday night he had authorized the Pentagon to launch targeted airstrikes if needed to protect Americans from Islamic militants in northern Iraq and help Iraqi security forces protect civilians under siege, threatening to revive U.S. military involvement in the country’s long sectarian war.
In a televised late-night statement from the White House, Obama also said American military forces had already carried out airdrops of humanitarian aid to tens of thousands of Iraqi religious minorities desperately in need of food and water.
“Today America is coming to help,” he declared.
The announcements reflected the deepest American engagement in Iraq since U.S. troops withdrew in late 2011 after nearly a decade of war.
Obama said the humanitarian airdrops were made at the request of the Iraqi government. The food and water supplies were delivered to the tens of thousands of Yazidis trapped on a mountain without food and water. The Yazidis, who follow an ancient religion with ties to Zoroastrianism, fled their homes after the Islamic State group issued an ultimatum to convert to Islam, pay a religious fine, flee their homes or face death. Obama, who has staked much of his legacy as president on ending the Iraq war, acknowledged that the prospect of a new round of U.S. military action would be a cause for concern among many Americans. He vowed anew not to put American combat troops back on the ground in Iraq and said there was
no U.S. military solution to the crisis.
“As commander in chief, I will not allow the United States to be drawn into fighting another war in Iraq," Obama said.
Even so, he outlined a rationale for airstrikes if the Islamic State militants advance on American troops in the northern city of Irbil and the U.S. consulate there. The troops were sent to Iraq earlier this year as part of the White House response to the extremist group's swift movement
across the border with Syria and into Iraq.
“When the lives of American citizens are at risk, we will take action,” Obama said. “That's my responsibility as commander in chief.”
He said he had also authorized the use of targeted military strikes if necessary to help the Iraqi security forces protect civilians. Obama spoke following a day of urgent discussions with his national security team. He addressed the nation only after the Amer ican military aircraft delivering food and water to the Iraqis had safely left the drop site in northern Iraq. The Pentagon said the airdrops were performed by one C-17 and two C-130 cargo aircraft that together delivered a total of 72 bundles of food and water. They were escorted by two F/A-18 fighters from an undisclosed air base in the region.
The planes delivered 5,300 gallons of fresh drinking water and 8,000 pre-packaged meals and were over
the drop area for less than 15 minutes at a low altitude.
The president cast the mission to assist the Yazidis, who follow an ancient religion with ties to Zoroastrianism, as part of the American mandate to assist around the world when the U.S. has the unique capabilities to help avert a massacre.
In those cases, Obama said, “we can act carefully and responsibly to prevent a potential act of genocide.”□
FRIDAY 8 AUGUST 20141 tfr rllUll I _ ^ 4 “ ^
Republican incumbent Alexander beats tea partyers
Sen.Lamar Alexander celebrates after defeating State Sen. Joe Carr, Thursday Aug. 7, 2014 in Nashville, Tenn.
Associated Press
STEVEN R. HURST Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — The
conservative tea party movement tried and failed Thursday to knock incumbent Tennessee Republican Sen. Lamar Alexander off the ballot in November's congressional elections, after unsuccessful attempts in five other states. Republican Lamar Alexander became the latest U.S. senator to fend off a tea party challenge in a primary race Thursday, defeating a state senator who had used a familiar tactic in trying to cast him as an outof-touch insider. Alexander’s win dealt another blow to national tea party momentum after the stunning primary win over Republican Rep. Eric Cantor in Virginia in June.
In Tennessee, State Sen. Joe Carr had high-profile endorsem*nts from tea party-allied figures, but he could not overcome Alexander's fundraising advantage and 40 years in Tennessee politics. Alexander held a double-digit lead with more than 50 percent of precincts reporting.
In heavily Republican Tennessee,
Alexander is strongly favored to win re-election in November.
So far this year, the argument that sitting senators have lost their connection with voters hasn't been a winner. Most recently . Pat Roberts of Kansas held off a tea party-backed challenge earlier this week. Alexander had sought to avoid any chance Carr or Flinn could cast him as an insider by locking down key endorsem*nts and spending the final few weeks of the campaign on a 35-stop bus tour around the state stressing his ability to get results in a divided Senate. Alexander,
74, has served two terms as the state’s governor and two terms in the Senate. Also on the Tennessee ballot Thursday is embattled Republican Rep. Scott DesJarlais, a physician from the small south Tennessee town of Jasper who won re-election in 2012 despite revelations that he once urged a patient he was dating to seek an abortion. With nearly 50 percent of precincts reporting he was running about even with state Sen. Jim Tracy.
After the election, court officials released franscripfs of divorce proceedings that included DesJarlais admitting under oath that he had eight affairs, encouraged a lover to get an
abortion and used a gun to intimidate his first wife during an argument.
Last year, DesJarlais was reprimanded and fined by the Tennessee Board of Medical Examiners in May for having sex with patients. But the congressman has since doubled down on his
tea party credentials and has dismissed the details about his personal life as “old news.” He faces state Sen. Jim Tracy, who has far outraised the incumbent.
In the state's majority black 9th Congressional District, Democratic Rep. Steve Cohen, a white and Jewish
Memphis native, defeated attorney Ricky Wilkins. Wilkins, who is AfricanAmerican, had sought to highlight ethnic and racial differences between Cohen and his constituents in the district, which Cohen has represented since 2006.Q
This Tuesday, June 3, 2014 file photo. Sen. John Walsh, D-Mont., leaves the Capitol in Washington.
Associated Press
LISA BAUMANN Associated Press HELENA, Montana (AP) — A
Democratic senator said Thursday he is dropping his campaign for office amid allegations that he plagia rized large portions of a 2007 research project he wrote for a master's degree.
U.S. Sen. John Walsh of Montana, who was appointed by the state’s gov
U.S. Senate candidate leaves race amid probe
ernor when the seat was vacated, said he is leaving the race but will serve until his term ends in January 2015, when the winner of November’s election is sworn in. Walsh's decision is likely to give a boost to Republican Congressman Steve Daines, who is giving up his House of Representatives seat to run for Senate. Republicans need to gain a net of six seafs in the election to take control of the Senate, and Walsh faced a tough race against Daines even before the plagiarism allegations.
“I am ending my campaign so that I can focus
on fulfilling fhe responsibility entrusted to me as your U.S. senator,” the former National Guard commander said in a statement to supporters. “You deserve someone who will always fight for Montana, and I will.” The announcement comes as a U.S. Army War College investigation is set to begin Aug. 15 into the paper Walsh wrote, which he previously said unintentionally contained wrongfully cited passages.
Lee Newspapers of Montana first reported Walsh’s departure from the race.
His decision allows Montana’s Democratic Party to
hold a nominating convention to choose a replacement candidate before an Aug. 20 deadline.
Gov. Steve Bullock appointed Walsh in February to replace Max Baucus, who resigned from fhe Senate to become ambassador to China. Republicans blasted Bullock’s appointment of his lieutenant governor as a political move designed to gain an advantage in the elections.
The New York Times revealed the extensive use of unattributed material in Walsh’s paper about the spread of democracy in the Middle EastO
U.S. NEWS!*?
U.S. weighs airstrikes and humanitarian aid in Iraq
JULIE PACE ROBERT BURNS Associated WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama approved airdrops of humanitarian supplies to thousands of religious minorities in Iraq who are under siege from Islamic militants, but he was still weighing whether to combine that assistance with U.S. airstrikes, officials said Thursday night. Airstrikes were under consideration in part out of concern that U.S. military trainers stationed in Iraq’s north were threatened by the Islamic State group, the officials said. The Islamic State fighters have made gains toward the Kurdish capital city of Irbil. The U.S. has a diplomatic consulate in Irbil as well as a military operations center that was set up recently to advise and assist the Iraqi military in that region. Obama met with his national security team throughout Thursday to discuss the crisis as the Islamic State group made further gains. Airstrikes in particular would mark a significant shift in the U.S. strategy in Iraq, where the military fully withdrew in late 2011 after nearly a decade of war.
Officials said Obama could announce a decision as early as Thursday night. The officials insisted on anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the matter by name.
In New York, Iraq's ambassador to the United Nations said there was “some communication between Baghdad and Washington” on the issue of airstrikes. But none were underway, said the ambassador, Mohamed Alhakim, following emergency consultations on Iraq with the U.N. Security Council.
The humanitarian supplies would go to assist the tens of thousands of Yazidis trapped on a mountain without food and water. The Yazidis, who follow an ancient religion with ties to Zoroastrianism, fled their homes after the Islamic State group issued an ultimatum to convert to Is lam, pay a religious fine, flee their homes or face death.
“The situation is nearing a humanitarian catastrophe,” White House spokesman Josh Earnest said. “We are gravely concerned for their health and safety.”
In recent days, the Islamic State militants have also swept through villages in the north that are home to thousands of Iraqi Christians. Furthering their gains, the extremists seized Iraq's largest dam Thursday, gaining control of enormous power and water resources and access to the river that runs through the heart of Baghdad.
It was unclear when the humanitarian assistance would reach the Iraqis. U.S. officials were tightlipped about the operation in part out of concern for the safety of those involved in the mission. Obama used the threat of an imminent humanitarian crisis as a rationale for limited U.S. military action in Libya in 2010, as forces loyal to Moammar Gadhafi threatened a massacre in Benghazi. The U.S. and NATO partners launched a bombing campaign over Libya, with Obama moving forward without congressional approval.
If the president were to approve airstrikes in Iraq, it's all but certain that he would proceed without formal congressional approval. Lawmakers left town last week for a fiveweek recess, and there was no sign Thursday that Congress was being called back.
Some Republicans have expressly called for the president to take action and have said he doesn’t need the approval of lawmakers.
Iraq has been under siege for months by the al-Qaida-breakaway group seeking to create an Islamic state in territory it controls in Iraq and Syria. Iraqi government forces, Kurds and allied tribal militiamen have been struggling to dislodge the militants and their Sunni allies
Protesters ask for help for Yazidi people who are stranded by violence in northern Iraq, Thursday, Aug. 7, 2014, across from the White House in Washington. Associated Press
with little apparent success
The Iraqi government has sought military assistance
from the U.S., but Obama has resisted. □
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U.S. official: Scale of Ebola crisis unprecedented
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Dr. Tom Frieden, left, talks with Rep. Chris Smith, R-N.J., as he arrives to on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, Aug. 7, 2014, testify before the House subcommittee on Africa, Global Health, Global Human Rights, and International Organizations hearing on “Combating the Ebola Threat.”
Associated Press
current Ebola crisis in West Africa is on pace to sicken more people than all other previous outbreaks of the disease combined, the health official leading the U.S. response said Thursday.
The next few weeks will be critical, said Dr. Tom Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which is sending more workers into the affected countries to help.
“It will be a long and hard fight," Frieden told a congressional committee Thursday.
In his prepared testimony, he estimated it would take at least three to six months to end the outbreak, under what he called a bestcase scenario.
Frieden said the outbreak, which began in March, is unprecedented in part because it's in a region of Africa that never has dealt with Ebola before and has particularly weak health systems. He said the outbreak’s two main drivers are lack of infection control as both health workers and families care for the sick and risky burial practices.
More than 1,700 people have been sickened in the current outbreak, in Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Nigeria. Nearly 1,000 have died, according to the World Health Organization, or WHO.
On Thursday Frieden said there's no way to know
exactly how accurate that count is, or whether some cases are going unreported.
“The data coming out is kind of a fog-of-war situation," he said.
A medical charity told the House Foreign Affairs subcommittee that the world was too slow to react to the crisis, until recent headlines about two American aid workers who became infected in Liberia and were flown to the U.S. for care. “Ebola is out of control in West Africa, and we are starting to see panic now around the world,” said Ken Isaacs, vice president at Samaritan's Purse.
The two American aid workers, who were flown to Emory University Hospital in Atlanta, “seem to get a little better every day,” Isaacs said.
Frieden didn’t rule out the
possibility that a traveler could arrive in the U.S. unknowingly infected with Ebola. But he said he is confident there will not be a large Ebola outbreak here. The CDC has put hospitals on alert for symptoms and to check whether people are recent travelers so that they can promptly isolate any suspected cases until proper testing can be done.
Frieden said it is possible to stop the outbreak in West Africa using tried-and-true public health measures: find and isolate all possible patients, track down everyone they could have exposed, educate the public about risks and ensure health workers follow proper infection control. The virus is spread through direct contact with the bodily fluids of someone who is sick. Any case missed or ex posed person lost to followup could keep the outbreak going.
“If you leave behind even a single burning ember, it’s like a forest fire,” he said. “It flares back up."
Isaacs of Samaritan's Purse said that a huge problem will be persuading African communities to abandon the traditional practice of washing the body and kissing the corpse immediately after death, when the body is most infectious. He said aid workers have been attacked when trying to intervene, and that some physicians in Liberia even mocked the existence of the Ebola virus, shunning protection around patients. Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf declared a national state of emergency this week, and officials said Thursday that no one with a fever would
be allowed in or out of the country. In the capital, there were reports of bodies abandoned in the streets. Relatives have been hiding feverish patients at home for fear that if they are brought to isolation centers and don't have Ebola, they will catch it.
Troops were deployed there and in Sierra Leone to stem movement of possibly infected people. According to the WHO, Liberia and Sierra Leone account for more than 60 percent of the deaths so far.
On Thursday, Frieden said Guinea was furthest along in responding to the outbreak although it is still spread there.
The World Bank Group on Monday pledged as much as $200 million in emergency funding to fight the outbreak, including paying for urgently needed medical supplies, medical staff salaries and lab networks. On Thursday, the U.S. Agency for International Development said it was sending tens of thousands of protective suits for health care workers.At least one of the affected countries, Nigeria, has requested access to the experimental drug ZMapp, used on the two American aid workers. U.S. health officials have stressed that only extremely limited doses exist, the drug hasn’t ever been tested in people and there’s no proof it helped the two Americans. They have said it would take several months to make enough even for a small study.Q
Outer edge of hurricane brings rain to Hawaii
JENNIFER SINCO KELLEHER AUDREY McAVOY Associated Press HONOLULU (AP) — Iselle’s outer edges brought rain and wind to Hawaii on Thursday afternoon as it approached landfall, poised to become the first hurricane or tropical storm to hit the island chain in 22 years and whose path another hurricane closely followed.
Barely holding on to hurricane strength. Hurricane Iselle was expected to pass overnight across the Big Island, one of the least populated islands known for coffee fields, volcanoes and black sand beaches, then send rain and high winds to the rest of fhe state on Friday. The storm’s predicted track had it skirting just south of the other islands.
Iselle was expected hit as a high-end tropical storm or low-end hurricane, the National Weather Service in Honolulu said in a news conference.
Forecasters were analyzing storm data before making changes to its categorization in the coming hours, Weather Service meteorologist Eric Lau said in a telephone interview.
“But we're not really too concerned about the track or the intensity of the system,” Lau said. “We're primarily urging residents to still take proper precautions to prepare themselves to keep everyone safe.” Meanwhile, Hurricane Julio, a Category 2 storm, followed Iselle’s path with sustained maximum winds of 105 mph (167 kph). It was about 1,000 miles (1,610 kilometers) behind Iselle and projected to head just north of the islands sometime early Sunday morning. Hawaii has been directly
While surrounded by state and local officials, Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie speaks at a news conference at the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency in Diamond Head, Thursday, Aug. 7, 2014, in Honolulu.
Associated Press
I .. mm
Enjoy our much celebrated
hit by hurricanes only three times since 1950. The last time Hawaii was hit with a hurricane or tropical storm was in 1992, when Hurricane Iniki killed six people and destroyed more than 1,400 homes in Kauai, Lau said.
Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie said the state is prepared for the back-toback storms, noting the National Guard is at the ready and state and local governments were closing offices, schools and transit services across Hawaii. Emergency shelters also opening.
State Attorney General David Louie promised that Saturday's primary elections, including congressional and gubernatorial races, will go forward as planned.
As residents prepared earlier Thursday for the possible one-two punch of sforms, a 4.5-magnitude earthquake struck the Big Island but didn't cause major damage. There were no reports of injuries as residents made last-minute trips to grocery stores and boarded up their homes.
Kelsey Walker said the quake felt like a “little jolt”
but didn’t knock things off shelves at the Waimea grocery store where he works. “We have a hurricane. Now we have this on top of it. What else?" Walker mused.
Travelers got their first word of disrupted plans because of the storm Thursday, when commuter airline Island Air said it was canceling some afternoon flights and shutting down all operations Friday.
American Airlines and US Airways announced they have canceled flights in and out of the Big Island and Maui after 6 p.m. Thursday through noon Friday. Hawaiian Airlines canceled some interisland flights for Thursday evening and moved its Maui-Los Angeles flight up by nearly five hours. The airline waived reservation change fees and fare differences for passengers who needed to alter their plans Thursday and Friday, while some travelers remained optimistic.
Washington state couple Tracy Black and Chris Kreifels made plans to get married in an outdoor ceremony on the Big Island on Saturday.Q
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Flow of child immigrants slows along Texas border
CHRISTOPHER SHERMAN Associated Press McALLEN, Texas (AP) —
Fewer unaccompanied immigrant children are crossing the U.S.-Mexico border, allowing the federal government to close the temporary shelters that it hurriedly opened to handle the surge, authorities say. The Department of Homeland Security released data Thursday showing that about 5,500 unaccompanied children were arrested in July, barely half the number in May and June and the fewest children arrested in a month since February. Similarly, arrests of parents with children dropped by more than half last month, to just over 7,400.
Arrests in Texas have fallen in recent weeks to about 100 per day, down from 300 or more in June, according to the Border Patrol. The decline could be the result of hot summer temperatures or a messaging campaign in both the U.S. and the migrants’ Central American home countries that stresses the dangers of the journey and warns them they will not be allowed to stay.
Officials on the border are careful not to suggest that the crisis has passed. When temperatures drop, they say, children from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador could be back in greater numbers.
The slowdown seems likely to reduce the urgency for
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This Aug. 4,2014 photo shows Eneyda Alvarez of Honduras peeling a mango while her son Antony plays at the Senda de Vida migrant shelter in Reynoso, Mexico.
Associated Press
Congress to act on immigration reform after adjourning last week for a five-week holiday without a deal to give President Barack Obama any of the money he’s asked for to handle the influx.
The falling numbers could cause the border crisis to recede from public view, offering Obama room to curb deportations for other segments of the immigrant population, a step he's indicated he plans to take later this year.
This week, the federal agency charged with housing the children announced it would soon suspend operations at three temporary shelters with a total of about 3,000 beds. Government officials said the existing network of federally contracted shelters would suffice, at least for now.
More than 57,000 unaccompanied children entered the U.S. illegally from October to June, more than double the number from the same period a year earlier. Another 55,000 families — mothers or fa thers with young children — were arrested during that period.
Total apprehensions — adults and juveniles — in the Rio Grande Valley in Texas were 24,500 in July. That was down from about 38,000 in June but still well above the 15,000 in July 2013, according to the Border Patrol.
The state-run children’s shelter in Reynosa, Mexico, just across the border from Texas, has not received a Central American child yet in August, said coordinator Jose Guadalupe Villegas Garcia. The shelter had been receiving 10 to 12 kids from those countries per week in early July, he said. At the nearby Senda de Vida shelter, Eneyda Alvarez watched her 8-year-old son, Antony, kick a soccer ball around the courtyard. Scars from where her husband viciously beat her with a cable showed like stripes on her skin.
She says she cannot return to Honduras because her husband could kill her. When she left Honduras in late July, she was under the
impression the Border Patrol was still releasing mothers traveling with young children.
Hector Joaquin Silva de Luna, a pastor who runs the shelter, said it’s been two weeks since any unaccompanied children arrived, but the number of families at the shelter has held steady at 16 to 23 per week. He said many have heard the message from U.S. authorities that they will be deported. A delegation of U.S. officials visited the shelter Sunday.
Ingrid Bran had not heard about the U.S. beginning to detain mothers and children until she arrived at the border. She left the Paraiso department on Honduras’ border with Nicaragua a month ago because she couldn't find work cultivating chiles or coffee to support her two children.
“A friend told me to turn myself over to immigration" authorities. Bran said, as her 7-year-old son played with Alvarez’s boy. But after arriving at the border, she was told that the previous practices had ended.Q

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U.S. man who shot woman in face convicted of murder
Theodore Wafer, left, is lead out of the courtroom after being found guilty of of second-degree murder and manslaughter Thursday, Aug. 7, 2014 in Detroit.
Associated Press
ED WHITE Associated Press DETROIT (AP) — A jury convicted a man of seconddegree murder and manslaughter on Thursday after he shot an unarmed young woman in the face on his porch last year after she pounded on his door. It rejected his claim that he was afraid for his life and had acted in self-defense. The case once again raised national issues of race and the use of guns in self-defense.
Theodore Wafer is white and Renisha McBride was black, and some wondered at first whether race may have been a factor, but that angle was hardly mentioned at the trial. Wafer shot McBride through a screen door on Nov. 2, hours after she crashed into a parked car near his house. No one knows why she ended up at the home, although prosecutors speculated that the 19-year-old may have been seeking
help. An autopsy found she was extremely drunk.
“She just wanted to go home,” prosecutor Patrick Muscat said during closing arguments, holding the shotgun Wafer used to kill McBride. “She ended up in the morgue with bullets in her head and in her brain because the defendant picked up this shotgun, released this safety, raised it at her, pulled the trigger and blew her face off.” Wafer, 55, who had been free on bond, was also convicted on a gun-related charge and was ordered to jail to await his sentence. He could face up to life in prison with the possibility of parole, but it is likely his sentence will be much shorter. “He was a cold-blooded killer.... People have a right to bear arms, but you need to do it with reason and responsibility,” McBride’s father, Walter Simmons, told reporters.
Wafer, who lives alone, said he was woken out of
sleep around 4:30 a.m. by pounding at his front and side doors. He testified that the noises were “unbelievable.”
“I wasn’t going to cower in my house,” Wafer said.
He said he thought there could have been more than one person outside. Wafer said he pulled the trigger “to defend myself. It was them or me."
“He armed himself. He was getting attacked,” defense attorney Cheryl Carpenter told jurors. “Put yourselves in his shoes at 4:30 in the morning.”
But prosecutors said Wafer could have stayed safely in his locked home and called police instead of confronting McBride.
“It’s about people with guns who don’t use the right judgment before they pick them up,” McBride's aunt, Bernita Spinks, said outside the courthouse. Carpenter couldn’t immediately be reached for reaction.
Other recent cases have raised questions about self-defense, especially the 2012 killing of Trayvon Martin, an unarmed black teen in Florida by a neighborhood watch volunteer. George Zimmerman was acquitted last year after arguing self-defense.
And this year, a Montana man was accused of killing a 17-year-old German exchange student after setting a trap to find whoever
was responsible for recent thefts at his home. Beginning with Florida in 2005, at least 22 states have expanded the selfdefense principle known as the “castle doctrine," the premise that a person has the right to defend his or her home against attack. The laws make it easier for a person to shoot someone and avoid prosecution by saying they felt an imminent danger.Q
Marathon suspect makes new effort to move trial
This file photo provided Friday, April 19, 2013 by the Federal Bureau of Investigation shows Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.
Associated Press
BOSTON (AP) — Lawyers for Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev have made a second effort to move his trial out of Boston, arguing that he cannot get a fair trial there because of the emotional impact of the deadly 2013 attack.
In a court filing Thursday responding to prosecutors’ opposition to moving the trial, Tsarnaev's lawyers said a defense expert who analyzed poll results and media coverage found Massachusetts residents have “an overwhelming presumption of guilt” in reaction to Tsarnaev.
Tsarnaev’s lawyers are asking that his federal trial be
moved to Washington, D.C., where they say poll results show people are less likely to assume he is guilty. If that isn’t granted, they ask the court to hold a pretrial hearing on their request.
Tsarnaev, 21, is awaiting a November trial in the deadly attack. Prosecutors say he and his brother, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, placed two pressure-cooker bombs near the finish line of the marathon, killing three people and injuring more than 260.
Tamerlan Tsarnaev died following a shootout with police several days after the bombings.
In their original change of
venue motion, filed in June, Tsarnaev's lawyers said a survey of potential jurors in Boston; Springfield, Massachusetts;
New York City and Washington suggested that the nation’s capital would be a more suitable location for the trial.
Their new filing adds more supporting details.
The filing counters prosecutors' argument that the court should first attempt to pick a jury in Boston.
The defense says it could be difficult to determine bias by questioning potential jurors, who might be affected by community pressure regardless of their own feelings.Q
ms. NEWS
Judge banned for releasing Theron adoption details
The site of the former Minus Funeral Home in Dover, Del., Thursday, Aug. 7, 2014.
Associated Press
3 decades later, remains of Jonestown bodies found
RANDALL CHASE Associated Press DOVER, Delaware (AP) —
More than 35 years after the infamous suicide-murder of some 900 people
— many forced to drink a cyanide-laced grape drink
— in Jonestown, Guyana, the cremated remains of nine victims were found in a dilapidated former funeral home in the U.S., officials said Thursday.
The grisly discovery brought back memories of a tragedy that killed hundreds of children and a U.S. congressman and horrified Americans.
Peoples Temple leader Jim Jones in the 1970s moved his San Francisco-based group to Guyana, the only English-speaking country in South America, as allegations of wrongdoing mounted. Hundreds of followers moved there.
On Nov. 18, 1978, on a remote jungle airstrip, gunmen from the group ambushed and killed U.S. Rep. Leo Ryan of California, three newsmen and a defector from the group. All were visiting Jonestown on a fact-finding mission to investigate reports of abuses of members.
Jones then orchestrated a ritual of mass murder and suicide, ordering followers to drink cyanide-laced grape drink. Most com plied, although survivors described some people being shot, injected with poison, or forced to drink the deadly beverage when they tried to resist.
After the deaths, bodies of 911 massacre victims were brought to Dover Air Force Base, home to the U.S. military's largest mortuary. Many of the bodies were decomposed and could not be identified. Several cemeteries refused to take them until the Evergreen Cemetery in Oakland, California, stepped forward in 1979 and accepted 409 bodies.
The remaining victims were cremated or buried in family cemeteries.
The newly discovered remains were clearly marked, with the names of the deceased included on death certificates, authorities said. But Kimberly Chandler, spokeswoman for the Delaware Division of Forensic Science, declined to release the names of the nine people to The Associated Press. Chandler said officials were working to notify relafives.
She said the agency found the remains last week on a site visit prompted by a call from fhe property’s current owner — a bank, according to Dover police. Officials found 38 containers of remains, 33 of which were
marked and identified. Chandler said the containers included remains from Jonestown.
“It's simply a case of unclaimed cremains at a closed funeral home,” Chandler said, adding that there is no reason to believe the five unmarked containers contain remains of more Jonestown victims. It's not unusual for families to authorize cremation and then leave the ashes unclaimed at funeral homes, said Delaware funeral directors.
“I’m going to say most all funeral establishments have cremains in storage that people have not come to collect," said Matthew Smith, president of the Delaware State Funeral Directors Association.
On Thursday, the dilapidated former funeral home had a padlock on the double front doors.
Funeral director Edward G. Minus Sr., 74, died in 2012, according to an obituary. The bank then took over the building.
A spokeswoman for Air Force Mortuary Affairs Operations at the military base didn’t immediately return calls seeking comment. Dover Police CpI. Mark Hoffman said police assume the military contracted with the funeral home to handle the remains. □
KELLY P. KISSEL Associated Press
LITTLE ROCK, Arkansas (AP) — An Arkansas judge who disclosed confidential details about an adoption involving actress Charlize Theron has agreed to a lifetime ban from the state bench.
If the state Supreme Court approves the settlement, Faulkner County Circuit Judge Mike Maggio will be suspended with pay for the remainder of 2014 and then leave office. The move stems from a series of actions by Maggio, who also was accused of making off-color remarks in an online forum.
The Arkansas Judicial Discipline and Disability Commission alleged that Maggio, using the pseudonym “geauxjudge,” entered an online forum of Louisiana State University sports fans and shared details from Theron’s 2012 adoption of a baby in the same court division where he served. In Louisiana, “Geaux” is a common spelling for “Go,” based on the French pronunciation of those letters. “Did she get herself a black baby?” another person in the forum asked.
“Yep,” geauxjudge replied. Theron’s publicists did not reply to emails seeking comment after the settlement was released Wednesday. The actress, who recently appeared in “A Million Ways To Die In The West,” told MailOnline in a story published in May that Maggio had several details wrong.
“This stuff happens and you try not to let it get to you. That's on him. It reflects on him," she said then.
In return for his stepping aside, the state disciplinary commission dropped its look at an ethics complaint that ended with Maggio paying a $750 fine to settle
allegations he received improper campaign contributions.
The commission also alleged that in a 2009 post about divorce, Maggio said he was tired of hearing complaints that husbands work all the time while a wife withholds sex and becomes unattractive and non-supportive. “What did she think was going to happen.” he wrote.
In 2012, he suggested that people can beat a drunken-driving charge by not cooperating with police, and also expressed a desire to obtain evidence photos from a case involving a cheerleader accused of sex with a minor.
The state disciplinary panel opened an investigation March 3 after the Blue Hog Report website noted a series of posfs appeared to be coming from Maggio. Maggio subsequently tried to delete or edit some of the material.
The panel said information from various posts linked “geauxjudge” to Maggio: He’s an Arkansas judge who attended Millsaps College and the University of Mississippi, and has a daughter who played golf for LSU and Texas A&M University.
“Your statements online were not anonymous,” the panel said.
The disciplinary panel dropped its look at Maggio campaign contributions traced to a nursing home owner with a case pending in the judge’s court. Maggio, in a statement Wednesday, thanked Conway-area voters.
“I ask that you do not define me by the sanction levied today, but instead look at my record of presiding over one of the busiest dockets in the state,” wrote Maggio, who had been a circuit judge 13years.Q

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Kerry urges Afghan candidates to end dispute
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry listens during a meeting with Afghanistan's presidential candidate Abdullah Abdullah, during a meeting at U.S. embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan, Thursday, Aug. 7, 2014.
Associated Press
MATTHEW LEE AP Diplomatic Writer KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) —
The Obama administration on Thursday stepped up efforts to press Afghanistan’s two feuding presidential candidates to end their dispute over June elections, accept the results of an ongoing audit of all ballots and form a national unity government by early September.
On an unannounced visit to Kabul, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry made personal appeals to both candidates — former Foreign Minister Abdullah Abdullah and former Finance Minister Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai — to understand the urgency of finding a resolution before the upcoming NATO summit in Wales on September 4, according to officials traveling with Kerry. At that summit, NATO leaders are hoping to make decisions about their nations' roles in Afghanistan after
the end of the year, when most combat troops will be withdrawn.
Officials with Kerry said the summit would be an opportunity for the eventual election winner to present himself to the alliance and introduce his new cabinet, which, under a formula brokered by Kerry on his last visit to Kabul in June, would include the election loser appointing a new “chief executive officer” who would serve under the president.
Once created, the Afghan government would convene a loya jirga, or nationwide assembly, to formalize the chief executive post as a prime minister, the plan envisions.
Kerry’s visit comes as the election results are being audited in a process that he brokered last month but that had halted to mark the end the of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan in late July. The audit resumed
earlier this week with representatives of both candidates participating but still at odds over charges of widespread election fraud in the June 14 runoff. Preliminary results of the poll showed Ghani Ahmadzai well ahead of Abdullah, but both sides alleged fraud.
Kerry, who will see current President Hamid Karzai on Friday before he leaves Afghanistan for an Asian security conference in Myanmar, met separately with Ghani Ahmadzai and Abdullah at the heavily fortified U.S. Embassy compound in Kabul. No details of the discussions were immediately available beyond the small talk the officials made while reporters and photographers were present. He will meet with the candidates again on Friday.
“On Ramadan, tempers go up,” Ghani Ahmadzai said when Kerry asked him how
his holiday was.
“Oh, I know,” Kerry replied. Abdullah noted that Kerry has been “very busy” dealing with multiple crises around the world.
Kerry’s arrival in Kabul followed Tuesday's killing of U.S. Maj. Gen. Harold Greene by an Afghan soldier at the national defense university, an incident that underscored the tensions that persist as the U.S. combat role winds down. The political uncertainty that Kerry is trying to address is another complicating factor in the transition.
Since his last visit, Kerry has stressed the urgency of accelerating the audit and implementing the framework agreement and has reminded the candidates
that Afghans and the country’s international partners need clarity from the process and confidence that they and their supporters will be able to work together to implement reforms no matter who wins.
Both candidates have pledged to sign a bilateral security agreement with the U.S. that would give legal protections to residual American forces, but Washington would like the pact in place as soon as possible.
On Wednesday, U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said the murder of the general would not affect “our decision or resolve to continue moving forward on an enduring presence post-2014.”Q

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Hamas rejects Israeli disarmament proposal
— With a deadline looming hours away, Hamas on Thursday rejected Israeli demands it disarm and threatened to resume its rocket attacks if its demands for lifting a crippling blockade on Gaza were not met. The hardline stance, voiced by a senior Hamas official at the group’s first rally since a cease-fire in the Gaza war took effect on Tuesday, signaled that indirect negotiations in Cairo over a permanent truce in Gaza were not making headway. It was an ominous sign ahead of Friday’s expiration of a temporary three-day truce that ended a month of fighting.
A text message from Hamas’ military wing, the Izzedine al-Qassam Brigades, warned there would be no extension of the cease-fire if there was no agreement to permanently lift the blockade enforced by Israel and Egypt since the militant group overran Gaza in 2007.
Abu Obeida, the al-Qassam spokesman, appeared on the group's AlAqsa TV station and said Hamas was “ready to go to war again.” He threatened to launch a longterm war of attrition that would cripple life in Israel’s big cities and disrupt air traffic at Israel's international airport in Tel Aviv. He also appealed to Hamas negotiators in Egypt not to accept an extension of the cease-fire without an agreement on lifting the blockade. “The resistance is capable of imposing its conditions,” he said.
A security official in Egypt said Egyptian negotiators were struggling to bring
the two sides closer together, with one official saying Hamas and other Gaza militants were refusing to compromise.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed
a tough reaction if Hamas renews hostilities.
“They might reject an extension. If they attack us, we’ll respond in kind, as any government would,” he told Germany's ZDF television.
An Israeli defense official said Israel would respond “forcefully,” and that Netanyahu and his defense minister, Moshe Yaalon, had instructed the military “to be ready for anything.” He spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk to the media.
About 2,000 people showed up for Hamas’ rally in the heart of Gaza City on Thursday, well below the levels of similar gatherings on previous occasions. The modest turnout was not necessarily a sign of waning support for the
group, but most likely a reflection of the fatigue felt by most of Gaza's 1.8 million residents after four weeks of a ruinous war, as well as anxiety over whether the three-day truce will
be extended.
“Our fingers are on the trigger and our rockets are trained at Tel Aviv,” al-Masri told the rally.
In the fighting, nearly 1,900 Palestinians, three-quarters of them civilians, have been killed, more than 9,000 wounded and some 250,000 people made homeless, according to Palestinian medical officials and the United Nations. Israel lost 64 soldiers and three civilians.
Hamas, meanwhile, announced that Ayman Taha, a former spokesman for the group, on Thursday died of wounds he had sustained in an Israeli airstrike on a makeshift Hamas detention center 11 days earlier. Taha had been detained by Hamas security in January, though the charges against him
were never made public. Before his arrest, Taha had also served as a liaison with Egypt.
He was the first senior member of the Hamas political leadership to be killed in
this war.
Cairo has been mediating indirect talks between Israel and Hamas on extending the 72-hour cease-fire that expires Friday morning.
Hamas has demanded the lifting of an Israeli and Egyptian blockade imposed on the coastal territory. Israel has said the militants must disarm first, which al-Masri rejected.
“It is out of the question that the weapons of the resistance should be on the negotiating table. They have not been put on the table and, God willing, they will never be,” he said. Al-Masri also insisted that Hamas fighters were “in good shape” despite four weeks of fighting and the group still had tunnels extending into Israel that could be used for attacks
if the group's demands are not met.
Addressing communities in southern Israel close to Gaza, an area that suffered the most from Hamas rockets, he said: “You are advised not to return to your homes ... Netanyahu is gambling with your lives for political gain.”
The blockade, which Israel says is needed to prevent weapons from reaching Gaza, has led to widespread hardship in the Mediterranean seaside territory. Movement in and out of Gaza is limited, and the economy has ground to a standstill and unemployment is over 50 percent. While Hamas is shunned by the West as a terrorist group, there is a widespread consensus in the international community that the blockade must be eased.
“Without the full lifting of the blockade of the Gaza Strip, Palestinians in Gaza will continue to be deprived of any sense of a normal life and the massive reconstruction effort now required will be impossible,” James W. Rowley, the U.N. Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for the occupied Palestinian territory, said in a statement. Late on Wednesday, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Kimoon weighed in again on the Hamas-lsrael conflict, demanding an end to what he called the senseless cycle of suffering, telling the General Assembly that “the massive deaths and destruction in Gaza have shocked and shamed the world.”
He also urged the international community to support the enormous task of rebuilding Gaza, providing humanitarian aid to thousands in need and treating the wounded. □
f f
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu points at a video screen showing Hamas militants firing rockets into Israel from areas near schools and Hamas deploying civilians as human shields, as he gives a press conference in Jerusalem on Wednesday, Aug. 6, 2014.
Associated Press

Cambodia tribunal convicts Khmer Rouge leaders
Associated Press PHNOM PENH, Cambodia (AP) — They were leaders of Cambodia’s infamous Khmer Rouge, the fanatical communist movement behind a 1970s reign of terror that transformed this entire Southeast Asian nation into a ruthless slave state — a place where cities were emptied of their inhabitants, religion and schools were banned, and anyone deemed a threat was executed.
When the nightmare ended, in 1979, close to 2 million people were dead — a quarter of Cambodia’s population at the time.
On Thursday, a U.N.backed tribunal convicted two of the once all-powerful men who ruled during that era of crimes against humanity in the first and possibly the last verdicts to be issued against the group’s aging, top members.
Although survivors welcomed the decision to impose life sentences against Khieu Samphan, an 83-year-old former head of state, and Nuon Chea, the movement's 88-year-old chief ideologue, they also say justice has come far too late and is simply not adequate.
“Nothing can compare to the immense suffering they imposed, no sentence can be enough. They belong in hell, not an air-conditioned jail cell,” said Youk Chhang, who heads The Documentation Center of Cambodia, which has collected more than a million documents related to the Khmer Rouge terror.
“But this gives us hope that we can learn from the past ... that we can try to prevent this from ever happening again."
There was no visible reaction from either of the accused when the decisions were announced. Nuon Chea, wearing dark sunglasses, was too weak even to stand from his wheelchair. Defense lawyers insisted the case was
not over and vowed to appeal within 30 days. Summarizing the verdict, chief judge Nil Nonn said the defendants were part of “a joint criminal enterprise” that launched “a widespread and systematic attack against the civilian population” after Khmer Rouge guerrillas seized Phnom Penh on April 17, 1975.
The attack took many forms. Nil Nonn said, including “murder, extermination, enforced disappearances, attacks against human dignity and political persecution.”
The case, which lasted about two years, focused on just one of many mass killing sites and the forced exodus of millions of people from Cambodia's cities and towns, where even hospitals were emptied of patients.
Top Khmer Rouge leader Pol Pot had reset the clock to “Year Zero.” Society was to be “purified.” Money was abolished. Communal kitchens were introduced nationwide. The failed aim: to create an agrarian “utopia.”
Most of those who died succumbed to starvation, medical neglect and overwork. Marked for death were the educated, religious or ethnic minorities, Buddhist monks, and anyone suspected of ties with the former government or who questioned the new rulers.
Khieu Samphan acknowledged mass killings took place. But during the trial he claimed he was just a figurehead with no real authority. He called allegations that he ordered executions a “fairy tale.” Nuon Chea, known as Brother No. 2 because he was Pol Pot's trusted deputy, also denied responsibility, saying that Vietnamese forces — not the Khmer Rouge — had killed Cambodians en masse.
The hybrid tribunal, comprised of Cambodian and international jurists, began operations in 2006. It has been heavily criticized
for spending too much — more than $200 million so far — and doing too little. The court has convicted only one other defendant — prison director Kaing Guek Eav, who was sentenced to life imprisonment in 2011.
The current trial began in 2011 with four senior Khmer Rouge leaders; only two remain. Former Foreign Minister leng Sary died in 2013, while his wife. Social Affairs Minister leng Thirith, was deemed unfit to stand trial due to dementia in 2012. The group’s leader, Pol Pot, died in 1998 at the age of 73, evading a trial altogether.
Chea Leang, a co-prosecutor, said Thursday's judgment “will not turn back time, it won’t give back life to those who were executed, or those who died of heat and exhaustion or lack of food or water or medical assistance.
“Yet I believe it will give some justice .... denied to them for so long,” she said. Survivors of the regime traveled from across the country to witness the historic day, filling several hundred seats available to the public at the tribunal. After the verdict was read, several former prisoners wept and hugged. Many said they felt mixed reactions.
“The crimes are huge, and just sentencing them to life in jail is not fair,” said 54-year-old Chea Sophon, who spent years in hard labor camps building dams and working in rice fields. His brother was killed during the Khmer Rouge era. “But what can I do?” he said. “Even if they die many times over, it would not be enough.”
Another survivor, 58-yearold Khuth Vouern, said she felt a sense of relief that justice was finally served, even if it came generations late.
“I have been waiting for this day for many years,” said the woman, whose husband and several other family members were killed during the Khmer Rouge’s ruleO
In this photo released by the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, Khieu Samphan, the Khmer Rouge’s former head of state, gestures as he sits in the courtroom of a U.N.-backed war crimes tribunal in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Thursday, Aug. 7, 2014. Associated Press
'In this photo released by the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, Nuon Chea, who was the Khmer Rouge’s chief ideologist and No. 2 leader, sits in the courtroom at a U.N.-backed war crimes tribunal in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Thursday, Aug. 7, 2014. Associated Press

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Mexico dreams face test after opening to investors
In this Nov. 22, 2013, file photo, the Centenario deep-water drilling platform stands off the coast of Veracruz, Mexico in the Gulf of Mexico. Associated Press
MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexico has passed laws to open its oil, gas and electric industries to private and foreign investors after 76 years of state control. Now comes the hard part. Experts say Mexico’s hopes for tens of billions of dollars in outside investment, and possibly a shale gas boom like the one occurring across the border in Texas, hinge on being able to design the kind of tenders, contracts and concessions that would actually prove attractive to companies that already have their hands full drilling in deep sea waters and hydrofracking elsewhere.
On that question hinges Mexico's hope for an industrial boom.
Mexico says it is stepping into new era following the approval of the final bills late Wednesday. The country has been pinning its hopes on becoming a low-wage manufacturing center, but growth has been limited by unusually high electricity rates and the need to import massive quantities of natural gas at high prices. Mexico’s oil and gas production peaked in 2004 at 3.4 million barrels a day. It has fallen steadily since to the current 2.5 million barrels.
With the reform, the government hopes to increase that to 3 million barrels by 2018 and 3.5 million by 2025, by attracting private companies with the expertise and technology to exploit the country’s vast shale and deep-water reserves. The first contracts and concessions for drilling blocks are expected in 2015, and the government hopes to draw more than $10 to $15 billion in private investment in the industry per year. But those hopes are running up against
hard realities: the Mexican government and the stateowned oil company have little experience at putting out attractive contracts for bid, or at managing them with clarity and transparency. “When the contracts are drawn up and bidding is opened, that will be the acid test for the energy reform,” said Alfredo Coutino, Latin America director for Moody's Analytics. “Investors aren’t convinced by industry openings; investors are convinced by what is put down in black
and white” on contracts. Mexico had struggled for about a decade to push more limited openings, like incentivized contracts that paid foreign contractors bonuses for performance. But those drew little interest because the oil firms weren’t allowed to book reserves or take a percentage of the oil or gas they produced, or a percentage of profits. Now, they will be able to do so.
Carlos Capistrani, chief economist in Mexico for Bank of America Merrill
Lynch, said “What we perceive is that there is significant demand among companies that want to come into Mexico to take advantage of this reform,” but he noted that doesn't mean “they're literally going to jump and we'll see this investment immediately.” Instead, it will take time: An increase in production may not be seen for several years, in part because companies with expertise in hydro-fracking and deep-sea exploration are busy with projects in the United States.
It remains to be seen whether Mexico can assign such complex contracts without the kind of kickbacks, favoritism and insider deals seen in the past. The law creates a national oil commission to take such decisions out of the hands of Pemex, the state-owned oil company. Marcos Avalos, an economics professor at Mexico's Ibero American University, said the biggest challenge will be “to make it transparent, to ensure transparency in (bidding) decisions, to make them (regulators) make their methodology and decision-making processes public, so they can be evaluated.
Colombia’s president seeks peace deal in 2nd term
Ecuador’s President Rafael Correa, center, waves at specially invited guests as he arrives at the National Congress to attend Colombia's President Juan Manuel Santos’ swearing-in ceremony, in Bogota, Colombia, Thursday, Aug. 7, 2014. Also pictured are Paraguay's President Horacio Cartes, left, and Panama's President Juan Carlos Varela, right. Associated Press
JOSHUA GOODMAN Associated Press BOGOTA, Colombia (AP)
— President Juan Manuel Santos took the oath for his second term Thursday and promised to redouble his efforts to end Colombia’s
half-century war amid a renewed wave of rebel violence that has put peace talks at risk.
Santos, a 62-year-old economist, narrowly defeated a conservative challenger to win another four-year term
by framing their June runoff as a choice between war and peace.
“I will employ all of my energies to fulfill this mandate for peace," Santos, wearing a dove pin on his lapel, said in a closely watched 45-minute speech.
Analysts agree that the negotiations launched in 2012 in Cuba offer the best chance in decades for striking a deal to end the bloody conflict, which has killed more than 200,000 people, the majority of them civilians.
Still, a number of obstacles remain, including frustration over the guerrillas' refusal to halt attacks and fierce opposition by for mer President Alvaro Uribe, who was recently elected to the Senate with a record number of votes.
Santos in his inaugural speech didn't outline any initiatives or suggest ways around the thorny issues likely to dominate the final stages of talks, such as how to grant political rights to senior rebel commanders accused of violating international humanitarian law and wanted in the United States on drug-trafficking charges.
Instead, he repeated a warning that the talks could fall apart if the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia continue to carry out attacks as they have
in recent weeks.
“The patience of Colombia and the international community isn’t infinite,” Santos said.
As if to emphasize how difficult the road to peace remains, the Constitutional Court ruled Wednesday that rebels who have committed atrocious war crimes won’t be allowed to hold office after handing over their weapons. Thursday’s inauguration was attended by heads of state from across Latin America as well as former King Juan Carlos of Spain, making his first official trip abroad since abdicating in favor of his son. Prince FelipeO
The Arawa Water Park Entertained La Cabana Beach Resort & Casino Associates for a Family Day
MOKO -- The Arawa Water Park at Moko entertained the extended family of La Cabana Beach Resort & Casino for a spectacular Family Day. Associates and their dependents enjoyed splashing, swimming and sliding at every age, finding the cool water especially refreshing in contrast to the island's summer-time temperatures. Arawa Wa ter Park, just a short drive inland at Moko, with a beautiful free form pool, a rock formation and plenty of shade with lounge chairs and cabanas opened for the exclusive use of the resort whose employees in turn were fast to jump into the welcoming and inviting blue embrace.
La Cabana Beach Resort & Casino associates enjoyed
a spectacular day, especially the kids, on summer vacation, spending quality time with their ever-working parents. Pictured here, organized by the Social Committee, the Activities Department and the Department of Human Resources, Arawa Water Park filled with laughter and joyO


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Former neighbors from the Lagoen area meet after 70 years
Ayang Wong spent his youth living on the road across the lagoon from the governor’s mansion. After graduating from St. Dominicus College in Oranjestad, Ayang went to study engineering at Lehigh University and immigrated to the USA.
Clyde Harms also spent his youth on Lagoenweg just some 250 yards from the Wong home. Harms also immigrated to the United States in 1961 after working eleven years for Logo Oil Company.
During the following years both Harms and Wong would visit Aruba regularly, but their paths never crossed. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to Wong, Harms returned to his native island. Although the Aruba is small they never managed to see each other the times Wong had visited island. This week Wong and his charming daughter Lisa came to Aruba and through the help of a mutual friend, Wong was
able to contact Harms via email.
And so, the two former neighbors were able to meet each other after seven decades. Enjoying a typical Dutch breakfast at the Pancake House in the Waterfront Mall, Harms and Wong reminisced and exchanged family news for over two hours.
Wong is the son of the owners of the original Paris Restaurant in Oranjestad and the Chesterfield Restaurant in San Nicolas. Lisa had brought many pictures of the Wong family members that Clyde had never met. Clyde presented to Ayang his book, “Storianan di Un Mucha di Lagoen” (Stories of a Lagoen Kid) that was published just a year ago. The book contains lots of pictures that brought back happy memories to Wong. Attached picture shows the old former neighbors accompanied by the pretty and charming Lisa.q clydeharms@yahoo. conrQ
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Miss Aruba Candidates visit Amazonia
Palm Beach - It was a
privilege and a pleasure hosting the candidates of Miss Aruba at Amazonia last night! Aruba Trading Company, pitched in with a delicious wine pairing, and Amazonia served an impressive assortment of signature specialties such as Tempura Shrimp, California Rolls, Spicy Tuna Rolls, Crab Salad, and Wakami Salad, courtesy of the chefs of Sushi Salsa. The Amazonia carvers then swung around and sliced generously from the perfectly grilled Picanha, Rib Eye Steak, Fillet Mignon, and Chicken wrapped in Bacon, escorted by sweet fried plantain. Kavey Yarzagaray, wine expert, Aruba Trading Company uncorked and served Lunetta Prosecco, Cavit Pino Noir, Dulzine Moscato and Prum Essence Riesling with the seafood and lighter dishes and the 687 blend of Terazzas Malbec, which enhanced the Amazo nia steak experience. Miss Aruba candidates, says Deyanira Zuniga, Sales & Marketing Manager, were engaged and engaging
and enjoyed the learning experience, just one of the enrichment events, on their journey to the beauty crown! Miss Aruba Foun dation was proud and pleased when Amazonia and Aruba Trading offered to host the event, creating a unique and important
opportunity for the candidates to hone their social skills and broaden their knowledge of food and wineO
Bugaloe Guests of the Week: The Forrester and Kelly Families
This week’s Aruba Guest of the Week features the Forrester and Kelly families who have been making a splash in Aruba for more than a decade. They come back each year with more friends, family, and memories to make!
The Forresters are from Washington, D.C. and the Kellys hail from nearby Maryland in the United States. The Forresters first discovered Bugaloe 13 years ago when they used to stay at the Aruba Grand Hotel, and the Kellys have spent their 11 years of vacationing in Aruba also enjoying the evolution of Bugaloe and the communities they’ve stayed in while visiting. Both families now enjoy the comfortable interior and professional staff at the Riu Palace Hotel when they visit Aruba.
The Forresters mention the friendliness and excite ment of the Bugaloe staff as being one of the many reasons they continue to return year after year. The Kellys said their favorite part of Bugaloe is “The staff and the atmosphere. What’s not to like?” The Forresters and Kellys can be found chowing down on heaping plates of their favorite Bugaloe dishes, enjoying a side of Bugaloe fries on Karaoke Night or digging in to the Surf and Turf after a long day’s play on the beach with their families and friends.
Both families associate the beauty and joy of vacationing in Aruba with the people around them- their families, friends, and the regulars they’ve come to know at Bugaloe. The people, beaches, bars and food are all what combine to make Aruba the best vacation destination for both families, in their opinions! The go to Aruba drinks- Ke
tel One and tonic for the Forresters and the Aruba Ariba for the Kellys- keep the days and nights spent enjoying all Aruba has to offer going strong.
The fondest memory the Forrester family has of Bugaloe was watching the
Equator band one evening and having a young member of their family, Jordan, go up and sing with the band. The Kellys remember a family member having taken advantage of the many tasty options offered at Bugaloe's bar and jump ing off the end of the pier into the ocean where he caught a fish with his bare hands.Moments like these keep the seats packed at Bugaloe night after night, and visitors like the Kellys and Forresters coming back year after yearO
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Tiger Woods reacts to his putt on the 10th hole during the first round of the PGA Championship golf tournament at Valhalla Golf Club on Thursday, Aug. 7, 2014, in Louisville, Ky.
Associated Press
Woods struggles to 74; Mcllroy charges at PGA
PAUL NEWBERRY AP National Writer LOUISVILLE, Kentucky (AP)
— For Rory Mcllroy, the shockingly bad shot came out of nowhere.
No worries.
By the time he walked off the 18th green, there was little doubt he was still the man to beat at the PGA Championship.
Mcllroy ripped off four straight birdies on the back side and closed with another at the 18th hole, shooting a 5-under 66 at Valhalla that left him one shot off the lead Thursday. Coming off wins at the British Open and Firestone, Mcllroy entered the last major of the year as an overwhelming favorite. Even with a major blunder at the 10th, where he knocked his second shot over a fence and took double bogey, he was right on the heels of Lee Westwood, Ryan Palmer and Kevin Chappell. “I’m really happy with everything," Mcllroy said. “I’ve got a good thing going right now. I'm trying to ride that momentum as much as I can.”
Donovan to retire at
Continued on Page 18
In this Saturday, Aug. 2, 2014 photo, Los Angeles Galaxy’s Landon Donovan controls the ball during the second half of an MLS soccer match against Portland Timers in Carson, Calif. Associated Press

Continued from Page 1 7
Then there’s Tiger Woods, who can't seem to get anything to go his way.
Playing just four days after his back flared up at Firestone, forcing him to withdraw. Woods proclaimed himself fit but sprayed shots all over the course on the way to a 74 that left him tied for 111 th late in the day. He looked very much like someone playing just his 11th competitive round since back surgery in late March, someone who had his worst 72-hole finish in a major at the British Open last month.
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Kevin Chappell hits his tee shot on the 15th hole during the first round of the PGA Championship golf tournament at Valhalla Golf Club on Thursday, Aug. 7, 2014, in Louisville, Ky.
Associated Press
“That wasn’t very good,” said Woods, who made only one birdie — and had to hole out from the fairway to do that. “A lot of bad shots.”
One landed in a creek. Another sent the gallery scrambling. Yet another rolled into a fenced-off area where fans can use cellphones, a good 30 yards right of the fairway.
Too bad Woods couldn’t call for help.
“I didn't play as well as I wanted to. I didn’t get a putt to the hole,” he said. “That's not a good combo.”
Mcllroy was cruising along when he got to the 10th, having made three birdies on the front side. After putting his tee shot right in the middle of the fairway at the par5 hole, he yanked the next one out of bounds. A man talking on his cellphone along the fence, not concerned at all with getting in the way, was stunned with he looked up to see a ball sailing over his head. Especially when he
learned whose ball it was.
“I was really annoyed,” Mcllroy said. “That second shot at 10 is the worst shot I’ve hit in weeks. It came out of the blue.”
He took a penalty and a drop and missed the fairway with his next attempt as well, resulting in a 7. Still shaken by that miscue, Mcllroy made a bogey at No. 11 to slip to even on the day.
Then, just like that, he pulled himself together. Four straight birdies pushed Mcllroy right back up the leaderboard, and it could have easily been five in a row. A 12-footer slid over the edge of the cup at the 16th.
At the final hole, Mcllroy reached the green in two for an eagle try to share the lead. If curled off at the end, leaving him with a tap-in — his eighth birdie of the round.
“It could have been better,” he said. “But a 66 the first day, that's a solid start.”□
London Donovan says he’ll retire after season
GREG BEACHAM AP Sports Writer CARSON, Calif. (AP) - A
year after London Donovan returned to soccer, he realized he had lost his passion for the sport again. This time, the best player in American history decided to walk away for good.
The 32-year-old Donovan announced Thursday he will retire from professional soccer at the end of the MLS season, wrapping up the most prolific career in the league’s history with one last run at a championship with the LA Galaxy. ”1 think for the last few years, I haven’t had the same passion that I had previously in my career,” Donovan said at the Galaxy's stadium. "To some extent, I had felt obligated to keep playing. ... It’s time to enjoy the rest of the season, and there would be no better way than to go out as a champion, so that's what I want to do.” Donovan is the top goalscorer in MLS history and the top scorer in U.S. national team history, excelling as a forward and a midfielder. He was even named the most valuable player of his 14th MLS AllStar game on Wednesday night in Portland, scoring a goal in the All-Stars’ 2-1 win over Bayern Munich, only to make his stunning retirement announcement the next day. "All I could think is that if everyone only knew,” Donovan said with a grin. Donovan, a fivetime MLS champion with the Galaxy and the San Jose Earthquakes, made his retirement announcement on the same stage where he agreed to a multiyear contract extension with the Galaxy just a year ago, pronouncing himself revitalized after an extended sabbatical.
He took several months off following the Galaxy's second straight MLS Cup title alongside now-retired David Beckham in December 2012. Donovan traveled extensively during his time off, and he plans to see
even more of the world after his career ends this fall. ”lt gets me excited thinking about it,” Donovan said. “’For 16 years, almost every decision I’ve made, every hour of every day, has revolved around, ‘How is this going to prepare me for tomorrow’s training session or tomorrow’s game?' Just having the freedom to do whatever you want is exciting, and I’m looking forward to that.”
Donovan has been a key component of MLS’ impressive growth during his 14 years in the top North American league. After he struggled for playing time at Bayer Leverkusen as a teenager, he chose to pursue a pro career in his native California instead of Europe, adding a marquee attraction to the thenstruggling league.
“’There is no doubt that Major League Soccer would not be what it is today without London Donovan,” MLS Commissioner Don Garber said. "His decision to join MLS in 2001 was a statement to the entire soccer community, at the most crucial time in our history, that MLS could be a league of choice for the best American players. London is to MLS what Michael Jordan was to the NBA, Wayne Gretzky was to the NHL and Tiger Woods was to the PGA Tour: a player whose sporting accomplishments and popularity transformed their respective leagues and set a new standard for how the game would be played.’ ’ Donovan said his decision wasn't spurred by his omission from his fourth U.S. World Cup team this summer. He was surprised and disappointed by coach Jurgen Klinsmann's decision, feeling he had done enough in training camp to warrant inclusion.
”1 certainly wasn’t going to allow one person’s poor choice this summer to affect a decision like this,” Donovan said.
Donovan is the career U.S. leader with 57 international
goals over 156 appearances, and he has scored five World Cup goals, including his famed stoppagetime goal against Algeria four years ago to send the Americans to the second round. He watched the American team in Brazil from afar as a television commentator.
"Quite simply the best player ever to wear the USMNT jersey,” U.S. Soccer Federation President Sunil Gulati posted on his Twitter account. Donovan has no concrete plans for his long-term future in soccer, but he is eager to work with young players in the Galaxy's academy training program. □
Los Angeles Galaxy forward London Donovan, widely considered as America’s best ever footballer, kisses his girlfriend Hannah Bartell after announcing he will retire at the end of the MLS season, at a news conference at StubHub Center in Carson, Calif., Thursday, Aug. 7, 2014.
Associated Press
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Djokovic upset by Tsonga in Rogers Cup 3rd round
Jo-Wilfried Tsonga, of France, returns the ball against Novak Djokovic, of Serbia, in a men’s third round match at the Rogers Cup tennis tournament action in Toronto Thursday, Aug. 7, 2014.
Associated Press
Serena Williams ,of the United States returns the ball to Lucie Safaroa, of the Czech Republic, at the Rogers Cup tennis tournament, Thursday, Aug. 7, 2014, in Montreal.
Associated Press
Serena Williams reaches Montreal quarterfinals
TORONTO (AP) — Topranked Novak Djokovic was upset by 13th-seeded Jo-Wilfried Tsonga on Thursday in the Rogers Cup, falling 6-2, 6-2 in only 63 minutes in the third round. Djokovic came in with 11 straight wins over Tsonga but was nowhere near adding a 12th.
“Just nothing was going," Djokovic said. “No baseline, no serve, no return. So just generally (a) very bad day, very poor performance.”Tsonga’s serve gave Djokovic plenty of trouble. The Frenchman had only eight aces, but Djokovic continually struggled to keep his returns in play. Serving on match point, Tsonga won when Djokovic's return went wide. Tsonga did some shadow boxing and jumped up and down before waving to a receptive crowd. “It's not every day you get the rewards of what you’re doing every day during the year,” he said. “You leave your family, practice every day hard, suffer a lot on the court. And when you win a match like this, you just feel good."Djokovic never looked comfortable in Toronto, his first tournament since winning Wimbledon
GREG JOHNSON Associated Press BELMONT, Michigan (AP)
— Sandra Gal made six straight birdies on her back nine to take the first-round lead in the Meijer LPGA Classic on a day when Michelle Wie withdrew because of a wrist injury.
Gal, the 29-year-old German player who won her lone LPGA Tour title in 2011, birdied Nos. 3-8 and finished with a par on No. 9 for a 6-under 65 on Thursday at Blythefield Country Club.
“I was in a zone, I was really relaxed,” Gal said. “I was talking a lot to my caddie and to my playing partners, just kind of letting it happen
last month. Four days later, he married his longtime girlfriend.
On Wednesday, Djokovic needed three tough sets to outlast Gael Monfils 6-2, 6-7 (4), 7-6 (2) in the second round.
“I wasn't hitting the ball clean and a lot of unforced errors,” said Djokovic, who beat Tsonga in the 2008 Australian Open final for his first major title. “It’s maybe (a) lack of matches on this surface and, well, it takes time. Let's just say it’s going to be better. I’m sure.” Tsonga will play eighthseeded Andy Murray in the quarterfinals. Murray advanced when third-round opponent Richard Gasquet withdrew because of
instead of forcing it."
Wie was 5 over after nine holes when she pulled out. She struggled with injuries to both wrists in 2007.
“It just started hurting last week and kept getting worse,” Wie said in the parking lot outside the medical trailer. “It got to the point where I really couldn't hold a club today. I'm going to try and get an MRI right now and see what my next steps are. So we’ll see.”
The U.S. Women’s Open winner in June for her second victory of the year, Wie said she hoped to be able to play next week in the LPGA Championship — the fourth major championship of the season.Q
an abdominal strain. Djokovic's loss was the second big upset of the day. Third-seeded Stan Wawrinka lost 7-6 (8), 7-5 to Kevin Anderson.
Anderson will play seventhseeded Grigor Dimitrov, a 7-5, 5-7, 6-4 winner over Tommy Robredo. Fifth-seeded David Ferrer also was pushed to three sets in a 1 -6, 6-3, 6-3 victory over Ivan Dodig.
Canada’s Milos Raonic also advanced, beating Julien Benneteau of France 6-3, 4-6, 6-4. The sixth-seeded Raonic, coming off a tournament victory Sunday in Washington, will play fourth-seeded Tomas Berdych or Feliciano Lopez in the quarterfinals.Q
Haru Nomura of Japan hits from behind a tree on the eighth hole during the first round of the Meijer LPGA Classic golf tournament at Blythefield Country Club, Thursday, Aug. 7, 2014 in Belmont, Mich.
Associated Press
MONTREAL (AP) — Serena Williams waited out a brief rain delay before beating Czech left-hander Lucie Safarova 7-5, 6-4 on Thursday to reach the quarterfinals of the Rogers Cup. Plaving won her fourth title of the season last week in Stanford, this week’s progress continued Williams’ recovery since withdrawing from Wimbledon because of equilibrium problems.
“I served great,” said Williams, celebrating her 200th week at No. 1 in the world. “I needed to serve great because she was hitting unbelievable serves to me.”
Williams has won the Rogers Cup three times when it is held on alternate years in Toronto, including last year, but she had not played in Montreal since she retired from the final with an injury in 2000.
In the quarterfinals Friday, Williams will play Caroline Wozniacki, a 6-1, 6-0 winner over American qualifier Shelby Rogers.
“I felt really comfortable and confident,” Wozniacki said.
“I served and returned well. She's a tough player. She has some big shots. I was just able to neutralize
them and play my game." The llth-seeded Wozniacki, coming off a victory in Istanbul, has dropped only six games in three matches this week.
“It will be a great match,” said Williams, 6-1 against Wozniacki. “She’s playing great tennis. She's really focused. It will be a good match to see where I am.” In other matches, Spain's Carla Suarez Navarro upset fourth-seeded Maria Sharapova 6-2, 4-6, 6-2 in a match delayed twice by rain, and Russia’s Ekaterina Makarova topped secondseeded Wimbledon champion Petra Kvitova 6-4, 1-6, 6 - 2 .
“I couldn't find my rhythm from the beginning of the match," Sharapova said. “I always had my back against the wall, always had to come back.”
The 25-year-old Suarez Navarro won the Portugal Open in May for her first WTA Tour title.
She will face the winner of Thursday’s night match between Venus Williams and Angelique Kerber. Makarova will play qualifier Coco Vandeweghe, a 7-6 (8), 2-6, 7-5 winner over seventh-seeded Jelena Jankovic. □
Sanda Gal leads Meijer LPGA Classic

SPORTS !?? 1
Utley’s 3-run shot lifts Phillies over Astros 10-3
Philadelphia Phillies' Chase Utley hits a three-run home run off Houston Astros starting pitcher Brad Peaco*ck during the fourth inning of an interleague baseball game, Wednesday, Aug. 6, 2014, in Philadelphia.
Associated Press
Chase Utley hit a three-run homer, and Ben Revere had four hits, including a triple, to lead Philadelphia over Houston.
Ryan Howard had two hits and two RBIs with a double for Philadelphia, which had scored just two runs in 35 2/3 innings entering Wednesday.
David Buchanan (6-5) was called up again to replace injured starter Cliff Lee. He gave up three runs and nine hits in 6 1 /3 innings with five strikeouts and no walks. Brad Peaco*ck (3-8) struggled in his first big-league start since being sent to the minors. He allowed eight runs and seven hits in five innings, and lost his third straight start.
The Phillies jumped on Peaco*ck in the first inning for five runs and four hits, highlighted by Howard’s two-run double. Buchanan drove in the final run of the frame with his first majorleague hit in his 18th at-bat. PIRATES 7, MARLINS 3 PITTSBURGH (AP) — Josh Harrison had three hits to
extend his hot streak, and Jeff Locke overcame a shaky start to pitch seven innings as Pittsburgh beat Miami.
Harrison hit a double and scored twice. He is 20 for 44 during a 10-game hiffing streak, with six doubles, one triple and five home runs. Locke (3-3) gave up three runs in the first two innings, and then shut out the Marlins over his last five. Christian Yelich hit a tworun homer that drew Miami within 4-3 in the second.
Ike Davis had a two-run double in a four-run first for Piffsburgh against Tom Koehler (7-9).
NATIONALS 7, METS 1 WASHINGTON (AP) — Doug Fister took a five-hit shutout into the eighth inning, Adam LaRoche homered twice and Danny Espinosa also connected as Washington beat the New York Mets.
Fister (11-3) allowed one unearned run and six hits in 7 1-3 innings. He struck out seven and reduced his ERA to 2.49.
LaRoche hit a two-run drive
in the first inning and a solo shot in the eighth, his 23rd career multihomer game. Espinosa went deep with two on in the sixth, and Anthony Rendon hit two doubles to help NL East-leading
Washington increase its lead over sputtering Atlanta to four games.
Mets starter Jonathon Niese (5-8) gave up a season-high six runs on eight hits in six innings. It was the
second time in 25 starts the left-hander yielded more than three earned runs. Niese is 0-4 with a 5.76 ERA in four starts since coming off the disabled list with a left shoulder strain. □
Braves lose 8th straight Mariners win 7-3
The Associated Press SEATTLE (AP) — The Seattle Mariners handed Atlanta its eighth straight loss, with Dustin Ackley and Logan Morrison hitting home runs in the third inning to beat the Braves 7-3 Wednesday. The Braves were swept at Dodger Stadium and San Diego before losing two at Safeco Field.
Ackley led off the third with a home run, and Morrison added a three-run shot off Julio Teheran (10-8) for a 5-3 lead. Robinson Cano doubled twice and scored two runs for Seaffle.
Chris Young (10-6) allowed three runs in five innings. He struck out six and reached double-digit wins for the first time since 2006. Five relievers combined to throw four innings of scoreless relief, allowing just two hits.
Teheran was wildly inconsistent in six innings, yielding six runs in three frames, but allowing just one runner in the other innings.
PADRES 5, TWINS 4 MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Center fielder Alexi Amarista made a game-saving cafch in the bottom of the ninth inning, and Seth Smith followed with a solo homer in the 10th to lift San Diego over Minnesota.
Amarista ran backward on a dead sprint and laid out for a brilliant diving catch of a drive off fhe bat of Eduardo Escobar wifh fwo on and two outs to keep the game tied.
Smith had two hits and two RBIs. Joaquin Benoit picked up his fourth save in five tries, and the Padres earned a split in the twogame series.
Smith hit a 400-foot shot off Anthony Swarzak (2-1) into the right-field stands for his 12th homer.
Trevor Plouffe had a homer and three RBIs for the Twins. But All-Star closer Glen Perkins blew his fourth save in 32 chances.
Kevin Quackenbush (2-2) got the win after starter Odrisamer Despaigne gave up four runs on eight hits with three walks and five sfrikeoufs in 5 2-3 innings. Kevin Correia gave up three runs on five hits with three strikeouts in 5 2-3 innings.
RANGERS 3, WHITE SOX 1 CHICAGO (AP) — Adam Rosales homered twice in a game for the first time in his career and Nick Tepesch pitched scoreless ball into the sixth inning, leading Texas over Chris Sale and
the Chicago White Sox.
The Rangers, who began the day with baseball’s worst record, have won consecutive games for the first time since June 27-28. They routed the White Sox 16-0 on Tuesday.
Rosales hit a two-run homer in the second and added a solo shot in the seventh. He entered with only one
homer this season.
Tepesch (4-7) gave up six hits in 5 2-3 innings.
He had lost four sfraighf decisions, and skipped a furn because of a sore leff knee.
Sale (10-2) allowed fhree hits in six innings, striking out nine. His only other loss this season came on June 12.Q

Durant withdraws from U.S. team for worlds
Dale Earnhardt Jr. poses with a broom in Victory Lane after winning the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series auto race at Pocono Raceway, Sunday, Aug. 3, 2014, in Long Pond, Pa. Earnhardt won both of the NASCAR races at Pocono this year. Associated Press
National Guard to pull out of NASCAR and IndyCar
BRIAN MAHONEY AP Basketball Writer
Kevin Durant withdrew Thursday from the U.S. team, the biggest loss yet for a weakening American group that will go to the basketball World Cup without the leading scorer from its last two gold medal squads.
The NBA's MVP took part in the U.S. training camp in Las Vegas last week, but then informed team officials that he wasn’t going to continue.
“Kevin reached out to Coach K and myself this afternoon and expressed that he is just physically and mentally drained from the NBA season and his attention to his many responsibilities,’ USA Basketball chairman Jerry Colangelo said in a statement. “He tried to give it a go at our recent Las Vegas training camp but felt coming out of camp that he was not prepared to fulfill the commitment he made to the team."
Durant was the most valuable player of the world championship in 2010, leading the Americans to that title for the first time since 1994. The Oklahoma City star also started on their gold medal-winning team in the 2012 Olympics and led the Americans with 19.5 points per game.
His withdrawal comes less than a week after Indiana’s Paul George was ruled out with a broken right leg and follows previous withdrawals by All-Stars Kevin Love, Blake Griffin and LaMarcus Aldridge, and NBA Finals MVP Kawhi Leonard.
“This was an extremely difficult decision as I take great pride in representing our country,” Durant said. “I know that I owe it to my USA Basketball teammates to be totally invested in the experience. After going through training camp with USAB, I realized I could not fulfill my responsibilities to the team from both a time and energy standpoint.
“I need to take a step back and take some time away, both mentally and physically in order to prepare for the upcoming NBA sea
Oklahoma City Thunder's Kevin Durant (52) goes up for a dunk against New Orleans Pelicans' Anthony Davis (42) during the USA Basketball Showcase game Friday, Aug. 1, 2014, in Las Vegas.
Associated Press
The U.S. roster is down to 15 players. The Americans resume practicing next Thursday in Chicago and have to finalize a 12-man roster before the world titles begin in Spain on Aug. 30.
The Americans may still be the favorites, but are increasingly beatable with the losses of Durant and George, who were expected to fill the two starting forward spots.
Durant carried a young U.S. to the title four years ago in Turkey with a series of sensational performances, averaging 22.8 points and shattering a number of team offensive records. He set the American mark with 38 points in a semifinal victory over Lithuania.
At 6-foot-10, Durant is big enough to play as a power forward internationally, creating a matchup nightmare for opponents who can’t defend him on the perimeter. He led the tournament in 3-pointers attempted and made in the 2010 worlds. He has averaged 19.9 points in 31 games in a U.S. jersey, shooting 48 percent from 3-point range. But Colangelo said the Americans understood his need for time off.
"Coach K and I fully support Kevin,” he said. “His wellbeing is the most important thing to us and we support him taking the time to get ready for next season.Q
The National Guard is ending its sponsorship of both NASCAR’s most popular driver and one of the most recognizable names in IndyCar.
It's not clear when the guard is leaving motorsports. It said in a Wednesday statement on its web site that its contracts to sponsor Dale Earnhardt Jr. in NASCAR and Graham Rahal in IndyCar run through the end of the year. Typically, government contracts are reviewed annually.
But, Hendrick Motorsports said in a statement it has a contract with the guard through 2015.
“We have not been approached by the guard about potential changes and plan to honor our current agreement,” the team said.
Bobby Rahal, co-owner of Rahal Letterman Lanigan Racing, said he learned of the guard’s decision on Wednesday. He called it disappointing news “given the significant incremental brand exposure we have worked to produce for the National Guard in our first season together, including various off-track marketing and advertising programs focused on supporting the
mission set forth.”
The guard said it spent $32 million on its NASCAR sponsorship and $12 million on its IndyCar sponsorship this year, and noted that “sports sponsorships have played an important role in helping the guard build strong brand awareness.” But, the guard statement said its sponsorship contracts in NASCAR and IndyCar “are set to expire at the end of the current season,” which contradicts the Hendrick claim. “Significantly constrained resources and the likelihood of further reductions in the future call for more innovative and cost-effective ways of doing business," Maj. Gen. Judd H. Lyons, acting director of the Army National Guard, said in the statement. Military funding has come under increased scrutiny in Congress. Sen. Claire McCaskill of Missouri has called the sponsorship “wasting a bunch of money on a very expensive sports sponsorship.”
A spokesman for McCaskill noted Thursday the guard had followed the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard in all ending motor sports sponsorships. “Claire is a NASCAR fan, and loves the National Guard — but spending
tens of millions of taxpayer dollars on a recruitment program that signed up zero recruits, and that has been abandoned by the other service branches as ineffective, just makes no sense,” said spokesman John LaBombard.
The guard announcement comes just two weeks after Earnhardt and Rahal visited Indiana National Guard troops at Camp Atterbury. The drivers’ met with a brigade out of Evansville, recognized soldiers from the 713th Engineer Company, did a question and answer session before honoring soldiers from the 219th Battlefield Surveillance Brigade and Earnhardt even swore in six soldiers who recently committed six years to the National Guard.
The drivers both fired a Howitzer, detonated explosives and left the base in the Blackhawk helicopter in what was a moral builder for the guard.
But, a USA Today report earlier this year showed that data provided to the newspaper showed $26.5 million in NASCAR sponsorship in 2012 failed to land a single new soldier.
The guard said in its statement that motorsports is not the only marketing arena to suffer under reduced budgetsO
Review: Amazon phone better for info than shopping
In this June 18, 2014 file photo, the new Amazon Fire Phone's Firefly feature, which lets the user take a photo of objects, numbers, artwork or books and have the phone recognize the item, is demonstrated in Seattle.
Associated Press
ANICK JESDANUN AP Technology Writer ANAHEIM, Calif. (AP) — My
buying habits have yet to change in my nearly three weeks with Amazon’s shopping-centric Fire phone. Rather, I’ve found the phone’s Firefly scanning feature to be far more useful as an information-gathering tool.
The idea behind Firefly is a smart one: Use it to keep track of what you see and hear around you, and then buy the things that interest you on Amazon.
By holding the phone’s side button and pointing the camera at a product label or bar code. I’ve identified movie posters, food products and books. I’ve also used the phone's microphone to identify songs and television shows.
Once an identification is made, it takes just a swipe from the left and a few taps to buy the item through Amazon. The retailer already has your credit card and shipping address on file. The phone comes with a free year of Amazon’s Prime membership, so shipping is free and takes just two days.
Firefly, which is available only on the Fire phone, is more comprehensive and reliable than any other scanner I’ve tried. It correctly identified a Disney toy spyglass and an upcoming Muppets movie. But it also makes its share of mistakes.
Even with Amazon’s huge database. Firefly often couldn't make a match, such as when I went to a Gap store to buy gifts for toddlers. In other cases, it gets the flavor or size wrong. During a visit to the Disneyland theme parks this week, a bottle of Nesquik chocolate milk got identified as Nesquik strawberry powder to add to milk.
Firefly works better when you scan a bar code rather than the product label, but even then, the bar code for the chocolate milk got identified as Hercules action figures. A single water bottle became a pack of eight.
Without a precise match, it's difficult to know whether what you’re getting online is really better than what you're seeing at the retail store. It would have been better to get several products and sizes to choose from rather something definitive that might or might not be correct.
But the bigger hurdle for me is social.
I imagine retail store clerks giving me suspicious glances as I point the phone toward an item for several seconds as it tries to make a match. For that reason, I didn’t try too hard at the Gap. Besides, I wanted the shirts right away, not in two days by mail.
No one has said anything to me about my scanning, and it's possible no one has even noticed. But I’ve had to be discrete. For instance, at a Disney gift shop, I refrained from scanning a special Disney edition of the Rubik’s Cube puzzle because a store employee was keeping watch nearby. I went outside instead to type in a search. This doesn’t mean your phone can’t be useful for shopping.
While visiting Thailand last year, I was wavering on whether to buy an external storage drive at a discount mall. By typing in a Web search, I learned I could get a better deal back
home. So I waited.
A few weeks ago, I used a standard Web search to verify the type of battery I needed on a remote control before buying it at a drug store.
I didn't need the Fire phone for any of that.
I also don’t need it to check prices online. Amazon.com Inc. has apps for iPhones, Android and Windows phones. The iPhone and Android versions let you scan product images just like Firefly, and all three let you scan bar codes. The feature isn’t called Firefly and sometimes produces different results, but the concept is similar.
To appreciate the Fire phone and Firefly, I need to think beyond shopping. Firefly is useful for retrieving supplemental information, even if its shopping tools aren’t essential or unique. It currently works with Amazon’s IMDb movie and television database, plus five apps from other companies. More are coming.
A scan of a Lady Gaga album, for instance, gave me not only digital and CD buying opportunities through Amazon, but also a Lady Gaga-inspired streaming station on iHeartRadio and concert tickets through StubHub.
You can also use Firefly to scan business cards, menus and other items with texts
or QR codes. Firefly pulls out phone numbers, Web addresses and other useful information you might need later.
It also uses voice-recognition technology to identify songs, movies and TV shows. The hotel lobby was
Los Angeles County Fire Department has linked its dispatch system to a smartphone app that will notify CPR-trained citizens when someone nearby is having a cardiac arrest.
The Los Angeles Times reported Wednesday ( http://lat.ms/lsmEUbK ) that the app, called PulsePoint, sends Fire Department alerts to users at the same time that dispatchers send the official messages to emergency crews. Department officials hope
playing a Disney Channel show I didn’t know. Firefly not only identified it as “Jessie," it gave me the season and episode number, too. As an information companion, Firefly needs more outside apps to link their databases to Firefly.
In addition, Firefly shouldn’t require you to point the camera at an item for several seconds at times. It's hard to stay discrete that way. Why can't it simply snap and store the photo before taking its time analyzing it?
Doing that would also let you make an identification later if you happen to be without an Internet connection when you scan the product. And the photo would let you remember and identify the item manually when Firefly finds no match.
Once the technology gets better, I can see Firefly becoming useful for learning more about things around me. I don't need to spend a dime on Amazon to do that.Q
it will mean a cardiac arrest victim could get CPR from a good Samaritan before medical responders arrive. The application also provides CPR instruction and the location of defibrillators.
Officials say about 13,000 people in Los Angeles County - mainly first responders and their friends and families - have downloaded the app.
It’s linked to about 650 emergency response systems and has been adopted by several U.S. citiesO
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CPR app linked to L.A. County dispatch system


In this Sept. 5, 2007 file photo, credit card decals adorn a store window in the Hollywood section of Los Angeles. The Federal Reserve reports on consumer borrowing data for June 2014 on Thursday, Aug. 7, 2014. Associated Press
JOSH BOAK AP Economics Writer WASHINGTON (AP) — U S.
consumers expanded their borrowing at a slower rate
in June compared to the prior month.
Overall credit rose by $18.3 billion in June to a total of $3.17 trillion, the Federal
Fed survey: 25 pet of households ‘just getting by’
quarter of U.S. households say they’re “just getting by" financially, a survey by the Federal Reserve shows.
The Fed issued the firsttime report Thursday, describing it as a snapshot of how Americans perceive their financial and economic well-being. The survey of about 4,100 households was conducted from Sepf. 17 through Oct. 4, 2013. Thirteen percent said they were struggling to get by, and 34 percent reported they were somewhat worse off or much worse off than before the Great Recession hit in 2008.
Other findings: a third of those who had applied for credit in the previous 12 months said they were turned down or given less than they requested, and 24 percent had some type of education debt. Thirty-one percent of people who aren’t retired said they had no retirement savings or pension, including 19 percent of those aged 55 to 64. Nearly half of adults weren’t actively thinking about financial planning
for retirement, with 25 percent saying they had done no planning at all. Twenty-six percent of homeowners said they expected prices in their neighborhood to increase by as much as 5 percent in the 12 months following the survey period.
As the economic recovery enters its sixth year, a number of factors help explain why many Americans don’t feel better off: Income hasn’t rebounded. Millions are working part time even though they want full-time jobs. It’s taking longer to find work. People are still struggling with mortgage debt. Most people don’t feel free to spend as much as they once did.
A new annual report released Thursday by the Commerce Department shows that consumer spending has soared since the recession ended in U.S. states with oil and gas drilling booms and has lagged in states hit especially hard by the housing market bust. The state-by-state report points to substantial shifts in the economy since the recession. □
U.S. consumer credit increases at slower pace June
Reserve said Thursday. The rise was down from a gain of $21.5 billion in May.
The smaller increase suggests that consumers remain sheepish about spending, which could limit how fast the economy can grow. Rising debt loads are generally a sign of greater confidence in the economy and fuel faster growth.
Auto and student loans drove much of the gains in June, up $16.2 billion. They have risen 8.4 percent year-over-year.
Credit card debt increased by a slight $2.1 billion in June. The increase in credit card debt over the past year has been 1.3 percent, evidence that
consumers are restrained. Americans still have a limited appetite for debt after gorging themselves on sub-prime mortgages and credit cards before recession seized the country in late 2007.
When the rate of borrowing increases, growth usually accelerates. People increase their spending on the assumption that they will have income to repay the debt, kicking off a cycle that leads the economy to grow faster and potentially overheat.
The most recent credit cycle was broken by the housing bust and the Great Recession. Millions of people lacked the income to pay their mortgages, in
some cases because they lost their jobs following the downturn that began in late 2007.
Over the five years in which the country’s economy has rebounded, Americans have remained hesitant to take on debt. Consumer spending growth has averaged a tepid 2.2 percent a year during the recovery, compared to a 2.9 percent average during the previous expansion. The average household debt-to-income ratio has fallen to 77 percent from the 2008 peak of 95 percent, according to analysis by the bank HSBC. That debt ratio remains higher than the 69 percent average in 2001 .Q
U.S. jobless aid applications
JOSH BOAK AP Economics Writer WASHINGTON (AP) — Fewer people sought U.S. unemployment benefits last week, as jobless claims remain at relatively low levels that point toward stronger economic growth. Weekly applications for unemployment aid fell 14,000 to a seasonally adjusted 289,000, the Labor Department said Thursday. The prior week's was revised up slightly to 303,000.
The four-week average, a less volatile measure, fell 4,000 to 293,500. That’s the lowest average since February 2006, almost two
years before the Great Recession began at the end of 2007.
“It does suggest that the labor market has shifted to a higher gear,” said Xiao Cui, an analyst with the bank Credit Suisse. Applications are a proxy for layoffs. When employers keep their workers, it can indicate potentially rising incomes, increased hiring activity and confidence that the economy is improving.
Employers added a net total of 209,000 jobs in July, the sixth straight month of job gains above 200,000, the government reported Friday. The recent spurt
of hiring has encouraged more people to start looking for work, causing the unemployment rate to inch up to 6.2 percent from 6.1 percent. The government only counts people searching for jobs as unemployed.
Still, greater job security and more hiring activity have yet to boost wages by much. Wage growth has slightly outpaced inflation since the recession ended more than five years ago.
But more people with jobs increases the total number of paychecks, which could boost consumer spending and growth.qQ
Oil boom and housing bust alter US spending trends
In this Dec. 21, 2011 file photo, then North Dakota Tax Commissioner Cory Fong gestures toward a pie chart detailing the distribution of North Dakota’s taxable sales and purchases during July, August and September of 2011, during a news conference at the Kirkwood Ace Hardware store in Bismarck, N.D. Associated Press
North Dakotans, enriched by an oil boom, stepped up their spending at triple the national pace in the three years that followed the Great Recession. In Nevada, smacked hard by the housing bust, consumers barely increased their spending.
Americans spend the most, per person, on housing in Washington, D.C., and the least in West Virginia.
Those and other figures emerged Thursday from a new annual report from the government that for the first time reveals consumerspending on a stateby-state basis from 1997 through 2012. The numbers point to substantial shifts in the economy since the recession ended. The recession, which began in December 2007, officially ended in June 2009. Spending jumped 28 percent in North Dakota, the largest gain nationwide, from 2009 through 2012. It surged nearly 16 percent in Oklahoma. The next-largest increases were in South Dakota, Texas and West Virginia.
The changes in spending
patterns in North Dakota have been particularly dramatic. Its per-capita spending in 2007, before the recession began, was $32,780. That ranked it 24th among states. By 2012, North Dakota's per-capita spending was $44,029, fourth-highest nationwide. (The figures aren’t adjusted for inflation.)
North Dakota has boomed in large part because of a breakthrough drilling technique, known as hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” that has unlocked vast oil and gas reserves. The state’s per-person income soared 37.2 percent, before inflation, from 2009 through 2012, according to a separate report released
this year. That’s by far the most for any state. North Dakota’s unemployment rate was a barely visible 2.7 percent in June, the lowest in the nation.
By contrast, spending eked out a scant 3.5 percent increase in Nevada, the weakest for any state and far below the 10.7 percent national average.
Arizona’s 6.2 percent increase was next-weakest, followed by Hawaii’s, Florida’s and Utah's.
When the housing bust struck in 2006, home values plummeted in Nevada, Arizona and Florida. The persistently weak consumer spending in those states underscores the lingering damage the housing bust inflicted on their economies. Nevada and Arizona also received the smallest income gains in the first three years after the recession ended. Salaries and other income in Nevada rose just 3.8 percent and in Arizona, 6.7 percent. The national average was 11.1 percent. And Nevada’s unemployment rate was 7.7 percent in June, the third-highest. Arizona’s was 6.9 percent, lOth-highest. The government’s figures show that state-by-state spending patterns were radically different before the recession. In the three years leading up to the downturn, for example, spending in Arizona jumped 21.2 percent, the fourth-highest in the nation. Big home price gains during the housing bubble likely fueled more spendingO
Stocks decline on concerns about global growth
screen above the trading floor of the New York Stock Exchange, Thursday, Aug. 7, 2014 shows the closing number for the Dow Jones industrial average. Associated Press
STEVE ROTHWELL AP Markets Writer NEW YORK (AP) — Concerns about slowing global growth and the threat of rising tensions between Russia and the West pushed stocks lower on Thursday. The stock market started the day higher as investors mulled the latest earnings reports and an encouraging report on jobs. By midmorning, though, the market had given up its gains. While stocks slumped, government bond prices rose, pushing the yield on the 10-year Treasury note to its lowest level this year. Stocks have slumped since the Standard & Poor's 500 index closed at a record last month amid worries that the rising tensions be tween Russia and the West will hurt global economic growth. European Central Bank head Mario Draghi cautioned Thursday that the crisis in Ukraine could crimp the fragile recovery in the region.
The S&P 500 index fell 10.67 points, or 0.6 percent, to 1,909.57. The index closed at a record 1,987.98 on July 24. The Dow Jones industrial average fell 75.07 points, or 0.5 percent, to 16,368.27. The Nasdaq composite fell 20 points, or 0.5 percent, to 4,334.97. Phone and internet companies were among the day's biggest decliners. Windstream Holdings fell 39 cents, or 3.4 percent, to $11.16 after the company reported that its earnings fell by 64 percent
in the second quarter. The results missed analysts’ expectations.
Eight of the 100 industry sectors in the S&P 500 fell. Health care and phone company stocks dropped the most, 1.2 percent and 1 percent respectively. Utilities stocks rose 1.1 percent, making them the biggest gainers, as investors bought safer assets.
The market had started the day higher as investors assessed the latest encouraging news from the job market. Fewer people applied for U.S. unemployment benefits last week. Claims remain at relatively low levels consistent with stronger economic growth. Weekly applications fell 14,000 to 289,000, the La bor Department said.
Some positive earnings reports helped lift stocks in early trading.
The yield on the 10-year Treasury note, which falls when prices rise, dropped to 2.41 percent from 2.48 percent on Wednesday. The yield on the note is at its lowest level in more than a year.
U.S. Treasury securities also
offer a higher yield than bonds issued by other governments. The yield on the 10-year German government bond is 1.06 percent, and French government bonds with the same maturity offer a yield of 1.5 percent. Benchmark U.S. crude oil rose 42 cents to close at $97.34 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange.Q

To-Do List
FuHg&QPa BouP*V
6 Chix

Mother Goose & Grimm
Baby Blues
Conceptis Sudoku





Difficulty Level ★ ★ ★ ★
Sudoku is a number-placing puzzle based on a 9x9 grid with several given numbers. The object is to place the numbers 1 to 9 in the empty squares so that each row, each column and each 3x3 box contains the same number only once. The difficulty level of the Conceptis Sudoku increases from Monday to Sunday.
1 Facts & figures
5 Rides the waves
10 Sassy child
14 Alimony recipients
15 Dwelling
16 Gray wolf
17 Charitable gift
18 Brave
20 Title for House members: abbr.
21 Word of disgust
22 Simple floats
23 Aviary sound
25 Late Bernie _
26 Charred
28 Pester
31 Change slightly
32 West Point freshman
34 El Spanish hero
36 Spoil
37 Nourishes
38 Mediocre
39 Flurry
40 Does an usher’s job
41 Glass squares
42 Tooth coating
44 Gloomy
45 Long-tailed rodent
46 Jeans fabric
47 Thread holder
50 First place Olympic medal
51 “Baby, _ Cold Outside"
54 Make widely known and fashionable
57 Kilt wearer
58 Dollar bills
59 Embankment
60 Seldom seen
61 Actress Daly
62 _ out; makes level
63 Murdered
1 Precious
2 Wheel support
3 “...and lead us
not into_...”
Created by Jacqueline E. Mathews
4 Beast of burden
5 Holy
6 German sub
7 Overwhelming defeat
8 HST,
9 Mediterranean or Caribbean
10 Whitener
11 Housetop
12 Lie next to
13 Throw
19 Shred cheese
21 Doe or buck
24 Songbird
25 Unruly crowds
26 Poet Teasdale
27 Escape detection
28 Hospital furniture, mostly
29 Cost-effective
30 Ascends
32 Ring out
33 Allow
35 Medicinal amount
Thursday’s Puzzle Solved
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(c) 2014 Tribune Content Agency, LLC All Rights Reserved.
37 Podiatrist’s concerns
38 Indian garment
40 Petite
41 Small lake
43 Stir up
44 Wild brawls
46 Twelve
47 Blemish
48 Small horse
49 Sesame’’; Ali Baba’s cry
50 _ up; quit
52 Ripped
53 Worry; fret
55 Foamy drink
56 Gun the engine
57 Yrbk. section

Monkeys take ‘selfies,’ sparking copyright dispute
SYLVIA HUI Associated Press LONDON (AP) — Monkey see, monkey do. But when a monkey takes a selfie, who owns the copyright?
A series of self-portraits taken by Indonesian monkeys has sparked a copyright dispute between Wikipedia and a British wildlife photographer, who wasn’t amused that the popular images are being used for free.
Photographer David Slater complained Thursday that Wikipedia rejected his requests for the images to be removed from the website. He said he owns the copyright to the images of crested black macaque monkeys, which were taken in the Indonesian jungle in 2011. Slater told the BBC that although the monkeys pressed the button, he had set the self-portraits up by framing them and setting the camera on a tripod.
“It wasn’t that the monkey stole the camera, went behind the bush and photographed it all by itself. It required a large input from myself,” he said.
But Wikimedia Foundation, the group behind the free information-sharing site, argued that Slater didn’t own the copyright to the photos because he didn’t take the images. It said no one owned the copyright to the images, because under U.S. law, “copyright cannot vest in non-human authors” — the monkeys in this case. “We take these requests very seriously, and we thoroughly researched both sides of the claim,” the group said in a statement. “When a work’s copyright cannot vest in a human, it falls into the public domain. We believe that to be the case here. ”□
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Scientists make cheap, fast self-assembling robots
This undated handout image provided by the journal Science shows a self-folding crawling robot in three stages. Associated Press
what may be the birth of cheap, easy-to-make robots, researchers have created complex machines that transform themselves from little more than a sheet of paper and plastic into walking automatons. Borrowing from the ancient Japanese art of origami, children's toys and even a touch of the “Transformers” movies, scientists and engineers at Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology created self-assembling, paper robots. They are made out of hobby shop materials that cost about $100. After the installation of tiny batteries and motors, a paper robot rises on four stumpy legs and starts scooting in a herkyjerky manner. It transforms from flat paper to jitterbugging four-legged robot in just four minutes. This small lightweight type of robot could explore outer space and other dangerous environments, and get into cramped places for search-andrescue missions, researchers said. But that’s just the start of what may be a long-envisioned robotic revolution. This eventually could be as technologychanging as the threedimensional printer, said experts unconnected with the study and Harvard robotics researcher Sam Felton, who is lead author of the paper published Thursday in the journal Science.
Felton and study coauthor Daniela Rus of MIT say they see a time
when someone who wants a dog-walking robot would go to a store that has specialized equipment to make the device — “some sort of robo-Kinkos,” Felton said. Kinkos is an office supply store chain.
And eventually the technology could produce more complex machines. “In principle it will be possible to say, ‘I want a robot to play chess with me,' and generate a machine that has the computational abilities to play chess with you,” Rus said.
Today it costs a lot of money to build a robot, but this method is fast, cheap and specialized, Rus said. “This is a simple.
flexible and rapid design process and a step toward the dream of realizing the vision of 24-hour robot manufacturing,” Rus said. These robots aren’t quite Transformers of movie and cartoon fame. Once they assemble themselves automatically with heat-ac
U.S. Navy and NASA completed the second round of practice recoveries of the Orion spacecraft, which is designed to bring humans to the moon, asteroids and, eventually, to Mars.
The tests took place off the coast of Baja California, Mexico, where the Orion will splash down Dec. 4 after reaching an altitude of 3,600 miles (5,790 kilometers).
The December mission will be crew-less, as will a scheduled 2017 orbit around the moon. But
tivated hinges that allow the folding, there are no more changes, Rus and Felton said.
The robots themselves start out a bit smaller than a normal sheet of paper. Off-the-shelf batteries and motors are embedded at a cost of about $80. Altogether,
it’s all part of a long-term effort to bring humans further into space than they’ve ever traveled. "We’re building a crewed vehicle to go to other planets,” said Larry Price, Lockheed Martin’s deputy program manager for the Orion. Lockheed Martin designed and built the Orion for NASA. "(The Orion) is the complex vehicle that will be able to return them safely,” Price said. Traveling to and from earth, the Orion will face up to 4,000 degrees Fahrenheit (2,204 degrees Celsius) heat and move at speeds of up to 20,000 mph.
the early machines researchers made, along with the equipment to build them, cost less than $1,000 apiece, Felton said. The robots, which the researchers did not name, are about 6 inches (15 centimeters) long, 6 inches (15 centimeters) wide, and about 2 inches (5 centimeters) tall. They weigh less than 3 ounces. (85 grams) They move about 2 inches (5 centimeters) per second. But they can be made bigger or smaller, with some limitations, Felton said.
He said the way heating activates the hinges was inspired by the children’s toy line Shrinky Dinks, which shrivel and fold when put in the oven. Robotics pioneer Rodney Brooks, an MIT emeritus professor who wasn’t part of the research, said this could be close to other momentous changes in technology, such as the first 3-D printers or even 1947’s ENIAC early computer. “Lots more people will join in working on these techniques, each making incremental progress and decades from now we'll wonder why it took so long to get where we’ll then be with it,” Brooks said in an email.qO
Parachutes, a protective heat shield and thrusters will slow down the Orion and help it land accurately in the sea, NASA Orion program manager Mark Geyer said.
In the 1960s and 1970s, when dropping into the sea was the landing method of choice for the Apollo and Gemini spacecraft, the Navy used helicopters to locate newly arrived astronauts.
But in this next chapter of sea recoveries, which haven’t been carried out since 1975, the spacecraft is towed up a ramp into the stern of a naval vessel.Q

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U.S. Navy practices retrieving Orion spacecraft

‘The Best Little whor*house’ comes to B’way
MARK KENNEDY AP Drama Writer NEW YORK (AP) — A revival of the sex romp “The Best Little whor*house in Texas” is packing its bags and heading to Broadway, this time led by Rob Ashford. Producers said Thursday that the musical about the good times and demise of the Chicken Ranch brothel will return in 2015 and be produced by Jerry Frankel and Jeffrey Richards. No dates or theater were announced. Ashford, who helmed Kenneth Branagh’s “Macbeth,” as well as the latest revivals of “How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying,” and “Promises, Promises,” will direct and choreograph. The show is based on a Playboy magazine article in 1974 by Larry L. King about a campaign to close down a popular bordello. Peter Masterson, a Texas actor, saw the article and thought it would make a great play. He and King got together with songwriter Carol Hall,
This March 27, 2011 file photo shows Rob Ashford at the opening night after party for “How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying” in New York.
Associated Press
another Texan, to create
the smash musical. Tommy Tune was the director and in charge of musical staging. The show started offBroadway in 1978 and a few months later jumped to the Great White Way, where it played 1,584 performances. A movie version starred Dolly Parton and Burt Reynolds.Q
Top nominee Beyonce to perform at MTV VMAs
NEW YORK (AP) — Beyonce is set to have a “Flawless” night at the MTV Video Music Awards.
The singer will perform at the Aug. 24 show at The Forum in Inglewood, California. She leads in nominations with eight, including video of the year for “Drunk in Love.”
The 32-year-old will also receive the video vanguard award, a lifetime achievement honor also bestowed to Michael Jackson, Madonna and Britney Spears. Beyonce caused a stir last weekend when she released a Nicki Minaj-assisted remix to her song “Flawless," where the singer raps and references the leaked elevator video of her sister Solange attacking Jay Z. Beyonce’s collaborative tour with her husband wrapped its U.S. dates on Wednesday. They will play
Beyonce performs during the Beyonce and Jay Z - On the Run tour at AT&T Park on Tuesday, Aug. 5, 2014, in San Francisco.
Associated Press
two shows in Paris next month.
Other performers at the VMAs include Ariana Grande, Maroon 5, Usher and 5 Seconds of Summer. □
Harvey Fierstein would like to be on stage again
MARK KENNEDY AP Drama Writer NEW YORK (AP) — After some very successful years writing for the stage, Harvey Fierstein says he would like to be on one again. “I'm looking for something to act in now,” the fourtime Tony Award-winner said this week. But beware, writers: no gimmicks. “When somebody thinks, ‘Oh, that would be cute for Harvey,’ it’s probably going to bore me.”
The 60-year-old is looking for a change after coming off a remarkable Broadway season in which three of his works were onstage — Tony-winner “Kinky Boots,” "Casa Valentina” and “Newsies."
While “Kinky Boots" is still going strong, “Casa Valentina” has closed and “Newsies” will shutter after its Aug. 24 performance. Until the right acting gig comes along, Fierstein is busy making sure the brewing national tours of both “Kinky Boots and “Newsies” get off OK.
“Of course, you keep your finger on them,” he said. “They’re your children. If you don't stick your face in there, then what kind of parent would you be?”
The nest-leaving of “Newsies” is a particular source of glee for Fiersfein, who was initially told that successfully adapting a musical from the 1992 movie starring a young Christian Bale was virtually impossible.
The idea of putting it on the stage began when Fi
This May 16, 2014 file photo shows Harvey Fierstein at the 80th Annual Drama League Awards in New York. The 60-year-old is looking for a chance to return to the stage after some very successful years writing for the stage.
Associated Press
erstein met with composer Alan Menken in his office decorated with posters of his hugely successful films, such as “The Little Mermaid" and “Beauty and the Beast.”
At one point, Fierstein pointed to a poster of “Newsies” and asked whether it could be made into a musical. Menken said he and lyricist Jack Feldman had wrestled with it for decades but couldn’t make it work. Fierstein offered to try. Others tried to dissuade him, but he insisted.
Among Fierstein’s changes were the addition of a young female reporter — and a love interest — and mixing the song order. It worked: The show recouped its $5 million investment in just over nine months — faster than any other Disney stage property — and has earned more
than $100 million.
“What is there better on this planet than something that everyone tells you can’t be done?" the gravelly voiced Fierstein asked, naughtily. Now he's hoping to add to his acting credits, which include playing Edna Turnblad in “Hairspray” and Tevye in “Fiddler on the Roof.” He had debated playing a role in “Casa Valentina,” but realized critics might have gotten confused. “Because, you know, fhey're nof fhaf bright," he explained, laughing. “It's more fun for me, in a way, to act in something I didn’t write because part of acting is to get out of your own head and to get into somebody else's head. That's part of fhe escape of acting,” he said. “If it’s something I wrote, then I'm not escaping anything.”□
U.K. ‘X Factor’ coming to U.S. on AXS TV channel
LYNN ELBER AP Television Writer LOS ANGELES (AP) —The
British edition of “The X Factor” is coming to U.S. television.
Music entertainment cable channel AXS TV said Wednesday it will begin airing the singing contest’s 11th season on Labor Day weekend.
“X Factor” creator Si mon Cowell is on the judging panel, which includes ex-Spice Girl Mel B and pop singer Cheryl Fernandez-Versini, formerly known as Cheryl Cole.
“The X Factor” is a hit in Britain and a success internationally, with the format produced in 48 TV markets.
The U.S. version was an
exception: Fox’s “The X Factor” was canceled after three seasons because of disappointing ratings. Even Cowell’s popularity from “American Idol” didn’t help. Britain’s “X Factor” debuts Aug. 31 on AXS TV, airing at 8 p.m. EDT on Sunday and Monday and following its U.K. broadcasts by a day.Q

In this Oct. 1, 2013 file photo actor George Clooney attends the premiere of “Gravity” at the AMC Lincoln Square Theaters, in New York.
Associated Press
George Clooney, fiancee post legal notice to marry
LONDON (AP) — George Clooney and his fiancee have posted a legal notice declaring their intention to marry in Italy. Clooney and Beirut-born London lawyer Amal Alamuddin announced their engagement in April, though the pair has not yet announced a date for their nuptials.
A spokesman at the register office at London’s Chelsea Old Town Hall confirmed Thursday that the couple posted a legal
document for a British national who is marrying abroad.
A photo of the notice published by the Daily Mirror newspaper showed the pair’s names, ages and occupations.
It also showed they plan a wedding in Italy.
The document has been taken down after being on display for the requisite 21 days.
It’s the second marriage for Clooney, 53, and the first for Alamuddin, 36. □
Billy Joel, Maria Shriver featured in PBS doc
In this March 13, 2014, file photo, provided by Starpix, Maria Shriver attends the premiere of the documentary “Paycheck to Paycheck: The Life & Times of Katrina Gilbert,” in New York.
Associated Press
NEW YORK (AP) — Billy Joel, Maria Shriver and Samuel L. Jackson — baby boomers all — will be among those featured in an upcoming PBS documentary about the post-World War II generation.
PBS announced Thursday
that “American Masters: The Boomer List” will air Sept. 23 on member stations. The 90-minute production, directed by filmmaker-photographer Timothy Greenfield-Sanders, will include 19 notable public figures. □
TerraCycle Inc. founder Tom Szaky stands in a warehouse, as he looks through a large box of marker pens Tuesday, Aug. 5, 2014, in Trenton, N.J.
Associated Press
New ‘trashy’ reality TV show focuses on recyclers
SAMANTHA HENRY Associated Press NEWARK, New Jersey (AP)
— A new show wants to redefine the meaning of trashy television.
“Human Resources," which debuts Friday on the Pivot network, will focus not on hard-partying beachgoers but on a socially conscious recycling company.
The “reality docu-drama” chronicles what it is like to work at the Trenton-based company TerraCycle Inc. Founded in 2001 by then20-year-old Princeton University student Tom Szaky, TerraCycle collects hardto-recycle items, from potato chip bags to cigarette butts, and transforms them into colorful consumer products. It donates a portion of its proceeds to charity .Szaky hopes the show will inspire a new generation to become socially conscious business entrepreneurs.
“A lot of people have said the show is like a 20-something socially conscious reality version of ‘The Office,’” Szaky said, referring to the long-running mockumentary-style comedy that had British and American versions. “I’m a big fan of content with a purpose; there isn't that much TV out there like this.”
Szaky is confident the show will have wide appeal, and he sees it as part of “trying to accomplish different ways of getting our message out.”
A trailer for the premiere episode features quickcut edits of droll and jokey asides from employees who both embrace and mockingly disdain TerraCycle’s workplace culture. The indefatigable, Budapest-born Szaky, now 32, is a main draw, as he offers a frenetic tour of the graffitiwalled, recyclables-filled office and evangelizes about a trash-less future and his goal to “eliminate the concept of waste.” With its “superhero socks” theme days, Nerf gun fights, dogs wandering the office and yoga breaks, a green company that is both successful and socially conscious can be a lot of fun, he says.
“The main point is to get more people to know about TerraCycle," Szaky said. “The second is to really inspire young people to look at becoming entrepreneurs for socially responsible reasons.”
The company is committed to remaining in Trenton, Szaky said, bringing what he describes as a “Silicon
Valley vibe” to the city that once boasted “Trenton Makes, The World Takes” — words that still appear on the Lower Trenton Bridge spanning the Delaware River— but has since fallen on hard times with the largescale flight of manufacturing. Szaky said the company's 22 other offices around the world are located in similarly economically depressed areas.
Szaky says he wants people to feel inspired when they watch the show and to realize they can make a difference, one cigarette butt or discarded juice box at a time.
“If people like the show, send us your garbage — totally free,” he added, pointing out that TerraCycle's website offers free pre-paid shipping labels for people to mail in their trash. Belisa Balaban, executive vice president of original programming at Pivot, said the network was immediately impressed by TerraCycle's employees and mission.
“We knew they were a perfect fit for Pivot, perfectly aligned with everything we want to do, to create positive social change through entertainment,” Balaban saidO

TheDo-Even-Less Congress
Throw the Book at Him
Charles M. Blow
© 2014 New York Times News Service
Congress is a joke. But the joke isn’t funny - unless, of course, you’re into dark humor.
The entire legislative body has been consumed by kvetching, at the expense of actual legislating. And the numbers that highlight this reality are simply atrocious.
According to a Pew Research Center report issued Thursday: “As of Wednesday the current Congress had enacted 142 laws, the fewest of any Congress in the past two decades over an equivalent time span. And only 108 of those enactments were substantive pieces of legislafion, under our deliberately broad criteria (no post-office renamings, anniversary commemorations or other purely ceremonial laws).’’ President Barack Obama has felt it necessary to veto only two bills since becoming president. That is fewer than any president since James Garfield in 1881, who vetoed none. But Garfield’s term lasted only 200 days before his death, and he was struck more than two months earlier by an assassin’s bullets.
Part of the reason for the dearth of vetoes is the dearth of legislation making it to the president’s desk. And this is in part because of the evershrinking periods of time that Congress is in session.
As a New York Times article declared in January, “The ‘do nothing’ Congress is preparing to do even less.’’
The House of Representatives is scheduled to be in session even fewer days than last year’s depressingly low 135 days. That’s right: The House is underperforming even last session’s underperformance. In December, The New York Times’ Jeremy W. Peters crunched the numbers and found:
“Not counting brief, pro forma sessions, the House was in session for 942 hours, an average of about 28 hours each week that it conducted business in Washington.’’
Tell that to the average American full-time worker busting his or her hump working more than 1,700 hours a year. And the average American is laboring for only a fraction of the $174,000 most members of Congress bring home.
The Senate didn’t fare much better than the House in Peters’ analysis:
“By a similar measure, the Senate was near its recorded lows for
days on the floor. Senators have spent 99 days casting votes this year, close to the recent low point for a nonelection year in 1991, when there were 95 voting days.”
And yet, as much as the president has been criticized for his recent fundraising efforts, members of Congress are making the time to do the same. As ABC News reported last week:
“Republicans and Democrats in Congress are holding at least 100 fundraisers in Washington in the days leading up to the August recess, according to fundraising lists obtained by ABC News, with senators who aren’t even on the ballot in 2014 holding events.”
Part of the problem with Washington is a manifestation of polarization.
A June Pew study found thaf “Republicans and Democrats are more divided along ideological lines - and partisan antipathy is deeper and more extensive - than at any point in the last two decades.” And that polarized public is represented by an increasingly polarized Congress. According to the political scientists Christopher Hare, Keith T. Poole and Howard Rosenthal, “Congress is now more polarized than at any time since the end of Reconstruction.”
The polarization has bastardized the meaning of compromise. The June Pew poll found that the more liberal people were, the more they preferred politicians who compromise, and the more conservative Americans were, the more they preferred politicians who stick to their positions. And yet, a majority of those who were consistently liberal and those who were consistently conservative
thought that an ideal compromise was tantamount to their getting more of what they wanted than the other side. There is no longer a real middle. This is not to say that there is some equivalency between left and right when it comes to hostility and intransigence. As I see it, what middle remains has been dragged so far right that it doesn’t feel like a real middle anymore. America in general may be becoming more liberal on a variety of social issues, but there is a strident and forceful push to dial back the clock - or at least prevent it from moving forward - from a new strain of conservative politicians and the people who support them.
There is still time for this Congress to get more things done. As Pew pointed out: “Among the past seven Congresses, between 39 percent and 59 percent of all the substantive laws they passed came in the last five months of their respective twoyear terms; the average was 49 percent.”
But I'm not holding my breath. Legislating is only a hobby for members of this Congress. Their full-time job is raising hell, raising money and lowering the bar of acceptable behavior.Q
Maureen Dowd
© 2014 New York Times News Service
WASHINGTON - I can’t wait to read the book W. won’t write. Not since Beyonce dropped a new digital album online overnight with no warning or fanfare has there been such a successful pop-up arts project. Crown Publishers startled everyone Wednesday by announcing that the 68-yearold W. has written a “personal biography” of his 90-year-old father, due out in November.
I guess he ran out of brush to clear.
“Never before has a President told the story of his father, another President, through his own eyes and in his own words,” the Crown news release crowed, noting that W.’s “Decision Points” was the best-selling presidential memoir ever and promising that 43’s portrait of 41 will be “heartfelt, intimate, and illuminating.”
It is certainly illuminating to learn that W. has belatedly decided to bathe his father in filial appreciation.
Like his whimsical paintings and post-presidency discretion, this sweet book will no doubt help reset his image in a more positive way.
But the intriguing question is: Is he doing it with an eye toward spinning the future or out of guilt for the past?
Just as his nude self-portraits are set in a shower and a bath, this
book feels like an exercise in washing away the blunders of Iraq, Afghanistan and Katrina. Are these efforts at self-expression a way to cleanse himself and exorcise the ghosts of all those who died and suffered for no reason? It’s redolent of Lady Macbeth, guilty over regicide and unable to stop rubbing her hands as though she’s washing them, murmuring “Out, damned spot!”
But some spots don’t come out.
I know that George H.W. Bush and his oldest son love each other. But it has been a complicated and difficult relationship and a foolishly and fatefully compartmentalized one.
Even though both Bushes protested that they didn’t want to be put on the couch, historians will spend the rest of history puzzling over the Oedipal push and pull that led America into disasters of such magnitude.
It would be awesome if the book revealed the truth about the fraught relationship between the gracious father and bristly son, if it were titled “Mano a Mano: I Wish I’d Listened to My Dad.”
Because, after all, never in history has a son diminished, disregarded and humiliated a father to such disastrous effect. But W. won’t write any of the real stuff we all want to hear. The saga began when W. was 26 and drinking. After a rowdy night, the scamp came to his parents’ home in D.C. and smashed his car into a neighbor’s garbage can. His dad upbraided him.
“You wanna go mano a mano right here?” W. shot back to his shocked father.
It was hard, no doubt, to follow the same path as his father, in school, in sport, in war and in work, but always come up short. He also had to deal with the chilly fact that his parents thought Jeb should be president, rather than the raffish Roman candle, W.
Yet W. summoned inner strength and played it smart and upended his family’s expectations, getting to the governor’s mansion and the Oval Office before his
younger brother. But the top job sometimes comes with a tape worm of insecurity. Like Lyndon Johnson with hawkish Kennedy aides, W. surrounded himself with the wrong belligerent advisers and allowed himself to be manipulated through his fear of being called a wimp, as his father had been by “Newsweek.”
When he ran for Texas governor in 1994 and president in 2000, W. basically cut his father adrift, instead casting himself as the son and heir of Ronald Reagan, the man who bested his father. “Don’t underestimate what you can learn from a failed presidency,” he told his Texas media strategist about his father. His White House aides made a point of telling reporters that Junior was tougher than his father, pointedly noting he was from West Texas and knew how to deal with “the streets of Laredo.” He was driven to get the second term his father had not had. And he was driven - and pushed by Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld - to do what his dad had shied away from, toppling Saddam Hussein. This, even if it meant drumming up a phony casus belli.He never consulted his dad, even though H.W. was the only president ever to go to war with Saddam. He treated the former president and foreign affairs junkie like a blankie, telling Fox News’ Brit Hume that, rather than advice on issues, he preferred to get phone calls from his dad saying “I love you, son,” or “Hang in there, son.”
And he began yelling when his father’s confidante and coauthor, Brent Scowcroft, wrote a Wall Street Journal op-ed piece cautioning that invading Iraq wouldn’t be “a cakewalk” and could be destabilizing to the region and mean “a large-scale, long-term military occupation.”He never wanted to hear the warning that his father was ready to give, so allergic to being a wimp that he tried, against all odds, history and evidence, to be a deus ex machina. □

FRIDAY 8 AUGUST 20141 PCM I UI1C k 4 “ ^
Teens love vacation selfies; adults, not so much
AP Travel Editor
Jacquie Whitt’s trip to the Galapagos with a group of teenagers was memorable not just for the scenery and wildlife, but also for the way the kids preserved their memories. It was, said Whitt, a “selfie test."
For this generation, “digital devices are now part of the interpretive experience,” said Whitt, co-founder of Adios Adventure Travel. Indeed, many parents love seeing their kids taking selfies and posting to social media when they travel. It shows “they are engaged and excited about where they are and what they are doing,” said Susan Austin, a photographer and Iowa mom. “To some, it might be bragging, but I think it’s more about a way today’s teens connect with and feel part of a group.”
But some adults thinkthere’s a downside to vacation selfies. They see them as narcissistic distractions that can detract from fhe travel experience. And they point to controversial examples
— like a smiling selfie from Auschwitz posted to Twitter
— as proof of the potential for poor judgment when young travelers use social media.
In addition, when traveling teens spend time taking selfies, “they're so busy documenting, I wonder whether they're actually experiencing it," said Peg Streep, who writes about psychology and millennials. “What should be an experience of learning and growth instead just says, ‘Look at me.’ It’s a narcissistic moment that’s really about getting likes.” Streep pointed to a study by Linda Henkel of Fairfield University in Connecticut that found museum visitors remember
more about what they’ve seen if they don’t take photos of the objects they're viewing. That suggests that any type of picfure-faking can fake “you ouf of fhe moment of the experience and shifts your attention.”
Another concern is practical. A real-time selfie from a far-off place tells the world you’re not home. Leora Halpern Lanz, of Long Island, New York, loves it when her
three kids take vacation selfies because it’s their way “of validating where they were.” But they’re not allowed to post images until the trip is over: “I don’t need their friends or friends of friends knowing the house is empty.”
Lanz says the widely
criticized Auschwitz selfie also shows “the risks of kids posting on social media” when they don’t know what’s appropriate. Breanna Mitchell, the young woman who took
the smiling Auschwitz selfie, received death threats and messages urging her to kill herself after the image went viral. In a video interview with TakePart Live, Mitchell said the selfie was misinterpreted. She’d studied World War II history with her father and they'd
planned to visit historic sites together, but he died before they could make the trip.
Her selfie from the grounds of the concentration camp was her way of saying, “I
finally made it here. I finally got where me and my daddy had always said we were going to go,” she told TakePart Live. Looking back now on the selfie, she says, “I just went so wrong with that.”
Still, most travel selfies are innocent and purely
celebratory — as well as being a way for teens to keep in touch with peers. Taylor Garcia, 17, who traveled to Texas this summer on a family road trip from Oklahoma, says selfies are a fun way to remember places like Disney, SeaWorld and the Caribbean, but she also takes them “because I want to show my friends what I'm doing."
Her mom, Melissa Garcia, who posts her own family trip photos on her blog, ConsumerQueen.com, encourages the selfies.
“It’s a great way to preserve memories,” she said, adding that other families have contacted her after seeing the photos to get advice for their trips. Austin’s daughter Abigail, 18, who shared selfies from a trip to Portugal, doesn't see the point of posting travel pictures without familiar faces in them. She wants a photo that shows, “Hey, I’m having fun! And I like seeing them of other people, too."
But at least one tour company, Tauck, has a
written policy discouraging digital devices. For
Tauck's Bridges program, which specializes in multigenerational family trips, guests are asked to “turn off and stow their smart phones, tablets and
other portable electronic devices during shared group time.”
Tauck spokesman Tom Armstrong says the
company understands that digital devices can help teens pass the time during long car rides, flights or other downtime, “and we have no issue with that.” But “when the tour director is giving commentary, or during museum visits, we think that our younger guests will actually get much more out of their trip if they're engaged in the experience and not distracted.”
The bottom line, says Whitt: “Like all new
emerging technology, the devices can be fun and wholesome, entertainment for all ages, or misused.”□

Full Text / Transcription of BNA-DIG-ARUBATODAY-2014-08-08 (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.