The Register News-Pictorial from Adelaide, South Australia, Australia (2024)

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The Register News-Pictoriali

Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

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THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN REGISTER MONDAY SEPTEMBER 28 1885 1 3 3 IL bat doo I tax 2 OUTER HARBOUR ACCOMMODATION 3 3 Adelaide September 34 3 i lb packet by grocers fobeUed tb Jdm Kpps and Co BanceovMhie Cbeminta London Bartend wh: CVRBB BORE THROAT Cl'kM fW'RR THROAT Cl EKB BORE THROAT CVRK4 ROUE THROAT 8ORB THROAT CURBS BOBB THROAT Cl'BtM SORB THROAT CTREE SUBB THROAT CURBS SORB THROAT OIL OIL OIL OIL OIL QU CURBS WWTUINOH Cl KM bWKLLINWL CURBS BELLlNGflk CURES WELLINGS CURBS RWRLLINU4 Cl BBS BWULUNOR Ct BBS feWELU NUS CURBS MWKLLlNuS CURBS SWBUAAUa SOLD EVERY VHUR KCB HAL A CROWN ba deproorion producing payable at present protective JL BICXOtO SO5S APBLAJP HENRY GEORGE VtRSrs Ml LT DUX TO TUB atiNMia 1 former letter wbe writing of fVe rtf a AVM I sina a Al i TO TH1 IDITOW In the report of the Parliamentary proceedings I noticed that oar legislators finished the 15 per cent ad valorem list under the heading I do not pretend to aay which to beat tor the colony protec tion or free trade That I leave for abler kunds but I take it all are agreed something must be done to put the finances of the colony on a more satisfactory basis Were thia not necessary doubtless we should not now be revising the tariff Well Sir I cannot LinirtateBd ora legislates ahvaid deal so A JI JAUI IS ESQ or THE HINDMABSH ex ADELAIDE SHoBcoa Hann amd St Jeaobs OB on steers ocoMtoM for aeddaota appertainln to the crk4U field 1 ess rlr bav iTTiaissj to tee fact that a remedy foe (prates and bratoes id stead snequataKL" CCRM BORWNR CIBKR DUBKNBM CURES M)RHNU8 CUE KM AOHRNBMS CLEM BUBtN M8 CURBS BURINBHH CLEM EORKNKN CURBS BOBKNBlM CUBEB BOREN ErUL BOARDS HEALTH IENELG riday September 25 The Chairman (Mr Gell) Messrs Scott Morrison Piccup Hamlin mJ Sabine and the Town Clerk (Mr Seal) Inspectors Report The Ls'spbctur re ported that the town wm in a clean condi tion The filling up of the cellar at the Berkshire Hotel bad be'u completed and the filing up of the right of way otf Reid and Partridge streets was being proceeded with Adopted BT ST BT THE TARI TO THE EDITOR POLICE COURTS Adelaide Saturday Oeptember 26Before Mr 8 Beddome PM) Afary Lelong for loitering had to pay £2 ary was fined £2 for being drunk and using indecent language Jacob Anderton and Alfred Hcrrtckson for fighting with each other had pay 10a each George Arnold b'ainl an old man pleaded guilty to failing to comply with an order to pay 10a per week towards the support of bis wife Sarah Ordered to pay the arrears £18 and costs £18 10s in all Saint was then charged with failing to comply with an order to pay 10 per week towards the support of his children Hilda and Harold baint and pleaded not guilty averring that he had sent £20 to his wife in four separate instalments Ordered to pay the arrears £18 and costs £18 10a in all or in default six imprisonment William Davit was charged on the inform tion of David Davis with stealing 4s in silver from him at Adelaide on riday September 25 David Davis stated that he was with William Davis at the York Hotel and the Ship Inn early on riday morning They were in the bar of the Ship Inn together Prosecutor changed a Bank note and soon after went out to the back premises Defendant followed him and patting his hand in prosecutor's left hand trousers pocket pulled out some silver Two witnesses were coded who swore that they saw defendant take the money as alleged by David Davis When arrested defendant made no state ment Defendant was sworn and denied the allegations made against him He elected to be dealt with BuznnrarUv and was sent to gaol for two months with hard labour Davit was then charged on the information of ohn Emmanuel Pearce with stealing from him a silver hunting watch valued at £3 10s a gold albert valued £1 10s and a gold locket valued st 10s at Adelaide on beptember 21 Mr arrsppearedfor the prosecutor Peareestated that he was ith defendant at the Exchange Hotel on Thursday afternoon September 24 Afterwards tniaaad the watch albert and locket the only portion of the albert left with him being the bar which secured the chain to the buttonhole of the waistcoat Defendant afterwards pawned the articles at Goodwins pawnshop for £2 He gave the name of James Williams and stated that he had eiv en in for it Davis was sworn and said he was asked by Pearce to pawn the watch as he was short of money He denied that his name was Wdliama or that he had made use of it In the paw nabop Committed for trial Port Adelaide Saturday September 26 (Before Mr Turner 65L) Denig McCarthy labourer was charged on remand with having assaulted Thomas Hicks assistant bailiff while iu the execu tion of his duty at Glanviile on September 23 The assault consisted in defendant pash in Hicks out of his house where he was by authority of the Court ined 40 and Sus costs SPRAINS SPRAIN SPRAIN EPKAIN RPRAIN4 RRAlSA BPHAl BPHAINN KT Epp 8 Grayyful and Comporting By a thorough knowledge of the uluil which gnven the operations of digestion and nutri tion and by a careful application of the fine prouer Cms of weU eeiected Cocoa Mr Bpps has provided our breakfart tobies with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save as many heavy doctors' bills It by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a coaasitutiaa may be gndaaUy built utH strobg enough to resirt every tendency to dis ease Hundreds of subtle maladite aro floating around us ready to attack wherever there a weak point Vo may escape many a fatal shaft by keen AASKJwa ith vsa MaA 3 Coulston 9 st Lancer 8 st The Great German Remedy auuhh uil JACOBS OIL JACOB8 OIL JAtAJBN JACOBS JACnRA bT Jacobs kt Jacobs bT JACUB8 llic Great German Remedy BT JAOORa OIL HT JACOBS OIL KT JA0OB8 OIL ST JACOBS OIL ST JACOBS OIL BT JACOBS OIL KT OIL ST JAOOB8 OIL RT JACOBS OIL The Great German Remedy JACOM OIL BT JACOBS OU BT JACOBS OIL bT JACOBS OIL JACOBS OIL kt Jacobs oil bT Jacobs oil NT JACOBS OIL BT JALOB8 OU CTBKS CURBS CURM CURBS CURBS CURBS CX BBS C1RU CUBBB The Great German Remedy CTRB8 BBTISM CURBS NKUHBA CURBS JHiriABM Cl KM BRl'lMBR CURBS Cl KBS BHUIBRS Cl'BBB BBl UfBMi CURBS BILUISKfl CUUM Bfftusa th famine et KH waa far wmw other rmrta af Indi then in th faatml Province 1 have nome knowledge of lh wnrt drought and great toee oattla aad ahean in New South Welae and Uaaaat land but could not meek from perwoual obaervatioa efl tha facte bat atui amy be fairly oouveraaot with loaeaa ineurraC In thb latter I piWJaa to write ot affaire with which 1 may ba equally aoquaiatei although they may not have ooma under sty peratmal obairvatian In vnnr no La At th fftnt mw wm Bate that mlddfanes ootDt between the btate and Ute actual ocoaptec Hauk th cam only in Bengal but not La other parts of India InCoimEoaow ta Madraa to which 1 referred in my tat letter ta a OMtrid of lUOmita long by 30 broad and ooutainiiig over half a million of popalatum la thfodfotrict the whole land ia held uader Nortoe 'a Ryowattary rywtem and thua direct from the State But I now wiah to direct atten tion to the MairwamditriatialtapootAAte Here the toad waa held and may atiU bo obtiioed direct from the State yet in IMS one of the aevereet famine occurred la that dirtriet and th whole tt faa which 2ta)00Q poor wretahm died of abeer terra tion To uae the rtotementa of a gentle man employed on that relief works th Go vernment road from Neemuoh to Ximera a dutazro of KO mite wae strewn with dead and dying It may interest even th res (less of the fteyier to learn the brief hiatory of the Mairwarra dtanot The hiU range of thia diatrkt wore ouoe the abode of robbers of an extremely vidons character Infanticide waa regularly praotieed Ifid thv frMUentlT ftnld OmIf vrAtarw op yoaDg girls rar immoral nerptmo hot until 1833 ver ths otfitafoofths East India Company aware of the existence of theee lawtaa tribe known as the Main or the atrocities they committed They in habited a range of hills beyond Ajmara JACOBS oa NT JACOBS OU KT JACX BS OIL BT JACOBS OIL BT JACXJBB OIL KT JACOBS OIL nt Jacobs oil KT JACOBS OIL BT JACOBS Oil The Great German Remedy BT JACOBS OU JACOBS OIL BT JAOOB8 OIL NT JAOSM OIL KT JACOBS OIL BT JACOBB OIL NT JAOOBS OIL BT JACOBS OIL BT JACOBS OIL The Great German Remedy TO THE EDITOR Sir In your report of the proceedings of the Legislative Council th Hon Alexander Hay is stated to have If it was only a question of passengers he knew which would be the best harbour but tne mails and car goes also had to be landed Because of this Pert Victor was not suitable It would cost as much to bring the mails and cargo from Port Victor to Adelaide almost ae the freight from London Let aa examine thia question of comparative economy Mr Hay advocates a shipping place at Light's Pas sage ata cost estimated by Mr Hickson of £233725 I apprehend that Sir John Goode's estimate for a permanent depth of 30 feet at all times of tide over the outer bar and in Light a Passage will ba not leas than half a million but taking Mr lower figure the interest upon £233725 at 4 per cent (about what the money actually costs the Government) will be £10517 per annum To thia must be added the annual additional coat of transit from Light's say 3s a ton on 27538 tone (as given by Mr Hay) £412 (and this is an under estimate as the whole cost of working the extension to Light's Passage ought to be debited to the trarfic upon the line which coat would doubtless be more than £4129 per annum) and again most be added the additional subsidy chat must be raid to the steamers for going up and down 6L Gulf beyond what they would require to call at Victor Harbour A total of £17(00 a year wouli probably be too low an estimate Now suppose on the other hand that the and goods are landed at Victor Harbour and that the Government following the precedent established upon the Morgan line carry the goods free what will be the coat to the country If the mails and goods ware carried by the ordinary trains as two trains a day now run whether they have goods to carry or nok the increased cost would be infinitesimal as the monstrous 70 tou engine of the Nairne line would consume but little more fuel for a few additional ton weight to each train If however special trains were employed each time the mail arrived to take mails passengers and goods to Adelaide say fifty two special trains in the year at £20 per train the cost to the country would be £1040 a year only instead of the £17000 a year required by Mr Hay's plan of forcing the steamers up the Gulf to a landing place in Passage Where then the economy of Mr proposi tion? The above figures are of course only roughly approximate but I believe that exact estimate would show even a still more striking difference I am Sir Ac I September 23 A LINDSAY PS I have allowed for a special train from Victor Harbour to Adelaide £20 but any locomotive engineer of ordinary ability ought to be able to design a light train for mails and passengers to travel at the rate of 40 miles an hour that would go from Victor Harbour to Adelaide at a cost of not more than £2 The goods might follow by slower trains LOCAL BOARDS MAIN ROADS NORTH MIDLAND DISTRICT CLARE Tuesday September 23 Meaen John Cook (Chairman) Christisoa Goode and A McCallum Commissioners Mr arrar Superin tending Surveyor and Mr Shuttle worth Secretary CORBESON'DEXCE rom Lannisa of Ciyttel Brook statin that the District Council of Crystal Brook was fencing the main road to the Whim off from the park lands and pointing out that there was a dangerous short corner on the south side of the creek with not sufficient rerun for teams to turn in Referred to the Surveyor for report rom Cbamier MIGE on behalf of Grant contractor giving naruculvs of claim made for extra timber in ack Bridge uaed for decking purpose The Surveyor laid a report on the subject on the table for the consideration of the Board Mr Grant nere interviewed the Board with respect to claim for extra timber After the matter had been ducussed Mr Goode proposed the Board approve of tne recom mendation of the Surveyor that an amount of £146 13a be offered to the contractor without Seconded by Mr Chbistison and carried DEPUTATION Mr Wilkinson Mayor of Jamestown waited on the Board with reference to the unfinished state of the road near tne railway station at Jamestown People were com plaining of the delay in completing the work the contractor (P Hines) The Surveyor pointed out that the delay waa caused by the obstinate manner in which Hine bad refused to carry out his contract as requested The stone which Hine wanted to use was of inferior quality aud he had been notified that it was condemned Mr Hines had taken no notice of the many letters addressed to him urging him to proceed with the work Mr McCallum supported the remarks made by the Surveyor He had looked over the con tract and had found that the stone wm very mixed there being a great deal of rubbish with tbe metaL The Board decided to leave the matter in the hands of the Surveyor NOTICE TO REVOKE RESOLUTIONS Pursuant to notice Mr Commissioner McCallum moved all unrevoked resoluticns affecting the time and meeting of this Board be Mr McCallum pointed out that the majority of members uvtd loo? distance from Clare and be thought that the office should be situated in a more convenient place Mr Goode seconded the proposition Mr Christi Son thougnt that the matter should aland over until the new member was elected He protested against any action being taken at present Clause 50 of the Roads Act stated that no minute could be revoked without an absolute majority of the whole Board He would ask Mr McCallum to withdraw his notice until next meet ing when the Board would be fully constituted Mr McCallum had no objec tion to the motion being held over till next meeting Mr Goode had also no objection tion to the matter being held over till next meeting He moved in view of the tice of motion tabled by Mr McCallum that tenders be invited for suitable premises for the rmanent office of tne Board in Gladstone such tenders to be sent to the Chairman so that he may inspect premises offered and report at next He considered that although Gladstone was geographically not more central than Clare yet it was more convenient to the majority of the members The motion was seconded by Mr McCallum and carried ELECTION 0E A MEMBER The nomination papers from Corporations and District Councils for a member to fill the seat vacated by Sir Thompson Priest were opened and inspected by the Cha'nnan with the result: George Lloyd of Clare 17 votes Inglis 10 The Chair man then declared Mr Lloyd duly elected a member of the Board fur the term of three years comtnenciDg from July 1 Payments a ere authorized to the amount of £2171 12a 8d LOCJb COURT Minlaton: Wednesday September 23Before Messrs Gower 8M and ord LIMITED jurisdiction Campion Men £2 4s 3d for balance of account for goods supplied to defendant's agent on March 6 Mr Herbert for plaintiff The evidence ebowed that son bought fowls fruit and eggs from plaintiff stating that be and hie father were partners Defendant's son admitted receiving the coeds at Stantbury and giving an order on defendant for the amount On March 8 plaintiff called on defendant with the order telling him the gooia were at Port Adelaide Defendant denied all knowledge of the transaction saying his sun had once been his agent but that that arrangement had oeased He however was in the habit cf receiving goods from his son and if he knew who they were from he was respon sible On March 11 plaintiff again called on defendant who told him to go to Mr Pritchard's in Bundle street where the fowls had been sent He did so and re ceived from him £2 16a 2d the money re ceived for tbs fowl The Bench thought the agency of the defendant sou waa eatab liehed so nonsuited the plaintiff without costs PORT WAKELELD 8H0W The Port Wakefield Show on riday September 25 proved more sneceaaiol than waa at first anticipated he day waa rather cold and shower of rain fell but as the day wore on the weather grew warmer until evening when cloud again gathered up The exhibits were much more numerous than waa at tint exiected especially in machinery of which there was a very large collection and mostly of excellent quality The moat noticeable of all was a twinebinder exhibited by Harrold Brothen not for competitors A fine collection of vehicles was also on the ground also plourbs of various design Iu sheep and cattle the exhibit were of mode rate quality The longwool were far from pure but the show of horses waa fair The Society were again made to feel the abeolute need uf having ground of their own Great inconvenience was caused by the exhibit being so scattered The cattle were shown in Mr Di xon's yard the jumping took place on Mr vacant land and the rest of the exhibits were on the wharf and in the railway goods abed The atten dance waa good and some of the visi tors came from a long distance The Society cam congratulate iteelf upon the (atronage it has received from all classes of the community and will doubtless be in a position to pay all cIamm notwithstanding the dullimes A large number of gold and silver medals will be awarded as first prizea for stud stock and manufactured which will be more appreciated than money prizea A good hunch of bearded wheat was shown bv Mr Bartcn of Clinton from a field of about 100 acres rom the length of the straw and appearance of the bead it pro mises well far saerior to any crop known in this neighbourhood The following is the prize list Horse Judges Messrs Shepherd DoukIsj and Mills Draught Entire Daniel a Blondin Marquis of Lome Kennedy's Scottish Carle two year old do 8 Gale trood Sampan Roadster Entire 8 Black Hawk brood mare Kennedy Sanpsou blood brood do Kennedy weicht carrytng back Holthouse jumping hack Hoithuuw Riddle stmle carneaa Luise Blake Wood team lour horses and wagon 8 Gale Hon Bright Messrs A Barr Dellow and Klan Bull Reenedy Bundorf cow in milk Peter Hamdorf pair of fat beata 'imptr an henunena Mor rett Sheep Messrs Woods and Luke Dvlluw Longwool lambs Riddle Menno ram orrest do ewes orrest Sampson do 1 tooth orrest Sampson do Sampaon Chapman sad Semmens do fat wethers Chapman and betnmens Judges Same sa for cxttle Boar Saaopson fat pig Sampson Messrs 3 Boblnscn A Young and Lilly whit Turkeys A Toser Merritt light Brahmas Watu dark do Bassett Bassett Spanish Bond Watts gamelblatk red) Holland Hamburg! Samp son Chapman and 8emmet mixed fowls Merritt IL Hamdorf fowlcoop Chapman sod hem mens Agricvlitral Produce Mesas Castine MP Vercoe and Chapman Wheat Ebsary (e Ib aud rost chaff Dixon In thia clasa Mr Barton of Clinton exhibited a sample of African bearded wheat which weighed CTjlb to the bushel and pronounced by ths Judtes an excellent sample Daiey Bams as lor Agricul tural Produce Batter Sampson orrest Bundorf potted do Mrs Hamdorf hams peter Chapman and Hemmans flitch bacon Peter do rolled Peter rolled beef Chapman end Kemmens Lard Hamdorf Sampson eggs (hen) Peter omst do (duck) Merrwtt Matthews do (soosex Mrs Cherry omst bread Riddle aad Sesnmena homemade do Mr Hamdorf Mr Toser VtGETsBi Messrs Malcolm Matts and Hoggarth Cabbage and tur nips orrest collection of vegetable Spells parsley Mrs Eastwood orrest lettuces Holland orrest ruit and low ebs Same as for Vegetables! Apple 8 Spells ontuges (S A Spells Billman do (grown anywhere) Spells collection cut flowery McKechnie table bouquet Kennett Riddle band do Mrs Hubble Mrs Eastwood orrert wild flowers Kennett Gnenwood Snaddea pot plants in bloom McKechnie collection pot plant A Box McKechnie AuRicui TtRAL Implements or machines and vehicles Messrs Barker Kamp on and Jessnp ploughs Ac Messra Strong man Barton and Klan Beeoer (any mue) Martin and Co Cameron and Co reaper (patent) Martin and Co Garach and Co mower Northway Mellor Brothen winnower Wheatley Blade wagon (EnglisbL A Dawson tip dray IL Hoepner Blake spring dray Northway Blake pring carf Blake Blake express bogy Blake Northway single seated buggy Northway Biddle family trap Blake Klan double stump jnn ping plough A Dawson treble do Northway femith do scantier Hoepner Dawson do barrow Northway Hoepner hay take and scrub rake Northway eeteower D' Lbie cdlectinn implements Blake unenumerated ttnnghinder exhibited by Harrold Brother Nabpii Messr Chapman Heard tnd orrest Buggy harness snring cart do dray do saddle and bridle (ladys) and collection Miller Miscellaneous Three fleeces Merino xl orrest jama and jellies Mrs Hillman catchup Mrs Hamdorf got np white shirt Windham A Cherry Kcholaatic Messrs Hogarth and Malcolm and Mesiames Watts ana Hubble Wnting (small) Mary Mugford Mugford do (roundband) Mary Mugford Beater map of Australia (children over 10) Norman Benter Moore printed motto Nockolds a Robuuou eimpoeition (proee or verse) 8 Robinson plain sewing nuchan Hewett drawer! dH aucban Jantke knitted socks Susan SnaaJen Maney darned stocking auchan crewel work Maney 8 Snaddeo woolwork Snad den fcnadden Sir I cannot refrain from making a few remarks regarding the proposed taritC 1 see by your pajer that the present Government intend to pat extra duty on the common necessaries of life thereby placing a heavier burden on the poorer classes Now Sir it is well known fact that the working class contribute more than their fair share to the revenue and to further increase toe burden of taxation on that class is nothing bat a downright scandalous shame The Trea surer says that we want money and money he will have We are now in debt up wards of £700000 I quite agree with the Treasurer that the amount we sire in debt is far too ranch for such a young country But Sir I think our Government might ana could easily raise a large revenue in many ways without making the poor contribute to the extent of nearly 6a in the pound or Sir I would increase the tax on all land up to one penny 1 would also place a tax on all stock on them up to certain number caJve and sheep Id cattle Is horses (saddle and harness) 2s entires 5 racehorses £1 per head thia tat item only bein a luxury this tax would bring in a large revenue from that class of persons who are not paying a fair proportion or instance we hive the squatter with the Treasurer at the head who hold land at a rental of ba 4d per square mile while the farmers are paying something like £25 to £30 ir mile Now air only look at the difference between the poor farmer and the wealthy squatter and ask yourself if it's honest and just on the part of the Govero ment to further tax the Done and sinew of the country and to deprive them of their rights Theo Sir we have thousands of square miles oi annaal leases which country or a greater portion of it has been surveyed and also let at a rental of 8s 4d a mile while the farmer who apply for commonage in the annual leaats pay 4d per bead or tty 2d per acre allowing 2 acres to one sheep which shows difference of nearly £5 per mile Yet with all the difference of handicap poor Wapstraw is to be further taxed Iben come the Vermin Act which has cost the country upwards of £200000 Who was this Act framed for? Why Sir it's only an indirect way of granting oonceesions to the iaetoralists who for year previously paid or ditgoes and many sqAtters found food for acalpbunten Now we have hundreds of thousands of vermin killed and I can venture to say that a very small sum of money has ever been paid to the Treasury for aeseasmenton these rune which should have larvely increased their carrying capabilities 1 think Sir that the sooner the leasee have to pay for their own vermin the better far the country and poor Waitraw I may say Sir to that we have paid thousands of pounds to bring immigrants to Australia with the ilea that they should nuke homes for them selves but if theee unfortunate per sons have to pay so heavily fur toeir food it will 1 am sun be the mean of driving them to other colonies Therefore I ray Mr Editor let as have direct taxatioo Let one and ail pay according to their pro perty airplay and no favour It is eviaent Sir that the 9d per bushel duty oa barley was only a sprat to catch a mackerel Such an idea was never hinted by any of the branches of the armers Association Id fact they would sooner see their producefree Uh had I tne wing of a dove to New Zealand I quickly would fly and leave behind for a legacy this beautiful but mixtnanaged country I am Sir Ac SWAER Itaeirlne io reMwae tl Captain Disc was appointed to this daty 1835 His first action was to organise a loeai polio ioroe and the offered osrteia Main employment in this fores anj by rewards and other inducemeets be managed to capture aad sakgugato a couaioerabla number of these turbulent men But to farther cMUra them be iadnoed a number of native agrtaaittuteto to settle amongst them and thus induced thees robbers to follow peaceful pursuits He found tbo rainfall precarious as although 38 inobao was the average annual rainfall yet owing to th billy nature of ib district aad the sandy nature oi the soil iu the valleys this water was soon tat Captain Dltou undeitook tbe eowtauraica of a sr oi irrtgettoo tanks of from half an acre to 130 acres tn extent nd daring bis sdraiiiletrstluii 5tf) these tex were ooastructoii in the district and although th Itest India Company advanced about tow ard their construction yet this was only a small poitioe al tbetr atonal ooct log Mr Dixrm by bis inflMM and by dsimca strating tbs great advantages ths outtivaton would obtain induced targe Munbora to voluntarily labour at ths coastruetice ot tbsso tank and tbe channels and to eoavey tbe stored water to the a tags amount of uniid labour utilised As this new district proved fertile aad the land tex (hist! or Government rest was iifht targe aumher flocked totheoe hills A serious dr a back next presented itoelL The two towns cd Ajmer and urserabed were 30 and 36 miles distant and a diffiwilt billy road rom theee towns supplies had to be draws and prodnoo taktn to disputed oi to tbe native mer chant Colonel Dixon (for be bad justly earned bis promotion) repreesated to certain trader the advisability of establishing a trading centre to tbs district A new town ship called Nyanaggur (sew city) was eon tructed and a targe number of trader mechanic Ao settled Bet theee fearing that the Maira might again resume their law less habtta appealed to Colons! Dlxoa to bava a well built round th new township this waa done on condition that the Vaders would uudsr take share of tbe ex pens This was ate done and to a few years a district onoa held by fierce lawless trine was converted Into a very garden of Ixdia Colonel Dixea's wm another of those victories of psoea and al rarely to now lodged But tore of number ui a few yam told their own tale To obtain firewood the whole mountain range waa denuded of Ito tret Tbe annual rainfall decreased and for three years before 1889 the average annual fall bad Mt been 5 inch This dteUiat wm st that time 250 miles from tbe eaarwit railway station with a sandy soil aud only one Government road running thrasgh the district but over 30 mike distant odder for toe cattle firat failed oocMequeotly bullocks for transport and oolkivaUun died otf and next the vast horde of human being literally perished Thue tbe work of civilization commenced by Colonel Dixon and which progreeeed rar about thirty years wss dispelled by a famine of net three duration This country is Dow literally deserted Tbe HO tanka are now most of them useless owftig to tbe absaMs of men to repair them or cultivator to us then in the whole of this district no middlemen existed Lack ae who cultivated tbe soil beki it direct from the State The money lender might have held liens on portion but But a few of tbee perished with th reel who fell victims to the rapacious famine Owing to this misfortune and to lb superatitioo ot th natives no one has taken up land this district since 1970 It fo now almost a waste soore of villages once tbe homes ot a peasantry are dow deserted ruins everbrown with grass and weeds Aey'cne eonudering the sxperienas the Mairwarra district affords must admit that there was some truth in tbe theories advanced by Malthas who may have overestimated bis when he advanced the theory of th Increase at MpulaticB by geometrteal ratio Yet force of number and their keen compe tition for existence mast tell and tbe weakest or those least abta to hold tbstr own go to the wall which it is to be feared neither Go vernment managearant of land nor My system of land natianaUution can avert Some blame the holding of private projwrty tn land as being tbe cause of lbs vast distre Ln older countries Here waa a distreas far beyond even the famine of Ire ooulu represent and yet private pro perty in land did not exist and the tend la as lighter than to other districts yet neither averted tbe dire catastrophe I am bir Ac JLNGLO INDIAN MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS GLENELG riday September 25 His WorshiD the flavor (Mr GelD Councillor Scott Morrison I 'ckup Hamlin and Sabine and Vie Town Clerk (Mr Seal) An apoloay was received from Councillor toward lor his absence Ccrrtapcodeijce rom Billutt reference to a letter from the Town Clerk of September 23 in which it was stated that Mr Wisbart had written to Mr Martin (Clerk of Works) stating that the entrance to Patawalonga River would be partly closed and blocked for some time and requesting Mr Billiatt to inform boa tow nere of the same Io reply he protested againu the blocking of the creek as being unnecessary and illegal The Mayor stated that this idea had arisen from a misapprehension and that it was not the intention of the Council to block up tbe river Letter received rom Nicholson A Hawker regarding the follow ing question submitted to them viz: Assuming Mr Stone complies with the by laws of tbe Glenelg Corporation and erects a slaughterhouse in conformity therewith is the Council bound to grant him a They were of opinion that the Council were Dot so bcuncl The statement in the by laws at page 73 that licences be granted oa the following terns and conditions was identical with a similar statement in the Adelaide by laws aad simply meant that the Council would not grant any licences except on the terms and condition set forth in the by iaw The Council had an absolute disetetien to grant or refuse licences for alauuhtering Received Patawalonga River Improvement Mr Chamfer forwarded a report stating that tbe timber from Western Australia for tbe main weir had arrived and there was now tbe prospect of the work beinq pushed on rapidly He was glad to leant that the Council was not in favour of any alterations bring made in the original design and no fait had come to his knowledge that would show the necessity for any such deviations being made On the upper weir the piledriving and most of the sheeting had been completed and the tilling in of the stone bank had been done It would probably take two months longer to finish the whole of the works Received The Jubilee The Mayor ex pressed hie strong approval of the Jubilee Exhibition scheme as proposed by Mr bmith and thonghtthat great financial ad vantages would accrue to the colony by the venture Councillor Sabine endorsed the Mayor's remarks and moved the Glenelg Corporation heartily concur with the proposal to hold Jubilee Exhibition as described in the scheme and plan? laid on the table and that the Town Clerk be in structed to intimate to Mr Smith that it was believed that this Exhibition would not merely be a local benefit bat one for the advantage of the whole Councillor MorbiscN seconded and the motion was unanimously carried inance Report Receipts Town rate £152 19 5d sanitary rate £38 3 9d sundry rates £7 10a 6d total £L9o 13a Expenditure Payments recommended £111 19a 4d Bank account debit £398 14 Id Available expenditure in Glenelg Ward £G4 6s 6d New Glenelg £31 0i Id St Leonard Ward £4 8a Committee reported rates collected £142 10a 2d Adopted Public Works Amount recom mended for payment £111 19 4i Ths con tract for paving watertables in Thamaa and Elizabeth had been carried out in satisfactory manner Tbe forming of tbe side of Scarborough street had been done Tbe committee recommended that a boxdrain be erected at tne two crossings into and behind Messrs RounseveH's and Magarey's premises the former at the expense of Means Rounaevell and Magarey and tbe latter at the expense of the Corporation The committee directed the attention of the Council to the dangerous condition of the footpath on tbe south west side of Moseley street caused by tbe owner of the property moving back bi fence from tbe street leaving a bole 100 feet long by about 3 feet wide and 16 inches deep com mittee recommended that the owner of pro perty abutting upon Moeeley street whose fence were not within tbe line of road be notified that until such fence were removed and placed in line and the footpaths re paired the Council could not take over the road Adopted hollow victory from Chatter ou whom McGregdr made bi ran a little too early perhaps though tbe result could never hive even altered and Cbstter mav n0 be safely written down no good over hurdles Before the race Onkapuinga was sold to a Birdsville sportsman who intends to take him up country Teu ran for the Pony Race aul Bella who bore otf the palm in tne matter of good looks shared favouritism with Peter while moat of the others were backed The starter wa some time getting them away and when the flag dropped chance was effectually distinguished while Bella also got off badly Eraak was always first or second and after a good race he just got home fretn Hazel sod Bella ive ran for the L)rai Cep and Mr Bker atain mads all the running with Kildare At the last fence lying Buck the favourite was alongside the veteran but be came down and Kapert aud bpanker also coming to grief Kildare wm left to canter home from Conspirator Mr Allan Baker who races in the familiar blae aad white stripe of the late Hon Baker re ceived a splendid reception from the btand and if ever the old Morialta colour are seen to the fore in a more important race than a Drs Cup their success will be as warmly welcomed by the public as was the case in tne days when Corsair The Monk Mentor Paul Jones and Don Giovanni were racinj The Open steeplechase was a very tame affair Chrysalis slit ped into the second of the treble and crashed right through it shooting her rider some yards over her head Kain remounted and went on but ry never dwelt with Eeny and with Tozer aud Teetotaller coming to grief the Turrettield mare was followed home at a respectable distance by the Messrs second string Hyperna while Chrysalis cantered in third The following are the details the maiden bintems steeplech Of 30 sov sad np (presented by Mr Brunk borat) added Second horse i sure (rum tbe atiie Two miles Mr lying Buck by Aos Italian Buck sed st 5 lb (Mr ergus se) Mr eh a Lancet aged 10 st 5 3V jur rergusuni Messrs Robertson Brotbero br or bk Moose Syr or aged 10 st )b (Mr Irtn) Mr ch Teetotaller aged 11 st lb (Mr Cowenl 00 lying Buck 5 to Sag rt Lancet The favourite was taken to the front and led Teetotaller six lengths to the first fence the other pair lying att some distance They ran (n this order to the first of tbe treble where Teetotaller tried to get ofl and fell iring Buck then slowed down and losing ground through trying to sup at the terrace corner Lancet and Moose got to close quarter Coming to tbe last fence Lancet took second place and joining iring Buck st the entrance to tbe straight it looked like a race bat tbe favourite soon had hi opponents in difficulties and having tbe verdict in hand all tbe way home be won in a canter by half a length Moose only to lengths aay third Time 4 mtn 50 sec THE SDELAlDB HUNT CLUB CUP A welter handicap of 80 eova with cup (presented the Pnsideut Mr Barr Smith) and a portrait from life of tbe winner (to be executed and presented by Mr Wocdhvuse) added Second horse £0 sox from tbe ttake third horse 10 sov from the stake Hunting costume About 4 triles Mr 8 erry's gg bir Ewan by Angler aged 11 st (Mr Cornelius) 1 Messrs Robertson hg TI perns aged 11 st (Mr Irwin) Mr eg Austerlitz aged su I lb (Mr Byrne) Mr Allan Baker's Ur Kildare aged 12 st (Mr A Baker) Mr Bay's Rupert 6 yrs or seed 11 it 61b (Mr McKie) Mr bg Intrepid aged 10 st 9 lb (Mr CowaaL to agst Rupert 3 to 1 each azst Sir wan aad Hjpenra 4 to 1 agx Austeriita 6 to 1 sgst Kildare bir rwan wu tne first to snow in front and he a followed by Intrepid Kildare and Aiistethu to the first fence which Kildare tod Austerlitz jumped together itb sir Kwan in doee attendance the other three jamping side by aide In tbe dip dir Ewan and Kildare were with Austerlitz at their beeM Rupert and Hyperna lying behind Intrepid but as tney came to tbe treble Mr took Kildare to the front and he strode over tbe fencs in front of tbe Stand with Austerlitz at his girth i Kir Kwan and Hyperna being two lengths away with Hupert and Intrepid dose up and all jumping grandly After rounding tbe turn Kildare urew drew away four length and idr Ewn to second place from Austerlitz wtth Report Intrepid and Hyperna close together and at tbe Church the top weight was still striding along la front with Rapert and Hyperna nest and poor old intrepid toiling along in the rear Going oat of tbe course Kildare was still acting as piooe and after jumping ths double and running round the trees be eame into tbe course again with a clear lead of sir Ewan Rupert and Hyperna in the order named Austerlitz being next and lotrepi I last Passing tbe stand tbs second time Kildare was still carrying them along at his best pace and there was some blundering over the treble both Rupert and Bit Ewan hitting bard while Intrepid was scarcely able to crawl' bis fences and at tbe tore be stopped altogether Tbe tup weight kept bis place till after jumping the fence by tbe huch when Sir Ewan who bai been gradually creeping ap headed him aad went on with tbe lead Rapert taking his place by the side of Kildare with Hyperna well clear of Austerlitz Jumping into the Park Lands Kildare fell and left Rupert in atten dance upon ror Ewu but the old grey who hit this fence pretty hard kept his place comfortably and jumped into tbe straight with a good lead of Rupert while Hyperna wu elose bandy In the run hume Hyperna passed Rupert in tbe dip bet could never reach Sir Ewan who won easily by six length Austerlitz wm a very bad third aud Rupert wuked In fourth Tine tt min SI sec THE HlNDlCiP OPEN HURDLE R1'E A handicap of 0 son Second horse 10 sova from tbe stake Open to all riders Registered rqfrfJnp lllftTB toUO Wi I 10 alK)QI 3 UJUri Mr A il rate's bkg Ookaparinga by Honestisb Nellie 0 yn JO st 9 lb (Kain) Mr Hubble's brg Chatter 5 or 6 yra 9 st 8 Ib (McGregor) Mr Ayhffe's bm tody Melissa aged 9 st It lb (Mr arfunon) Mr Gordon's br Dundas 5 yrs 9 st 10 lb (GecghanX Mr Kuglemnn'e eg Rocket yrs 9 st 81b (Murdoch) Mr erns 'kg Sweep 6 or fl yrs 9 st 3 lb (Mr A reny) Mr 1 Outer's brg Canute 6 yrs 3 st i to 1 each agL Lady Melissa and Onkaparing 5 to 8 agtt Chatter to 1 each agst Dondas tnd Rocket Sweep got the beet of a bad start and made run ning from Canute and Unkapannn to tbe first hurdle itb Socket fourth and Dundas I tst weep continued to make play along the back ot the course with Lady Metata second tbe rear being brought ap by 'hatter and tbe Itader hell his own to tbe entrance to tbe straight where be was closed on by Becket and Canute with Dundas heading Melima and Onkaparinga the field being still whipped in by Chatter Rocket led past the stand with the others in tbe same order bat at tbe turn Canute went to tbe treat and led to the Church where Socket again tock ap the running Canute lying second and Onkaparing third with Chatter rapidly caichiDg Lady Melissa At tbe south eastern corner Canute wu again in fr nt while Chatter had taken second place and at tbe balf railepost the last named horre and Onkaparing were at the bead rf affairs with Dundas and Lady Melitsa next Enteting tbe straight Onkaparing bad everything beaten and leaving Chatter in tbe run heme on easily by two lengths Lady Melias was a mode rate third and then came Dundas and Canute Time fl nun 81 sec PCNT RAC A handicap for ponire 1 1 hands 1 inch and 'under rors cup ruur iuthmu Mr brg rank 5 yra13 st (Owner) Mr bcaamell's gm Hazel fl yn 10 st 7 lb (Owner) Mr bm Bella aged 13 st 6 lb (Mr Bowman) Mr bm BidJv aged list (Owner) Mr bg co*ck of tbe Wk fl ys 11 tt 13 lb (Mr A erry) Mr Stirling's Peter or fl ym 91b (Mr Meie) Mr Moorheme's bk or br Black Angel fl yr or aged 11 st 7 lb (Mr Byrne) Mr crm Blue Bell 8 lb (Owner) Mr tia Luey fl yn or aged 11 st (Mr ergussouX Mr Cowan's cn Helena aged 10 st 10 lbnwwrl Betting 9 to 1 sgst Peter 3 to 1 agst Bells 4 to I ant Black Angel fl to 1 agst rank and Hazel Black Angel and Htxel appeared to set tbe best of a bad start and tbe latter led down the hill from Biddy and rank witb co*ck of the Walk and Bella most prominent of tbe other At the distance rank on tbe rails was in front and bolding his own for tbe rest of the distance be beat Hasel cleverly by half a length Bella was a close third and Black Angel fourth tbe last two to pass the post being Peter and Blue Bell Time 58 sec THEDUaS cup Of flfl sore witb a cup (presented by His Excel lerey tbe Governor) second hone 10 sovs from the staxe: um unra a auT Mr Allan Baker's bg Kildare by Australian Buck aged st 7 Ib (Owner) Mr 8 erry's Conspirator sged 1) st 7 lb (Mr A erry) Mr Kuglemann's lying Buck aged list 131b (Mr ergtasos) Mr Cowan spanker aged 11 st 101b (Mr CovranL Mr bg Rupert aged II st 13 lb (Mr 4 to 4 sgrt lying Buck to 1 agtt Rapert A to agst Consp irator and 3 to 1 ast Kildare Kildare wm at once taken to the front and led Boek Rupert (wbo bluaderedX and Con spfrator over tbe fine fenee and they ran with little or no change over the fences oa tbe hill ajd tbe doable into tbe Park Landa Coming into tbe course again Kildare was still acting av pioneer with lying Back Speaker sod Rupert in close esder aad CoBsptrator last In tbe dip Kildare Buck and Spanker jumped almost gether but Kildare drew away again at the treble anl led Bpankn through the paddock with Back Rapert aad Conspirator in the order named Spanker joined th mk horse at tbe turn and the pair drew clear al their followers but before they reached the double again spanker retired and lying Buck ted Kildare across toe rood with Rupert third Tbe favourite aud KiUare were together at tbe last fence wbkb brought down the grey sod Rupert aad Speaker also falling Kildare came on and won as be liked from Cuoepirator Time 7 mm 30 sec THE 4EAND MmONH HUNT A welter taoalicap steeplechase el b6 sov second bone fl sova Amateur tidera allowed 7 lb About Smile Meesra Robertson Brothen br Reuy by Aus tralfau Buck aged 10 kt9 lb (H ry) 1 Messra Robertson Hvperaa seed 10 st 10 lb (Jackson) 3 Mr A von Doassa's br ut Chrysahi aged 12 st 8 lb (Kami 7 3 Mr erry tig Toser 9 or flyra 9sL 12 lb (Mr Byrne) Mr ch Teetotaller aged 10 st (Murdoch! 0 to 4 each sgst Chryealu and Beny 4 to 1 each sgst Hyperna and Toser Directly the flag fell Reny left her fie'd and at tbe fence tbe dip abe bad estabiubed a toag lead of ted Tczc: witb Ctryralls tex and TAXATION TO THE EDITOR I hear uow that the tax collector has len engaged amending the returns of the finners and using the District Council aaaess nients for this purpose As I was a Councillor in several districts in my younger days and have had opportunity to observe the work ing of these institutions I give my opinion that District Council assessment are in no case known to me to be depended on as fair and equitable tut are the result in roost cases of caprice and interested motives It is seldom that their assessors had any chance to be qualified jieraon for the office and it has been the uniform practice for Councils to b'nd the as sessor to certain maximum and minimum scale on which they fix the values It is quite a coir moo thing to find two properties lying alongside each other fixed at the same value the one property being double the value of the other one District Councils don't seem to know that by the Act of Par liament they have no authority to make amend or alter the assessment of their dis that this is a matter belonging only to a competent assessor But they are in tbe way of making inch alterations at their caprice or their own individual interest Suggest some may say that every ratepayer has the power to appeal to a Court This is true and I once thought to avail myself of the privilege to get nJ of the most odious and flagrant injustice of an action of a Council doubling the assessment which was apparent to every man of sense I was told on the first Court day that I would have to give notice to every ratepayer of my spieaL I had to write out 100 such notices sod then when next Court day came 1 lost the it being decided by the same Magis trate I bad done an illegal thing in issuing such and had £5 expense to pay I of course felt aggrieved and gave the Magis trate a taste of the roughest ride of tny tongue This paid me well as I was told by the tame Magistrate I waa to be gazetted for a JP but for my impadeno oa that ooca sion I wu saved all tbe trouble of aJP I then found it wu better for me and others to accept of the raying literally If your adversary compel you to go a mile go with him I am convinced that there is no remedy to be found at a Court of law I have never gone to any Court before or since on any matter I think tbe Government are ignorant of the state of matters connected with District Council or they had not thought cf such a course Of course my knowledge is limited to a few of them But I think if a competent person were appointed by the Government to value the land it would be found that the best lands are under valued It bad not been deemed matter of such importance as to merit notice in the news papers were it not that theee assessments are to be used to fix the valaea for Govern ment taxation That is but a halfpenny per pound meantime to begin with but no man can predict how the tax may grow in future time I and many more people would be well pleased to see those Councils abolished they are new become a nuisance Not that I would allow the roods ta go on cared for bat bind every man to repair all roads through his property under super vision and compel all men to do their duty armers can maintain their roads at a much cheaper rate than any Council Let the Government only withdraw tbe supplements and sboiuh the clause in the Act allowing Councils to impose Is rate and they will speedily all die a natural death they had not come into existence ly because of tbe supplement money a 1 am Sir Ac JOHN LAWRIE Tittiy SeptULb i 25 THE IRE AT MR LE TO THE EDITOR Sir In your report of the inquest of Le fire North Adelaide I see that com plaints were made about not having sufficient force of water which is a veiy lame excuse sod partly their ow fault I was one of the first on the spot and being an old fireman and foreman who served under both Mr Baker and Mr Moore was disgusted to see men who have proper appliances with no nozxle at the end cn the branch bat using their hands to make the water spread and another thing tre couplings were not screwed up properly and were leaking and in the face of all this they complain about not having sufficient force of water In my opinion Mr Le Cornu is quite correct a boat their not playing on the proper place If Mr Boyce in charge of North Adelaide Reel bad utilized the plug opposite the odel school in Tynts street the fir would have been pat out in less than a quarter of an hear At least tbe old brigade could have dene so If this is tbe wsy th per want nt fire brigade work at a small fire what will become of if we have the fir mania during the coming summer as we did last 1 am Sir Ac HARRISON Elder street Adelaida September 3d MR MATTINSONf OOT IXING TO VEHICLES THE WEST 1NGHOUSE BRAKE TO TBE EDITOR The returns moved for by th bon member for the Port ree)cting th Westing house brake are incomplete as to wbat ba been the cost of the trials and appHaatton of tbe various brakes sinoe Mr Thow has been in the position of Locomotive Engineer unless returns are also moved for as to the oost of other which have been fitted to vehicles and tried or untried If th boo member Is roally sincere in his endeavour to obtain tbe sum of money that has bees spent 0)un brakes for public information let him Include all failures or successes Then he will do a service but if is only moving io tre matter of the Westinghouse brake I do not hesitate to av he has some motive not ooodudv to th public service as every one ust know ere this that the Westinghouse brake is a great soccmm and a nch do enquiry is needed It is only tbe cost of failure that want enquiring into I I would respectfully suggest to the bon member to ameod his motion so as to include the oust of the Woods brake as fitted to vehicle oa booth Australian Railways how and whan tried and tbe reason of their being aban doned and who aa the rued soeb oost of fitting trial of and abandonment shall then get to know bow and by whom the public money is squandered on experi ments on brakepower I am Sir flee bTEAM liberally and admitfree cotton and linen goods True they cannot prodooed here bat for revenue purioMss they might wall bear a 6 percent duty or this reason tbev oost very iittl to import Dot mor than 7j to 10 ir cent A 5 pr cent duty would add very title to tbe English oost Of ooors it would rrean a line invoiced say 5d would cost 5jd It would take a very competent draper to jooge kboee gooes to a farthing a yard so tbs slightly advanced price would nut to notice able Whilst advocating the above duty I riotaia that th 15 per odL which mcaos I'j ad valorem Is altogether too high on some els sees of drapery Lt is levied on goods hich by reason of their bulky nature are the most expensive to gt for instance hosiery hata carpeta aod floorcloths Were it necesaary to protect these th oost to get them bare would be sufficient protection but assuming are legislating for revenue purpoec tne heavy duties combined with toe heavy oost of im porting make these goods Dearly double the price that they are in tbe old country The same amount of revenu might Le ob tained without bearing so hardly on the people by a better aad more even distribution of duties lannels do doubt could bear a 5 per cent doty a limited quantity of Australian flannels would sell and should be made in tbe oolony I may be reminded cotton aad lines goods are largely used by the wot king classes 1 should any that they are in tar greater request by the middle classes At present you can import the finest boetis duty free whereas tbe com monest class of dress good pay heavy duties which will be very severely felt Would not sn all round 5 per oeot duty with a judicious 10 per cent on good where there is reasonable ho) of our being able to manu facture in tbe colony be preferable to tbe 15 per oett ad valorem list Carpet will now cost from SO to 45 )r cent tbe oommooeet elaaaes 60 per cent to land here New arrivals generally have to buy these: tbe difference in price from the old country being so marked they get a bad impression of th cost of living in tbe colony become dissatis fied and send discouraring reports to their friends whom they hav left behind 1 am Six i0 DRAPER THE HUNT CLUB STEEPLECHASE Saturday Septembkr 26 Mr Barr Smith Hon IL Rost Newland and Simms Messrs RonuseveU 51 Stirling MPC Hardy and Bowman Race Messrs Moorhouse A Baker Bowman Bickford Hay and Stirling Judge Mr Bagot Starter Mr George Bagot Clerk of the Scales Mr Turner Clerk of the Ccnrve Mr Pan Hon Secretary Mr Blackmore Since Gipsy Girl won the double Cup and Stakes for Mr erry in 1869 the Hunt Club Stesplecbises have never been regarded with ltrs interest than they were on Saturday and unless some new blood isinfused into the clnb the annual Hunt Cup will soon become a thing of the pest Until within the last three or four years the Hunt Cap was the Steeplechaae above all others wbicb owner of good borne sought to win but the rctory ot Kory O'More dealt the Ring such a blow that bookmakers have not cared to meddle with the race since and horse of tbe Swordfish Chester and Brown Eagle class are now reserved for Open Steeplechase where there is a chance of winning somethin? beyond the bare stake witboat incurring the risk attendant upon qualifying for Hunt Cup honour If the totalizator had lived the club might hav done without the interest which anti post betting lends to a meeting bat racing without either wagering or a totalizator is a lifeless sort of borine aud unless the moneyed member of the dab buy good bone and race them tbe Hunt Steep chases will never regain the hold on the public they once held This year the borae competing were very bad aad the raciu men present were probably a good deal more interested in the doings in connection with Newstead Derby chance thau they were in tbe different eveuta decided during the afternoon No betting ring was pro vided for tbe accommodation ot mem ber of and the abeenos of the bookmaker cries made the pro ceedings as quiet as they used to be in th earlv day of the Betting Act A drenching shower of rain eame down just as people should have been leaving for the course aad continued until the time for starting the first race bat the sun came out afterwaxds and then the atodancs im (roved The carriage members of the club ergot their prejudice against the Old Coarse for the occauoa aud the stand and paddock were well filled while the Old Stand and enclosure were also pretty well pstro'iised but the morning rain prevented ti club getting tbe bumper attendance they would have enjoyed had tbe weather been favourable His Excellency the Governor arrived before the Cup wu run and after the Drag Cup he presented the different trophies from the Stand Mr erry who has always been a very liberal nominator to the Hunt Club races hat been ringularly fortunate in winning the Cud Ln 1H9 won with Gipsy Girl fa 1874 with Darkie In 1877 with Darkie in 1880 with Tbe Joker sod in 1884 and 1885 with Sir Ewan The hero cf meeting wu fit rally thrown into the handicap a he won last yw with 10 at 10 lh and beat Rapert and Hyperna who on Saturday were allowed little or no consideration for the beating they received in IsM The horse wu soore in July that Mr Hughe thought he might safely take Utartte with him and Shephard deserve great credit for having got tbe old horse ao well to the post while Mr Cornelius is also entitled to nigh praise for tbe part he played in bringing about Sir victory spectators who were standing by the big fence at which Kildare fell state that th grey wu on hi nose there and that Mr Cornelius lost both stirrups and wm out on bio horse's neck The four entered for the Maiden otwpMchsee were weighed oat prettv puDctnally and tiray were soon ou their journey lying Buck the favourite st once went to the trout and after Teetotaller came to grief be nad matter his own way but Mr ergaewn pulled him into a canter opposite tbe Church and tbe very Marly got off a fence Th finish but tne favourite might have walked tn had hi rider chosen to go ou after Teetotaller fell Tbe Cup followed and a good deal of attention wu paid to the dif ferent candidates tn the paddock Rupert had become sound soengh to start bat he walked very tenderly ou the injured limb and tbe best judges would net have him though he started favourite Poor old Intrepid presented a very woebe gone appearance and Aasterlitx wm rightly voted quite unfitted for tbe task before him Hyperna looked well and Sir Ewaa better than be hae bern for a long time while old Kildare though rather tighter than he generally run seemed fairly well The race wss run at a good sound pace Mr Baker on Kildare forcing the parae for about 3 mile when he came to grief Sir Ewan at this time bad the race won and after narrowly eecaptng fall going into tbe Park Landa he went to the front and woa very easily from Hyperna who had rawed Rapert ta the dip Mr Hy boras mmped bsdiy aad hit hi injured leg at the fenco which brought down Kildare Aus terlitz obtain third place while Intrepid stopped from abler exhaustion a ter going 3 miles and It is to be hoped hia misguided owner will dow rive up tbs poor eld cripple Sir Ewan and Mr Cornelius were loudly cheered on returning to role Mr Jordan pat an amateur on Lady MsiiM in lbs Open Hurdle Race to rave 7 Ib but the result wm unsatisfactory tbe mare wm all over the place with Mr ttguncBa a LAW AND CRIMINAL COURTS LOCAL COURT AnzxxiD Mommy Szptkmbe S8 at 10 am ULL JURISDICTION Before His Honor Mr ConimiMioMr Stoart and Jory Peareo Glssrig Railway Railway Cot WEDSE8DAT SETEMBU3Q AT 10 A LIMITED Jt SIMD1CTION MngT Itaphsel ctaMnanti Defended Mildred Osmond tauhtoa MUdred Buaisto Thomson Bryns Riding owJr KkbotfI Mitchell McCulloch A (X Limited Carinos Josepna HAiailtoe Lae basda Murphy Wafiia orhmge Wwit bury hibbens bmith Cook McMahos 8tacey Nixon Raphael Cooper Castln AudrwwarUua Joy see Howard Webb McNamara Pascoe McNamara Chasses Cadwaiader Svtnon Me ie Mens Chariton Haskin Haya OCTOBBA 1 AT 10 A UnsaZufiad Jsdsmest bummossee Wadey Thomas William al Kingvland Linklater Scriviser Linklater Pridioere Tombs Wadey Atherton Riddler Moiiuy Hay Deloqua Tbomsos Keas Vandctse Thomas Whalan Spry Motteram Ninsts Aadareos Chamberlin Conrad Boodle THVBSDaT OCTOBER 1 AT 11 Defended Causes District Council of Brirttos Adams District Council o( Brighton Tombs SPORTING Backers of Newstead for the VRC Dir by are having a vary uncomfortable time Certain member of the Batting Ring svidaatiy think the hone is mu3 tod as bookmaker rarely make a mittke when they open fire against a favourite wa are forced to the conclusion that our Derby representative in qaeer treet Alter touching 4 to 1 Newstead has steadily receded to double these odd without any positive information to his being amiss being made public Tbe new that he had been stopped in his work ten days 'p was explained bv tbs horse having been pat through a mild course of physio and although opperition broke oat against him in Sydney tbs acceptance ot several substantial wagers steadied the colt temporarily Oa Saturday week the layers in Sydney again extended tbe odds against Newstead and although W0 to 100 wm taken it did not soffit co item the downward progress of the colt and last Saturday at th Hunt Club Meeting an operator who seldom acts without tbe best of information actually offered to toy SCO to 50 that the colt cannot win the VR Derby Whether Newstead case isa hopeless as these odd suggest we do not pretend to Bay No one appear to know anv thing a to what he has beec doing daring the last few days bet it is just at well to let tbs public know that ra the opinion of at least one pretty shrewd bookmaker it ia now IQ to 1 sgamat Pt winning the VRC Derby The AvAralatian says nothing to lead any ooe to suppose that the colt is not doing as well a the rest of the horses training at lemington and the appended paragraph 1 roar the Leader takes rather a hopeful view of the the liberties re cently taken with the Derby colt Newstead nothing has transpired to justify a supposi tion that there is a screw loose anywhere His absence from tbe training groona an one or two morning last week has already been folly explained) and after undergoing a mild course cf physic the colt looks as well and hearty hia best friend could wish Despite rumour to the contrary has done aome long and strong gallops and done them well fact that may possibly have escaped the notice of those early watchers who jump at the conclusion that a horse cot visible at Eey dawn or most neoeanrily under cloud and at the present time tbe only disadvantage under which I believe Newstead tobe labouring is owing to tbe weather having rendered the lemington tracks unfit for last work to be in dulged in with safety which draw back is of course seriously felt by all tbe horses working at rlemingtoo The new track 1 observed hut week was evidently thrown open too soon and its pre sent deplorable condition is a great disap pointment to recent arrivals from otrer colonies: in fact Mr McDonald makes no secret of his regret at having left his private track Lockley so soon The Derby colt Dunlop who promise to come into great request has for the reasons here given not been able to do more than moderate work rinse his arrival at bead quarter and his owner and trainer will have cause to be well pleased with themselves for having given him such a sound preparation before he left Ade laide" According to thia information the colt wm (up to Wednesday last) simply being retarded in his work by the bad state of the tracks at lemintton but we are afraid there can be vny little doubt that the layer of 10 to 1 know something to Newstead detri ment and until the mystery to cleared ap the pablfc bad better let the colt alone Owner of tires are reminded that nomina tions tor the Geelong Sires' Produce Stakes of lb9 must be made to day Mr Barnard is authorised to receive Adelaide entries Owing to the rough weather Mr ilgato did net leave for Melbourne on Saturday with bi horse Namng ha been sold snd will go into fl Read's stable Mr George Watson (ay the Australasian) wm seized with a paralytic stroke last week and 1 believe is in a very precarious state Every one regrets to hear of it bat let us hope the veteran will be at his post for tbe Caolficld Uup Meeting next month TO THS XDITOR I am sorry that oar respected mem bers tbe Lion the Treasurer and Mr Downer are supporting tbe tariff in a pro tectionist form aod are proposing to tax nearly every necessary Although it would be crest loss of time and ei tense to dissolve the House aod go to the country on the question of free trad protection still I think it would be wise to do so before Seeing measures to establish exotic maou torie Tbe Treasurer says he wants revenue to make up his deficit flic barely this can Le spread say over three years ta the following way One fourth more on land inoome for taxation redooed to £200 and a strict overhauling of tit* Civil Service list wbers I believe esvlng of £10000 or even £20uu0 might be made with out impairing its efficiency Now whatoaa manufactories do for us in tbe absence of cheap coal timber or plenty of wter! little here can they send their maufac tures? Very clear not out tbe they are too dear Then this Uwn againat country oatcry amounts to they wtob to be allowed to victimize their fellow colouista fur their own ends How can manufactories remove our present depreMioo? I hav show that their goods cannot be ex ported and that cash cannot be brought here for them This will continue until oar great interest and staples can find market Is not the whole world snflerinff from devresaion both and free the former the worst 7 I will now endeavour to illustrate what protective will cost the colony in one Industry that Ought to do well here say bootmaker I believe they number say 40(0 th population ray 300 0C0 A duty of la per pair on boots assuming two pairs per year are used say 600 000 pairs would amount to legal robbery of £30000 per annum It would be cheaper to py them £2 )tr week and keep them idto than pay this sam to principally go into the pockets of th msnafacturer There bar been industries suitable to our peculiar position tbat hav been established for rears by energetic men and they have succeeded Others unsuitable to tbe to the oolooy or started by Inoooipeteot tneo have collised bo it ill occur attain How is it that even In England wool to manufac tured in ne part cotton roods la another and 1 am credibly informed that although the attempt has bn mad to combine the two industries in one place they have never succeeded? Manchester to noted for cotton goods bat sheets are made at Bolton abd not st Manchester lhe 1 aimer wants only cheap land and im plement and cctDpeting with tne world he wants no protection and yua cannot adequately protect him bat deal tax him too heavily fur his oecaasartoa He does Dot grumble about hto grog and tobacco being taxed bat the taxes cn his tea sugar soap and all hto domestic requirements are too hard upon him It to proposed to givs per bushel to grow barley that oomes only onoe year and you daily tax everything he uses so he ill lore on the transaction I trust the Upper House may in wisdom see that the list to considerably altered Laxune should pay heavily but make your free list with no sparing hand I am Sir flic THO1 WILLSON CRICKET South Park ifteen Kevbinoton irst Played on the ground of the fonreroD 26th lest Scores South Parks 119 A Watson 34 Kensingtons lost 1 wicket for 13 Port Central Second ifteen Port Adelaide irmt toyed oa ths ground of the former on Saturday September 26 and resulted in an easy win Boors Centrals Reid 6 wickets for 13 runs Ports 28 SOCTH TRRVCB UNITED Played on Saturday beptember 96 scores sod 10 respectively or the Souths Saunders 43 McCarron 34 James took 7 tor 3 aod McCarron 3 tor 7 fur the loser Blue Ribbon Hindmarsh Played September 26 Blue Ribbon issett 23 Sadler 21 Hindmarsh 75 Talley 23 Blue Ribbon Seoqnd Aobtralun Juniors Blue Ribbon Second Gurr 85 and bowled wioketa for7ruu Australian Juniors 21 Bankvhxb Imperial Played cn the ground of the latter Bank rille 13b for 5 wickets Imperial 4L Norwood Triton ifteen Thera club met on the Kensiogtou Oval on Ssturday afternoon The wicket was soft sod slow and high scoring out of thequestioo The Tritons betted first and were au out for 73 of which number Jervis an ex Kensington man contributed 23 by very good crisket indeed Warren IL Jervis 10 and Tonkin not out were tbe other chief scorers Quilty bowled 9 wuketsfor 44 aod hitridge 4 for 28 orth Norwoods A Row played sound cricket for 29 not out the total at time being 3tJ for 2 wicketa Jarvis! wicket for Iran and Keedman 1 for lu were tbe principal Triton bowlers Telegraph Gba flayed at Grange Scores 76 and 39 or winners Adams 31 Chtplin wickets for 10 Lovely There are lovely efiinesM place in which lhe evsstng zepbjm art with malaria and tbe poison of fever sod epidetnfaw To dwell there in LetUth 1 impossible without aapply at Hop Bitters at band Tbess American Co a Bitten impart an squalizint strength to tbs system ud pretest the scaunatatiaa deadly spores at contagion Be rare ud see Mmwfd KT Leading Medical Mon om Certats Cre" She now Celebrated Remedy for Cora ud Wtrta Aceordtaa to tsM'inony received aimbwi have bees Ored by it asd somber hav oM aired Relief Prepared only by White Chemist TrutaUer lart In tbe paddock Chrysalis Uipped into a Dee sad came down purler and Tozer Ltoppiog st the Church Beny wm left vita a long lead ot Bjpenj who was followed at a very resp etftd ois'ince by Teetotaller Tbe latter fel after ciouing tbe treble again snd Beny making no mi take sbe wo as sbe rted from Hyperna with Lbrysalia cantering in third Time fl min ec THE AJC SPRING MEETING kBy Telegraph) Sydney September 5R Rain set in this morniD' but cleared ap towards midday witb tbe promise of a fine day and con equcDt)y there was large attendance at Rand wick Shortly after the first race boeever therein scam came down sod continued with little oruiwTirn during tbe afternoon bat cleared ap towards tbe last race Results SECO5D HURDLE Race Two tnilea Mr Cl Ia 10 st 8 lb (Roarty) 1 Mr Boyd's Parade 9 it (Malone) Mr Confidence 10 fl lb (Em worth) 8 Other starters Raven st fl lb Belle Brandon 11 st fl lb and Cymbal 9 tt to i Cdeola 8 to 1 lot Confi dence 4 to 1 agst Raven aad Belie Brandon fl 1 ag Parade 20 to 1 st CjmbaL Confidence went sway with tbe lead which be maintained past tbe Stand followed by Parade aad Cymbal together Raven a length sway ani then Belle Brandon snd Csloota Confidence still kept tbe lead alone the back but at the trainers' abed was collared by Parade and both raced together to tbe bend where tbe latter assumed tbe lead witb Caloola cominc fast Parade jumped tbe tost hurdle just in front of Calooia but tbe latter best him for pace in the run home and won a grand race by half a length Conddence four length away third and Cjmbal being fourth Belle Brandon fifth and Raven nasi ime miu sec MKMHEBS' Handicap One mile and 1 fori ng Mr Magnifier fl st 6 lb (Spider) Mr Moores Oaklerth flat flib (Eobertetm) Mr Clarendon 8 rt 9 lb (Nichulan) Other ata'ters Aatrnra 8 et 11 lb Pet (lirl 8 st 3 lb Minorah 8 8 lb Boori fl st Bon Accord 7 st fl lb Courtier 7 st 3 lb Algerian 7 st Lamia 6 st 5 to 2 sett Baori 4 to 1 agL Oakleitb 5 to 1 agiL MagniEtr fl to agsL Pet Girl 7 to 1 swh sgst Astrina Llsreodon and Minorah Astrina was the first to show to tbe front followed by Bon Accord and Oakleigh but et tbe 7 furlongs Magnifier led tbe field attended by Bon Accord Oaklmb Algerun Boon and Astnex The same order was preserved along tbe back of tbe course and past tbe trainers' sheds At tbe turn Oakletgh eame up on tbe outeide and challenged Magnifier but tbe latter was equal to tbe occasion and won easily by three lengths from Vakleigh who was the same distance in front ot Clarendon then came Algerian Pet Girl Boori Courtier Minorah Bon Accord and Aitrtea Lamia walked to last haring pulled op lame Time 1 min tej sec RA5DWICK PLATE Three miles Hon James Nordenfeldt fl st 12 lb (Ellis) 1 Hon 'J White's PercosaioD fl st 7 lb (McAu liffe) 2 Mr Monaghan's Eagle Grange fl st 121b (Nicholson) 3 UnJy three started Betting 5 to Ion Norden feldt 5 to 1 agafl Eagle Grange 10 to 1 agst Per euMion Tbe three went away at a canter and passing the stand the first time Percussion was leading by two lengths from Nordenfeldt witb Eagle Grange the same distance off third This order was preserved past Cutt' aad along tbe back of tbe coarse and part the Stand the second time where marks of disappointment were shown by tbe spectators at tbe uewners of tbe paca At tbe pace im Erovtd and Eagle Grange took the lead pursued Nordenfeldt and Percussion and in that order tfiry ran to tbe straight where Nordenfeldt collated Eagle Grange and beat him off Percussion coming up fast at the half distance and finishing second length and a half frtm Nordenfeldt with Eagle Grange dose up Time 7 min sec waverlet handicap One and thcra quarter lie Mr Cook's Anglesey 0 st 7 lb (VrackaeQ) 1 Mr A Acolyte 8 st fl lb (andera) 9 jir a ib uuruweu 3 rouT i bl xziu iu nniii Other itarters: Moonshee fl st 10 lb Wing 8 st fl lb Wallzngra fl st 12 lb Petrosal 0 10 lb Lord at Lake 6 st 7 lb and Duobert fl st tlb 3 to 1 sgst Acolyte 4 to I agst Wing 6 to 1 aft Petronel fl to 1 each agt Moonshee olly and Anglesey fl to 1 others Wallangra was the first away followed I Lord of Lake who assumed the lead the urn iUoeed by Dagobert and Petrooel with the other io a duster Paning tbe Stand Dagobert was In front attended by Lord of Lake Wallangra Petronel Acolyte and Moonshee and at the seven furlong post Lord of Lake was leading followed by Dagobert alias gra Petronel and Wing with ouy last Ln that oriler they ran to the trainers' sheds where the field dsel up Entering tbe straight Dagobert was io front with Anglesey next then olly and Acolyte bat at tbe distance Anglesey came away end won a grand race by a neck from Acolyte who beat olly by a bead for third place Then came Dagobert Wallangra Petronel Wing Moonabeo and Lord of Lake Time 3 min 11) tee STEEPLECHASE About 3 miles Mr Cohen's Denmark 12 st 12 lb (Kilduff) 1 Mr Jones's Lizetto 10 1'2 lb (RUy) 2 Mr shore's Uhlan 9 at 5 lb (Mason) 8 Other starters Deceiver 11 st 12 lb Echo It 101b Granville 11 at 4 lb Michael 9rt Sib Batcher Boy 9 at Eetting 3 to 1 agst Denmark 4 to 1 agt Uhtan 6 to 1 each agst Lizette Granville and Deceiver 10 to 1 others Dzrtte went away with the fall of tbe Rag fol lowed by I blan and Denmark witb tbe rest packed and in tbat order they negotiated the first and second fences At the third fence Uhlan took the lead attended by Denmark Lizette Deceiver and b'cho With little alteration they raced past the bland and along the back to tbe trainers shed where Denmark went to tbe front Echo Lizette Granville and Deceiver following tn that order At tbe second of tbe treble in front of tbe bland ho fell but wa remounted and followed the field GranriUe ran round second fence from borne and Denmark Jea iing all lhe way won easily by ten lengths fn Lizette who was a head in front of Uhlan Deceiver wss next then Batcher Boy and Ycbolaft Time 6 min sec Handicap One and a quarter miles Mr Cerise and Blue 6 st 7 lb fielder) 1 Mr Kite Kathleen st 10 Ib (Darts) 2 Mr Coopers Happy Thought 8 st 3 lb luausgnerj tarter 7 lb Elsinore st Prodigal 7 st 12 Ib Anglesey 7 st 8 lb air EUen 7 st lb Eapiegle 7 st fl lb Ben Bolt 7 4 lb Polestar 7 st 2 lb Sir Garnet 7 st Becruit fist 9 lb Claadine fl at and Mag niter fl st 4 to 1 each agst Happy Thought and Prodi al 7 to 1 each agst Recruit and Kathleen 8 to 1 agst Magnifier 10 to 1 each agst Bspiegle and Anglesey Claudine was first away and ted the field followed by Polestat to tbe bend where air Ellen went to the front and raced to tbe tarn when she was replaced by CerUe and Blue who was not headed and won by a length from Kathleen Time 2 min 11) sec I 7 I ll tbe lores oi poparauosi sad tbe direst bearing that force has bad oa lodtoa Imdims dealt witb those famines that come under I personal obeervaticn I atoo Stated that 1 1 I i I 9 strasses thsr swooped pesosfal inhabitants heir fowls rations 3 I I Ki ft.

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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

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Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.