The Messenger from Madisonville, Kentucky (2024)


De comas in oil 430. DEEP COLORS SAL. HIGHER RED SPOT YOUR HOME NOW FOX HARDWARE Truman Raps Press; Main Target Is 'Complimented' SPOKANE, Oct. 2 (P) President Truman cut loose again night at one of his favorite targets--the American press- but one of the newspapers singled out particularly replied it was complimented. The Spokesman-Review, which Truman said last night and also in 1948 was the second worst paper in the country, commented editorially: "It is reasonable to assume that millions of Americans who hold views on -the Truman administration generally similar to those of the Spokesman-Review will regard it as a Four years ago on a whistle stop here, the president rated the Chicago Tribune and the Review in that order as the nation's poor- I Fort Campbell Officer With $3,000 Missing J.

Robert Powley, 41, resident state highway department engi-1 neer at Murray, for the last six years, died at 10 a. m. Wednesday in a Jackson, hospital. Powley, who died after a heart attack, had been with the highway department for fifteen years. He was a veteran of three years' army duty in World War IL.

Surviving are the widow; two sisters, Mrs. Jerry Spears, Frankfort, wife of the assistant director of maintenance for the state highway department, and Mrs. James Utley, 443 West Arch street, Madisonville. Funeral services will be conducted Friday afternoon at Princeton and burial will be in the cemetery there. Truman Bears Down On Ike; Touring West (Continued From Page One) The route today led through Ephrata, Wenatchee, Skyomish and Everett, into Seattle for a talk there at 8 p.

Central Standard Time. Another important address was set for Tacoma at 10:30 p. CST, after a whistle-stop speech. at Kent, between Tacoma and Seattle. Sebree Banner Editor Retires (Continued From Page One) Banner appeared on September 5, 1914, Mr.

Royster recalled today. His father, Publisher R. H. Rovster, was state senator from 1932 to 1936, and introduced the first old-age pension bill ever offered the legislature. That was on January 28, 1932, Mr.

Royster recalled, and the committee to which the bill was referred decided it was unconstitutional, and turned it down. In 1934, Mr. Royster said, hisfather the senator introduced an amendment to the state constitution, providing for old-age pensions, and the senate adopted 33 to 0 and the house 76 to 1. In 1935 the people of Kentucky, Editor Royster recalled, adopted theamendment. by over 500.000 majority, the largest ever ed in Kentucky.

Column Widely Quoted Royster since 1940 has been writing a personal column for The Banner; which has been widely quoted by the state press. On October 24, 1949, he took over publication of the paper on his father's eightieth birthday. "I will be in semi-retirement," Mr. Royster told The Messenger today, "and I will never lose my interest in Sebree and Western Kentucky. In Florida I plan to make a business connection which will occupy my time during the winter." ADAMS FUNERAL AT MT.

CARMEL TODAY Funeral services for Mrs. Callie Lue Adams, 63, Mt. Carmel, who died Wednesday at a Mt. Vernon hospital, were conducted at 2 p.m. today at a Mt.

Carmel funeral home. Burial was in a cemetery there. Surviving are the husband, three children, two sisters, and three brothers, Courtney Quirey, Sturgis, Colvin Quirey, ters, and Conner T. Quirey, Bowling Green. MADAME ADA Reader and advisor on all affairs of life, was born with a strange and remarkable power to advise and help those in trouble.

Waiting rooms for white and colored. Hours 10 a. m. to 8 p. m.

Permanent location--WORD'S CAMP. U.S. 41 est. Both are staunch republican papers. "Never Told Truth" The Tribune had no comment immediately on Truman's latest barb.

The president told a capacity audience last night in the Spokane Armory the populace could never guess by reading the papers that his administration has cut the public debt and in the past year had a budget surplus of nearly four billion dollars. Departing from his prepared text, he said this was true particularly of subscribers to the Spokesman-Review which he said "never told the truth in politics in its life and wouldn't know the truth if it met it coming down the road." ENROUTE HOME- -F. 0. Swope, son of Mr. and Mrs.

W. L. Swope, 232 Dempsey street, is enroute home from east Korean waters. Upon arrival in the states he will undergo an operation in a naval hospital. His wife will join him in San Diego, Calif.

Rev. Webb I Is Lions Speaker The Rev. Wm. J. Webb, pastor.

of the Madisonville Church of God, was the guest speaker Wednesday at the weekly luncheon meeting of the Lions club. He discussed "The Life of Daniel." In his remarks the Rev. Webb told of Daniel's steadfast living, his religious ideals and principles and their influence on religion and history. New members added to the club yesterday were the Rev. Webb, Harold Sisk, assistant manager of Kroger store, J.

W. McMahon, connected with West Kentucky Coal Company, and William B. Tefend, used car dealer. Guests present were H. H.

Edwards, A. P. store, and Darrell Tyson, Kroger store. A delegation of members of the Madisonville club tonight will attend charter night of the Sacramento Lions Club. J.

V. Vittetow, Owensboro, district governor, will deliver an address. Polio Outbreak Broken, Report WASHINGTON, Oct. 2 -UPThe public health service said today, there was a drop of 16 per cent in new cases of infantile ralysis reported last week. and said this probably marked the turning point in the record break.

There were 3,538 new cases listed for the week ended Sept. 27, compared with a correc.ed total of 4,191 for the week ended Sept. 20. New records were set for five straight weeks up to Sept. 20.

They pushed the total cases for the "disease year" -which started about the first of April--far ahead of the poliomyelitis cases reported Fin the similar period of 1949, the previous record year. Through last week the total for this "disease year" was 37,826, compared with 32,106 for the similar 1949 period and 10,207 for the same span last year. RIGSBY FUNERAL IN CRITTENDEN COUNTY a Rigsby, Funeral 73, who services died for Mrs. Wednesday Lucy in her home in Crittenden county, were conducted at 2 p. m.

today at Rosebud church in that county. Burial was in the church cemetery. Surviving are the husband, John R. Rigsby, three daughters, three sisters and three brothers, one of whom is John Tutt, Providence. Steel-making involves of some of the carbon and other elements and the addition of correct amounts of alloying substances.

The London, England, Library has six million volumes and the British Museum five million. Dr, E. V. MORSE, D.C.Ph.C. Specializing In The Treatment Of ACUTE and ORONIC DIS-EASE Center Hotel Madison Basem*nt Hours, Day 9-6 Night, Phone 1312-J Or Come to 27 West Melangati Avenue Frenchburg Man Fatally Wounded In Gun Accident FRENCHBURG, Oct.

(P) -William Chester Johnson, 22, was shot and killed in a hunting accident yesterday, nine months after his father was killed in a similar mishap. Coroner Joe Slusher said another hunter mistook young Johnson for a groundhog. A resident of Korea, in Menifee county, Johnson was shot in the right temple with 8 .22 calibre rifle, Vernal Buster Lawson, 24, who was hunting in the same area as Johnson, fired when he saw a movement in the brush. Burley Supports 2nd Highest Ever LEXINGTON, Oct. 1 (P) Burley tobacco going to market this season in the eight-state belt will be supported by a government: floor price of.

$49.50 per hundred pounds, the second highest ever set. Directors of the Burley Tobacco Growers Co-operative Association were told yesterday the price is only 30 cents below the all-time record of last year. Frank Dryden, an 1 official of the department of agriculture also explained the rate is based on 90 per cent parity of last March: 1. Parity is the price level estimated to give the farmer a price for his crop sufficient to meet higher. prices of things he buys.

Dryden said the loan rate was fixed on March 1 figure because a decline in parity since then dropped the alternative support price below the preliminary figure. The government will announce soon a minimum grade-by-grade price for the approximately 125 classifications into which leaf is graded before it is sold. HOPKINS COUNTY HOSPITAL Admitted. Fred Burden, Mor(tons Gap; Mrs. Ernest Dawson, Dawson Springs; Mrs.

Wilson Travis, 729 Hanson street, Madisonville; Spurlin G. Collins, 231 North Main street, Madisonville; Mrs. Taylor David, Uniontown, Carl C. Harkins, Providence route Mrs. Vernon Knowles, St.

Charles; Mrs. Thomas West, 425 Woodson avenue, Madisonville; Tony Faith, Nortonville; Coleman Lee Clayton, 23 Nisbet street, Madisonville; Mrs. Charles L. Hawkins, Madisonville route 15; Mrs. Chester McClure, Mrs.

Harry B. Bishop, White Plains; Mrs. James Henry Foster, White Plains route Mrs. James W. Robinson, Bremen, Mrs.

Ernest Davis, Pride Place, Madisonville; Mrs. Clyde W. Renshaw, Nortonville; Mrs. L. P.

Herbert, White Plains; Garnett H. Pryor, Nortonville; Lawrence Cooley, Earlington. Dismissed. Mrs. Leslie Alexander, Madisonville route Mrs.

Alvis Stanley, Mortons Gap; V. S. Stills, Manitou route Francis Britt, 41 West Arch, street, Madisonville; Mrs. James Young, White Plains; Mrs. Clyde W.

Ipock, Madisonville route Mrs. Mabel Breeden, Mayflower apartments, Madisonville; Mrs. Thomas West, 425 Woodson avenue, Madisonville: Bob Whitfield, 363 South Main street, Madisonville; Leroy Axtell, Sacramento; William Crafton, White Plains; Mrs. Marvin W. Putman, Boggess Addition, Madisonville; Mrs.

Watson Wilkerson and infant son, Madisonville route Mrs. William T. Bearden and infant- son, Madisonville route Mrs. Norvell Nevitt and infant. san, Dixon route Mrs.

Charles Hall and infant daughter, North Main street, Madisonville; George B. Robinson, 217 Branch street, Madisonville. DAWSON CHILDREN RECOVER FROM POLIO Two children of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Walker, Dawson Springs route 2, have returned home from Vanderbilt Hospital, Nashville, where they were taken after being stricken with polio.

The children, Gary 5, and Sherry Gale Walker, 6, are said to have contracted the disease in a mild form. They are much improved. COUNTY COURT John Trice, charged with assault and battery, charge was amended to breach of the peace, defendant pleaded guilty and was fined $10 and costs. Jacob Kiempf, charged with passing traffic on a yellow line, defendant was fined $10 and costs on a plea of guilty. Balclay B.

Bailey, charged with reckless driving, defendant executed $100 recognizance bond for trial October 4. Delmar Edward Brown, charged with child desertion, defendant jailed in default of $500 bond to await court action. Archie Morgan, charged with reckless driving, defendant pleaded guilty and was fined $10 and costs. Arthur N. Morris, charged with drunken driving, defendant pleaded guilty and was fined $100 and costs.

Dave Williams, charged with operating a motor vehicle without an operator license, charge dismissed as defendant had Micense. Williams pleaded guilty to a drunken driving charge and was fined $100 and costs. James Fowler, charged with operating a motor vehic'e without an operator license, charge dismissed defendant had 1- cense, Ram-Planes Considered As Last-Ditch Atom Defense WASHINGTON, Oct. 2 (P)- Air Force disclosed today it has considered, as a last-ditch defense against any atomic attack, the use of tough piloted planes that would ram enemy aircraft and survive. But, an Air Force spokesman said, there is "no active project" now undarway to develop such a rammer plane.

He said it was considered with all possible methods, no matter how fantastic." The question of using speciallydesigned piloted planes for crashing into enemy craft- a second cousin to the Japanese kamikaze of World War IL, but not a twin since the pilot theoretically would live- was raised this week by the Air Force Association. FARRIS OVERSEAS Pfc. Charles W. Farris, son of Mr. and Mrs.

M. L. Farris, North Hopewell street, has been overseas in Germany since March, 1952. He is a battalion mail clerk with the 33rd FA Bn. 'Strict' Father Kills Girl, Self MIAMI, Oct.

1- (P) -A father whom neighbors described as "terribly strict" shot and killed his 16-year-old daughter when she returned home late last night, then fatally wounded himself, police reported. Detective E. F. Lasseter said Betty Moore, pretty junior at Miami Edison High School, was shot down in the hallway of her bungalow home "by her father, John R. Moore, about 50.

Lasseter said ne had learned that the father had refused to allow Betty to go out with boys at all until recently. The shooting occurred after Betty returned home from a date with an unidentified On Moore's dresser, Lasseter said, was a note saying: "My darling baby. I you too much to have you go through the hardship of life on this old Earth." J. R. Powley, 41, Succumbs Post authorities at Fort Campbell reported today a warrant officer of the.11th airborne division has been missing since Tuesday night along with $3,000 in government funds which he allegedly had in his possession.

Military and Federal Bureau of Investigation agents were reported currently conducting a search of post and local areas for the missing man, who is listed as Anthony J.1 Martin, warrant officer junior grade, age 28. Division spokesman said Martin was last seen taking the money for a "routine adding machine to headquarters of the 503rd Airborne Infantry They said the missing man had turned over to his commanding a large monthly company payroll prior to his disappearance. An effort is being made to determine where there has been foul play in connection with the disappearance of Martin. Ike Gets Warm Reception In Ill. Invasion (Continued From Page One) The coming election is "the final decision," he said, on "whether we are going to go ahead on the principles of the last 165 years or go so far toward socialization and government control that we can't turn back." The people realize the importance of this election, Taft said, and "are more interested in politics than they ever have ben in the past." At the end of his current 19- state tour, which will take him to all parts of the country except the southeast and New England, Taft will return to campaign in Ohio for three more days on the weekend before election.


and Mrs. P. C. Moss, 350 North Seminary street, today quietly observed their 57th wedding anniversary. At noon they were hosts at a dinner at F.

F. Cafe, Federal street, at which the Rev. and Mrs. W. T.

Anderson were guests. Mr. and Mrs. Moss received congratulations and best wishes from numerous friends during the day. It, was brought up in the light of the Navy's use of radio controlled pilotless aircraft--as guided missiles against enemy targets in Korea.

The AFA, composed largely of Air Force veterans, suggested in its magazine "Air Force" that ramming might be necessary as a last defense. article said that this is especially, true because of the likelihood that "the soviets, who have been amazingly successful in jamming the Voice of America, could jam our electronically-guided missiles and electronic rocket and gunfire control equipment." "A single A-bomb getting through our air defense could mean the destruction of an entire city," it said. Wetherby To Ask Court's Help In Filling Vacancy FRANKFORT, Oct. 2 (P) Gov. Lawrence Wetherby will take an unusual step next Monday when he confers with members of Kentucky's highest court about filling a vacancy on that court.

It occurred last Sunday when Appellate Judge Clyde B. Latimer, 61, died of a heart attack. He was the only republican on the court of appeals and would have become chief justice next January under its rotation system. Veteran observers said Wetherby's action was unpredecented as far as they could recall. The governor indicated he may appoint the judges' choice or he may select a name from those suggested by them.

The appointee will serve until the November, 1953, election when the office will be filled by the winning candidate until 1954. An election will be held then for a full eight-year term in the third appellate district. YoshidaSweeps Jap Election TOKYO, Oct. 2 -(P)- Prime Minister Shigeru Yoshida and his liberal party won an absolute majority in Japan's house of representatives, virtually assuring a continuation of this country's policies. Voters turned their backs on the communists, refusing to return a single red to office in yesterday's election.

In the old diet -parliament-the communists had 22 seats. Complete unofficial returns gave the liberals 240 seats, progressives 85, right wing socialists 57 left wing socialists 54, independents 19, minor parties 11, communists 0. CAMEO TWO FEATURES TODAY FRIDAY CAGED DENNING RYAN BUSTER CRABBE HUGHES AND THE RITZ BROS. IN "Strait Jacket" 1. Save Now! Lasy Terms! "Lifetime" PLASTIC SEAT COVERS Coaches Sedans: $15.95 Beautiful "Lifetime" Plastic seat covers now at a price you can afford! Gorgeous patterns for every taste with blending skirting and vinyl plastic trim.

They're the ultimate in luxurious car interiors, 50 drive in NOW. N6607-76 Country Club Fiber Covers Coaches Sedans $12.95 BILL MAJOR'S Western Auto Associate Store 45 East Center Phone 146-R CAPITOL TODAY FRIDAY MAN LADD LIZABETH SCOTT THE DARING KENNEDY AND THE GREATNESS OF THE TAMING IRELAND OF THE WEST! Technicolor HAL WALLS PRODUCTION RED MOUNTAIN Directed by WILLIAM DIETERLE Screenplay by John Meredyth Lucas, George F. Slavin and Gearge W. George From a Story by George F. Slavin and George W.

George A PARAMOUNT 1 PICTURE An explosive new romantic team! Sunset DRIVE- THEATRE IN Theatre Opens 6:15 Show Starts 6:45 TONIGHT and FRIDAY THE MOST EXCITING, MUSICAL IN 20. YEARS! SUSAN HAYWARD. a my Heart Technicolor DAVID WAYNE THELMA RITTER RORY CALHOUN EARL THEATRE EARLINGTON, KY. TODAY and FRIDAY ABOUT FUN! A Big Happy Pleasure Parade! A BOUT FACE TECHNICOLOR starring GORDON MACRAE EDDIE BRACKEN PHYLLIS KIRK VIRGINIA GIBSON CORRECTION! We Would Like To Correct The Prices In Our Ad of September 29. The Prices Should Have Been The Following: Storm Sash No drafts, no incoming wetness, no rattling when we outfit your home with new strong storm windows.

Reduce condensation and dampness. RUBY LUMBER MADISONVILLE INSULATE Protect your family and your pocketbook this winter. Insulation keeps heat in your home. Cut doctor ar medi. cine bills with a far kept warm against winter dill! $6.00 per 100 Sq.


The Messenger from Madisonville, Kentucky (2024)
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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

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Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.