Farming Simulator 22: Getting Started Guide (2024)

Welcome to our comprehensive Farming Simulator 22: Getting Started Guide, your ultimate resource for diving into the exciting world of virtual farming! Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the series, this guide is designed to help you cultivate your farming empire with ease. Discover how to create and customize your farm, master the basic controls, efficiently navigate the expansive game world, and launch your first successful harvest. Plus, we’ve got invaluable tips for new players to ensure you hit the ground running. Ready to turn your agricultural dreams into reality? Let’s get started!

Creating Your Farm#

So, you’ve got Farming Simulator 22 and you’re ready to dive into the wonderful world of farming! Starting your own farm can feel overwhelming at first, but don’t worry – we’ve got you covered. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you set up your farm and get it up and running smoothly.

Choosing Your Farm Location#

First things first, you need to pick a spot for your farm. FS22 offers three different maps to choose from:

  • Elmcreek: A North American-style map with open fields and a mix of flat land and gentle hills.
  • Haut-Beyleron: A European-style map with smaller, more intricate fields and lots of charm.
  • Erlengrat: An alpine map that’s perfect if you like farming in a mountain setting.

Take a moment to explore each map and see which one you like best. Your choice won’t just affect the scenery; it will also influence the types of crops and farming methods you’ll use.

Starting from Scratch or New Farmer Mode#

When you’re creating your farm, you’ll have to choose between three different modes:

  • New Farmer: Great for beginners! You start with pre-owned land and some basic equipment.
  • Farm Manager: You get a larger budget, but you’ll have to buy your own land and equipment.
  • Start from Scratch: For seasoned players looking for a challenge. You start with almost nothing and build your empire from the ground up.

Each mode offers a different experience, so pick the one that suits your style.

Buying Your First Plot#

Once you’ve settled on a map and mode, it’s time to buy your first plot of land. Open the map and look for fields that are available. Smaller fields might be easier to manage when you’re just starting out, so don’t go too crazy and buy a massive plot right away.

Click on the plot you want and press the ‘Buy’ button. Congrats, you’re now a landowner!

Gathering Equipment#

Now that you own some land, you need tools to work it. Head to the in-game store to buy your first pieces of equipment. Here’s a basic shopping list:

  • Tractor: The backbone of your farm. Choose one that’s versatile and easy to handle.
  • Plow: For preparing your fields.
  • Sower/Seeder: For planting your crops.
  • Harvester: For reaping what you sow. Choose a harvester that matches your crop choice.
  • Trailer: To transport your harvest.

Remember to stick to a budget. It’s easy to blow all your money on fancy equipment, but it’s better to start modestly and upgrade later.

Planting Your First Crops#

Now for the fun part – planting! With your tractor, plow your field to prepare it. Once it’s plowed, use your sower to plant seeds. Your crop choice will depend on your map and personal preference. Wheat and barley are solid choices for beginners because they’re easy to manage.

Make sure to keep an eye on the weather and the seasons. FS22 has a dynamic weather system, so you’ll have to plan your planting around rain and snow.

Taking Care of Your Crops#

Once you’ve planted, the real work begins. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Watering: Keep your crops hydrated.
  • Fertilizing: Boosts growth and yield.
  • Weeding: Use herbicides or mechanical weeders to keep your fields clean.
  • Pest Control: Protect your crops from bugs and diseases.

All these tasks are essential to ensure a good harvest.

Harvesting and Selling#

When your crops are ready, use your harvester to collect them. Pour the harvested crops into your trailer and transport them to the nearest selling point. Selling your crops will earn you money, which you can reinvest in your farm.

Expanding Your Farm#

As you make money, you can buy more land, get better equipment, and maybe even start raising animals. Chickens, cows, and sheep are great for diversifying your farm income. Always keep an eye on your finances so you can manage growth sustainably.

And that’s it! You’re now ready to create and maintain a thriving farm in Farming Simulator 22. Happy farming!

Understanding Basic Controls#

Before you start plowing fields and harvesting crops in Farming Simulator 22, it’s essential to get a grip on the basic controls. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know to start farming like a pro.

Getting Familiar with Movement#

Let’s start with the basics. Moving around your farm is crucial since you’ll spend a lot of time jumping in and out of vehicles and checking on your crops.

  • W, A, S, D Keys: These keys are your main controls for movement. Press W to move forward, A to go left, S to move backward, and D for right.
  • Mouse: Use the mouse to look around. Move the mouse left or right to turn your view, and up or down to adjust your vertical viewing angle.

Vehicle Controls#

Most of your time in Farming Simulator 22 will be spent driving various types of machinery. Here’s a breakdown of the essential vehicle controls:

  • E Key: Use this to enter or exit vehicles. Position yourself near a vehicle and press E to hop in.
  • W, A, S, D Keys: Just like moving your character, these keys control your vehicle’s movement.
  • Space Bar: Use the space bar to brake. It’s essential for quickly stopping your vehicle.
  • Q Key: Attach and detach tools and trailers. Position your vehicle close to the equipment and press Q.
  • F Key: Toggle your headlights. Working at night? Turn them on for better visibility.
  • B Key: Turn on attached equipment, like harvesters or sowers.
  • R Key: If you’re next to something you can refill (like seeds or fuel), press R to refill.

Camera Controls#

Switching between different camera views can help you get a better perspective on your tasks.

  • C Key: Cycle through various camera views. This can switch between first-person, third-person, and outside views of your vehicle.
  • Mouse Scroll Wheel: Zoom in and out when in third-person or outside view modes.

Managing Equipment Attachments#

Proper handling of your equipment ensures efficient farming operations:

  • G Key: This toggles between different attached tools. You can have multiple tools attached to your vehicle, and this key helps you switch control.
  • N Key: Use this to fold and unfold certain equipment, like seeders and harvesters.
  • X Key: Lowers or raises the attached tool. Essential for preparing to use or finishing with a tool.

Time Management#

Time is essential in Farming Simulator 22, and knowing how to control it can make things much more efficient.

  • 1 Key: Slow down the game time, perfect for those high-pressure moments.
  • 2 Key: Return to normal time speed.
  • 3 Key: Speed up time, helping you get through periods of inactivity quicker.

Tips for Beginners#

  • Practice Makes Perfect: Spend some time driving around and getting used to how the controls feel. Each vehicle may handle slightly differently, so get comfy behind the wheel.
  • Read Tooltips: The game provides handy tooltips in the bottom corner of your screen. Keep an eye on these prompts as they can guide you with context-sensitive actions.
  • Check Key Bindings: If any control doesn’t feel intuitive, you can always go into the settings menu and rebind the keys to something more comfortable.


Mastering these basic controls will set you up for success in Farming Simulator 22. Once you’ve got these down, you’ll be able to focus on growing your farm empire without any hitches. Happy farming! 🚜🌾

Navigating the Game World#

So, you’ve fired up Farming Simulator 22 and you’re ready to dive into the life of a virtual farmer. Great! Before you can start plowing fields and harvesting crops, you’ll need to know how to get around the game world. This guide will walk you through the basics of navigation so you can get your bearings and start farming like a pro.

Getting to Know Your Map#

First things first, pop open your map. You can access it by pressing the 9 key on your keyboard. The map is your best friend—it shows you the lay of the land, where all your fields are, and important locations like shops and animal pens. Take a moment to get familiar with it. You’ll notice different icons representing various places of interest. Hover over these icons to reveal what they are.

Pro Tip: You can toggle between a detailed map and a mini-map that appears in the lower corner of your screen. The mini-map is super useful for quick glances while you’re working.

Moving Around: On Foot vs. Vehicles#

You start the game on foot, which is great for exploring small areas. Use the W, A, S, and D keys to walk around. Hold down Shift to sprint if you need to move faster. However, you’ll likely need to cover more ground than your feet can handle. That’s where vehicles come in.

Press Tab to quickly switch between your vehicles. Want to climb into a tractor or a harvester? Just walk up to it and press Enter to hop in. Driving is straightforward—use the same W, A, S, and D keys to control your vehicle. Remember that heavier machinery can be a bit sluggish, so adjust your speed accordingly.

Fast Travel: Your Time-Saver#

In Farming Simulator 22, time is money. Literally. If you need to get somewhere fast, consider using the fast travel feature. Open your map again with the 9 key, then click on the icon of your destination. You’ll see an option to fast travel there. This can save you tons of time, especially if you’re in a rush to make the most of your day.

Hint: Fast travel is free, unlike in some other games, so use it whenever you need to!

Using Your PDA#

Your Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) is a handheld device that provides you with all sorts of useful information. Press I to bring it up. Here, you can check your inventory, manage your finances, and even get detailed info on your equipment and crops. Think of it like your farming control center. Mastering the PDA will make your farming experience a lot smoother.

Interacting with the Environment#

Your farm is full of interactive elements. From filling up your tractor with gasoline to loading bales of hay onto a trailer, you’ll need to get up close and personal with different parts of your farm. When you approach an interactive object, a prompt will appear on your screen showing you which key to press to interact with it. Common keys include R for refilling, F for switching lights, and Q for attaching/detaching equipment.

Seasons and Weather#

The game world in Farming Simulator 22 changes with the seasons and the weather. Keep an eye on the in-game time and weather forecasts, which are displayed above your mini-map. Different seasons affect your crops in specific ways, and unexpected weather (like rain) can impact your daily tasks. For example, you can’t water your crops during a downpour—it would be pointless!

Wrapping It Up#

Navigating the game world in Farming Simulator 22 might seem overwhelming at first, but with this guide, you’ll be exploring like a seasoned farmer in no time. Remember to always consult your map, use fast travel when needed, and interact with your environment to get the most out of your farming experience.

Now that you know how to get around, you’re ready to start tackling your first farming tasks. Happy farming!

Starting Your First Harvest#

Alright, so you’ve got your fields prepped and your crops growing nicely. It’s time for the fun part: your first harvest! Harvesting in Farming Simulator 22 can feel super rewarding, especially after all the time you spent planting and caring for your crops. Here’s how you can make sure your first harvest goes off without a hitch.

1. Check Your Crop’s Growth Stage#

First things first: make sure your crops are ready to be harvested. Open up the map using the “PDA” (Personal Data Assistant) and take a look at your fields. Crops go through several growth stages, and you’ll want to wait until they’re fully grown. Fully grown crops will often have a different color on the map, like a nice solid yellow.

Pro Tip: Crops must be harvested before they wither. Keep an eye on the growth stages!

2. Choose The Right Harvester#

Depending on what you’re harvesting, you’ll need a specific type of harvester:

  • Grains (like wheat, barley): Use a combine harvester. You’ll attach a grain header to it.
  • Corn or Sunflowers: Also need a combine harvester, but make sure to attach a corn header.
  • Potatoes or Sugar Beets: Use root crop harvesters.
  • Grass: Requires a forage harvester with a grass header.

Head to the shop if you don’t have the right equipment. Many beginners start with grain crops since they’re a bit easier to handle.

3. Harvest Carefully#

Drive your harvester to the edge of your field and lower the header. Turn the harvester on by pressing B on your keyboard or the appropriate button on your controller, and start driving forward. Ideally, you want to harvest in straight lines to be efficient.

Keep an eye on the combine’s hopper. It will fill up as you harvest.

4. Unload Your Harvest#

Once your harvester is full, you’ll need to unload it. Bring a tractor with a trailer next to the harvester. Align the auger (the pipe on the side of the combine) over your trailer and activate the auger to start unloading.

Pro Tip: If you’re working alone, you can set your harvester to a worker by pressing “H.” This way, it can continue harvesting while you handle other tasks!

5. Store or Sell Your Crops#

After collecting the crops in your trailer, decide whether you want to store them or sell them:

  • Storing: Drive your trailer to a silo and unload the crops. Storing them lets you wait for better market prices.
  • Selling: Check the prices at different selling points around the map by opening your PDA. Drive to the best price location and unload your trailer to make some cash!

Pro Tip: Prices fluctuate through the in-game day. Sell when prices are high to maximize profits!

6. Field Maintenance#

Once you’ve finished harvesting, your fields will need some love before planting new crops. Plow or cultivate the field to prepare it for the next planting cycle. This will also give you a chance to remove any weeds or old crop residues.

And there you have it! Your first harvest in Farming Simulator 22 got you through the basics of harvesting, but there’s so much more to explore. Keep experimenting, get more efficient, and soon enough, you’ll be running a well-oiled farming machine! Happy farming! 🚜

Tips for New Players#

Welcome to Farming Simulator 22! Whether you’re dreaming of managing your own farm or just exploring what the game has to offer, diving into the world of farming can be overwhelming. Fear not, because we’ve got some handy tips to help you get started!

Start Small#

It might be tempting to buy a bunch of fields and equipment right away, but starting small is often the best strategy. Stick to a few manageable crops or animals, and expand as you get more comfortable. This way, you can avoid getting overwhelmed and ending up broke!

Learn the Lay of the Land#

Take some time to explore the map. Familiarize yourself with where everything is, including the shops, silos, fields, and sell points. This will save you a lot of time when you’re zipping around your farm, trying to get things done.

Master Your Equipment#

Different tasks require different equipment, and knowing what each piece of machinery does is crucial. Take the time to read up on the various tractors, combines, and attachments. Use the in-game tutorials or YouTube guides if you need help. Trust us; mastering your equipment makes farming smoother.

Space Out Your Crops#

Don’t plant all your fields with the same crop. Different crops take different amounts of time to grow and might be ready for harvest at the same time. Mixing it up means you’re not overwhelmed with a giant harvest all at once and can keep a steady flow of work and income.

Make Use of Workers#

Got too many tasks on hand? Hire workers to help you out! They can handle tasks like plowing, sowing, and harvesting, freeing you up to focus on other important things. Just press “H” when you’re in the tractor, and a worker will take over.

Keep an Eye on Your Finances#

Running a farm isn’t just about growing crops and tending to animals; you need to keep an eye on finances too. Monitor your spending and look for the best prices when buying and selling goods. Use the in-game economy tab to track what’s gaining and losing value.

Rotate Your Crops#

Crop rotation isn’t just a buzzword; it’s essential for maintaining the soil’s fertility. Plant different types of crops each season to keep your fields healthy and your yields high.

Pay Attention to Seasons#

Different crops grow in different seasons, thanks to the new seasonal cycles. Make sure to plant crops that will thrive in the current season and prepare for the next one. Planning ahead can save you a lot of headaches.

Maintain Your Machines#

Just like in real life, your machinery needs maintenance. Regularly check the condition of your tractors and combine harvesters. Keeping them in top shape means they’ll perform better and last longer, saving you money in the long run.

Diversify Your Farm#

While crops are a great way to start, consider diversifying your farm with livestock, beekeeping, or even greenhouses. Each offers different types of income and adds variety to your farming experience. Plus, it’s just plain fun to mix things up!

Save Regularly#

This might seem basic, but always save your game regularly. Farming Simulator doesn’t have an auto-save feature, so save often to avoid losing progress if something goes wrong.

Join the Community#

Don’t hesitate to reach out to the Farming Simulator community. Online forums, Reddit, and Discord channels are brimming with experienced players who are more than happy to share tips and advice. You might even find some useful mods to enhance your game!

Farming Simulator 22 may have a lot to learn, but with these tips in your toolbelt, you’ll be well on your way to running a successful farm. Happy farming! 🚜

Farming Simulator 22: Getting Started Guide (2024)
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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.