Amos Introduction – Bible Commentary in EasyEnglish by Mark Kirkpatrick (2024)

Introduction to the Book of Amos

When Amos Lived

Amos came from Tekoa, about 12 miles south of Jerusalem. He was a shepherd and he looked after fig trees. His home was in Judah. But God sent him away to Israel, which was north of Judah. (At that time, Judah was a different country from Israel.)

We know very little about the life of Amos. We know nothing about his family. And we do not know how long he lived. We do not know where he gave most of his messages. However, he gave one message (perhaps more) at Bethel. This was an important place in the north where people worshipped. Amos lived when Jeroboam 2nd (782-753 BC) was king of Israel and Uzziah (767-740 BC) was king of Judah. Perhaps Amos gave most of his messages about 760 BC, but we cannot be certain about this.

During the time of Jeroboam 2nd the nation of Israel became rich. There were several reasons for this. In 805 BC, the Assyrians beat the Syrians in war. The Syrians became weak and so they were not able to fight against Israel's people. Also, the Assyrians did not try to take authority over Israel's people. Because of these things, Jeroboam took the chance to make his borders larger. The country became as big as it had been in the time of Solomon. Perhaps Amos 6:13 shows that the Israelites became proud of their success in war. Because of this success, they could control the trade routes. The nation became rich by this. The people thought that they would always be wealthy.

What Amos Taught

It is possible that Amos sometimes taught in Samaria. He mentions Samaria several times (3:9, 12; 4:1; 6:1; 8:14). But Amos certainly taught at Bethel. This was a place where people met together. They met to worship and to pray to God. Perhaps he saw many people from Samaria in Bethel. If this happened, he would not need to go to Samaria. Amos also mentions other nations. These nations are Damascus (5:27), Hamath (6:14), Calneh, Hamath and Gath (6:2), Crete (9:7), Kir (1:5; 9:7), Edom (9:12) and Egypt (2:10; 3:1; 3:9; 4:10; 8:8; 9:5, 7). God wants to involve himself with all nations. He rules and controls all nations and all people everywhere. No other god has this power.

Several ideas were important to Amos. One idea was that there is only one God. He is the God who rules the nations. Another idea was that God is the judge. The Israelites were responsible for their actions. They must expect God to decide what to do about their sins. But Amos says that there is hope. God gave two messages in pictures to Amos (7:1-6). Amos prayed against total judgement and God heard this prayer. God is the same God who brought Israel out of Egypt. He punishes nations but he also saves.

Israel's people thought that worship was important. But although they worshipped God, they did not obey his law. Because of this, their worship did not bring anything good from God. Amos compared their behaviour with the behaviour of their ancestors. Their ancestors wandered for many years in the desert. This was why Amos spoke about the sacrifices in the desert (5:25). Some people explain it like this. Amos meant that he wanted no sacrifices. Instead of sacrifices God wanted people to behave in a true way. But perhaps Amos actually wanted people to know what was important. Sacrifices were good. But to behave in a true way was more important.

Amos used parts of songs as a way to say things. 4:13 and 5:8 are examples of this. The songs emphasized the message. Also, God gave Amos five pictures, which begin in chapter 7. The first four of these (7:1-3; 7:4-6; 7:7-9 and 8:1-3) are similar. Amos puts these four pictures together in the same way. The fifth picture (9:1-6) is different. It is less of a picture than the other pictures. It is like Psalm 139:7-12. There will be no escape for the people in Israel. It is a picture of extreme situations.

Amos and the Covenant

The message of Amos was not new. His messages were the words of God. They were not the words of Amos himself. When the Israelites were in the desert, God made a covenant with them. He promised to be their God and to take care of them. But they had to obey his law. God wanted to be sure that the people in Israel remembered this covenant. Amos wanted to tell the people that they were not obeying God's law. (They were not looking after the poor people, they were not remembering the Sabbath, and other things.) God was going to punish Israel's people for these crimes. But he would not destroy them completely. Amos's job was to remind people about what they already knew.

There is not very much hope in the book of Amos. God is angry with Israel's people and he is going to punish them. He will use war, exile, and terrible things to do this. But at the end of the book Amos gives a message of hope.

The big sin of Israel's people was that they worshipped idols. The worship of idols was against God's covenant. This happened everywhere in Israel. Amos mentions idols in 5:26 and 8:14. Bethel and Dan were important places where there was idol worship. The people worshipped animals made from gold there. There was also false worship at Gilgal and Beersheba. Much of this worship became another religion. And Amos is clear that this was wrong (3:14; 4:4-5; 5:4-5). But there was also another kind of worship. This was like the true worship of God (5:21-28; 8:3). But the people did not follow the rules that God had given them. They used this worship to gain an advantage over other people. They also thought that their behaviour did not matter very much.

Amos does not say bad things about priests or other prophets. Hosea does say bad things about them (Hosea 4:4-9; 5:1-3). So, in one way, there is more hope in Amos.

Amos and Money

God cared about the poor people. God also had many things to say about the rich people. The rich people had too much. God did not like that. We can see these ideas in much of Amos's book. He also speaks about that fact that people sold other people as slaves (2:6). Some people became rich in this way. In Samaria, many people used money to get an advantage over other people. They wanted to make sure that other people stayed poor (3:9, 10). Some farmers had big debts. So the leaders took their property away. They gave it to the people who lent the farmers money (2:6, 8; 5:12). This was against the law of Moses. Often the laws in Israel did not protect the poor people. So the nation deserved the punishment of God.

Amos Introduction – Bible Commentary in EasyEnglish by Mark Kirkpatrick (2024)


What is the main message of the book of Amos? ›

The message of Amos lands on the global church today with as much force and necessity as it landed on the people of God 2,700 years ago. The key idea in Amos is that God is just and impartial and will judge not only the nations but also his own people for their life of ease and apathy amid human suffering.

What are the most important points of Amos? ›

The messages of Amos insist that God's relationship with people includes all of their lives. Amos insists that because of injustice and oppression, God's anger has been provoked and judgment will come. The judgment that Amos announced was not a final judgment, but a part of God's relationship with the people.

What is the first chapter of Amos about? ›

This chapter contains prophecies of God's judgments on Israel's neighbours, Syria, Philistia, Tyre, Edom, and Ammon. Judgments on Moab, and on Israel itself, follow in chapter 2. Book of Amos (1:1–5:21) in Latin in Codex Gigas, made around 13th century.

What is the lesson of the book of Amos? ›

Through Amos' words, we can still hear the call to learn from Israel's hypocrisy and the disastrous consequences of their sins. It's a call to embrace the true worship of God that should always lead to justice, righteousness, and loving our neighbor. That's what the book of Amos is all about.

What is the moral of the story of Amos? ›

Amos, especially, of all the Old Testament prophets, is associated with social justice. In no uncertain terms he lashed out at the callousness of the rich toward the poor. They sold the poor for profit (2:6), crushed the needy (4:1), and trampled upon them (5:11) in their greed for gain.

What is the key verse in Amos? ›

Amos 5:14 Seek good and not evil, that you may live; and so the Lord, the God of hosts, will be with you, just as you have said.

What are Amos 5 visions? ›

Each vision showed that the Lord intended to completely destroy the kingdom of Israel if the people did not repent. The first two visions were of destructions that were avoided because Israel repented (see Amos 7:1–6). The next three visions revealed ways Israel had not repented (see Amos 7:7–9; 8:1–3; 9:1–4).

What is the theology of the book of Amos? ›

In the book of Amos 1: 1-15 teaches us that the people's struggle is inseparable from God's justice. God gives protection to His people to pass through every issue or problem of life. God also does His justice both to good doers and condemnation to those who do evil.

What are the three parts of the book of Amos? ›

The book may be divided into three sections: (1) oracles against foreign nations and Israel (chapters 1–2); (2) oracles of indictment against Israel for her sins and injustices (chapters 3–6); and (3) visions and words of judgment (chapters 7–9).

What does the passage from the book of Amos teach? ›

It repeatedly points out the failure of the people to fully embrace God's idea of justice. They were selling off needy people for goods, taking advantage of the helpless, oppressing the poor, and the men were using women immorally (Amos 2:6–8; 3:10; 4:1; 5:11–12; 8:4–6).

What is the spiritual meaning of the name Amos? ›

Origin:Hebrew. Meaning:to carry; borne by God. Amos, translating to "to carry" or "born by God," can make for a short, sweet choice if you want to help baby connect to your faith.

What does the book of Amos say about God? ›

But Yahweh is a merciful God, and he gives them one last chance to turn back to covenant faithfulness. God doesn't want empty religious practices from his people. He wants to see his love for people reflected through the Israelites and faithfulness to Yahweh alone, but this can only come through renewed hearts.

What is the general message of Amos? ›

Introduction. Amos warned the Israelites that they would be destroyed if they did not repent. He prophesied that because the Israelites had rejected the Lord's prophets, the Lord would remove the prophets from among them. Amos also warned the nations bordering Israel and Judah that they would be destroyed.

What is the book of Amos teaching us? ›

The book of Amos places an emphasis on prophets (see Bible Dictionary, “Amos”). Amos explained that God uses prophets to do His work (see Amos 3:7). Amos warned of the judgments that were about to come upon the people of Israel because they had rejected the prophets.

What is the main theme of the book of Amos? ›

The major themes in the book of Amos – judgment, injustice, lament, the sin of God's people, repentance – are not easy subjects. Reading them today we may well be tempted to downplay the force of the message and dilute the challenge it brings.

What was the main teaching of the prophet Amos? ›

Amos warned the Israelites that they would be destroyed if they did not repent. He prophesied that because the Israelites had rejected the Lord's prophets, the Lord would remove the prophets from among them. Amos also warned the nations bordering Israel and Judah that they would be destroyed.

What is the main theme of Amos prophecy? ›

The major themes in the book of Amos – judgment, injustice, lament, the sin of God's people, repentance – are not easy subjects. Reading them today we may well be tempted to downplay the force of the message and dilute the challenge it brings.

Who is God talking to in Amos? ›

God Will Not Do Anything without Forewarning His Prophets. Amos spoke to the whole of Israel, all twelve families or tribes. Using the metaphor of a husband, the Lord reminded Israel that He had chosen no other (see Amos 3:2; Deuteronomy 7:6).

Why is the book of Amos important today? ›

Over the years, not only has the book of Amos become an inspiration for contemporary struggles against social oppression and injustice, the life and ministry of the prophet himself has become a model for pastors/prophets and crusaders of justice and righteousness today.

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